
Paid Help


“Hey, are you okay?”

I tried to get closer to her and placed my hand on her shoulders. She’s sitting with her hands hugging her knees and I know she’s not acting at all. She’s scared. Maybe she’s claustrophobic or something.

She shook her head, accompanied with a sniff. I leaned closer to look at her eyes. She’s still crying. And it tears my heart to see that.

“They’re on their way here, I’m sure. Come on, Hold my hand.”

I’m not sure if holding my hand would make a difference. I’m not certain if something as minimal as that could even cause a change on her mood. I tried anyway. I held her hand and she squeezed it.

I sat beside her with nothing but silence between us. The elevator was immobile. Behind the steel doors, I hear nothing. No footsteps, no voices, no help from anyone.

But this isn’t the first time this happened. Surely, the guards already know something is wrong. They’ll be here any minute now. They’ll be here to rescue us.