
Empty Threats


“Choose your words carefully, nephew. You don’t know what I’m capable of. I can take away the company from you with just a snap of my hand. Never be too sure. Nothing's permanent in this life.”

I can see the rage in Aaron’s eyes as he uttered those words. I guess the statement I let go of has hurt his pride. But I have no intention of backing down. Not right now when he’s starting to get into my nerves.

“I’d like to see you try, uncle. But I can assure you none of those scheming of yours are gonna work.”

His face soured even more. I know in his mind; he has already hit me too many times in a fatal manner. Tina was beside me and now has grabbed my forearm. She’s in her protective mode already.

“Aaron, for your sake, get out now before I call the security.”

Tina said that in a firm and bold manner. I didn’t need her to do it but perhaps she has felt the disrespect in the room as well. I can’t blame her. Aaron could be a lot most of the time.