
Another Surprise, I Guess


What is happening to me?

This isn’t supposed to be like this. Seems like yesterday I was only commending her efforts to make that deal possible and now I almost told her I like her. Good thing I successfully stopped myself from blurting out words I know I will later regret.

However, the struggle does not end there. It came with me to the room where Tina and I were preparing to sleep.

“you can use the bathroom first, sir.”

She insisted, for the fourth time since we got back from the events’ hall.

“okay, then. I promise I’ll be quick.” – I said, gaining a frown from her.

I took a quick shower, trying to save more time as possible. It’s already late at night and as my body tells me, the entire day was long and exhausting. From the time we arrived, we haven’t even rested. Not for a bit. Thus explains my body’s pulsing need to shut down.

When I was done, I chose to change into a comfortable white tee shirt bearing the company’s name and a pair of blue shorts with palm trees designs on the back. To change clothes while being in the shower was hard but I wont risk another embarrassment before this day ends by displaying my half nudity (not that I haven’t yet) in front of my secretary…. Who now happens to be someone I have a crush on. Just a crush. I swear.

Also, it’s pretty obvious I have competition. That Erwan guy clearly has the hots for her, just playing it cool. Just a friend from the past, huh? I spent so much time with George and the boys that I know a downplay when I see one.

“bathroom’s all yours, Tina.” – I said, drying my hair with a damp towel as I walked to my side of the bed.

She nodded and walked towards the bathroom’s direction, a pink jump short clutched on her right hand. The door closed with a thud, loud enough to awaken me and say I should not be looking at it.

Take it down a notch, Jiego. You’re her boss.

This is simply inappropriate.

I laid flat on the bed and shut my eyes. The day is finally coming to an end. With it, my unending thoughts of how Tina looked on that dress tonight should evaporate with it. Tomorrow comes the companies’ meeting. And I should be thinking of that instead.

Good night, Tina.




Soft music awakened me. no, not really music at all. It was a sound of someone singing. I opened my eyes to see the curtains were up and the tide of the ocean was up. The music was coming from the bathroom, and it didn’t take me too long to realize that it was Tina singing in the shower.

A little smile crept on my face. She can sing, too? What else can she do? She already bagged the brains and the talent category. As I enjoyed listening to her early serenade, I got up to fold the blankets and fix the bed. i was halfway done when she walked in, now dressed in a fresh red sundress. A white towel was wrapped around her hair.

“I… I didn’t know you’re already up, sir.”

Oh yeah. I’m up.

I managed to smile.

“good morning, Tina.”

“Good morning, sir. I was notified they were searching breakfast at the buffet area. Shall I meet you there?”

And leave you with the possibility of talking to that Erwan guy? I don’t think so.

“actually, do you mind waiting for me? I’ll take a quick shower and change. I won’t take long, I promise.”

She looked confused of what I said but nodded anyway.

“nice voice, I have to say.”

Dawn of realization shone on her face and gave her cheeks a pink tint. I meant what I said. I wanted that to come out as a compliment.

Not to mention she looked cute while blushing, that is.



Ten minutes later and we were walking side by side to the buffet area. I only brought my phone with me but Tina insisted to bring her notebook. It was a yellow feathery one with dog-eared edges. According to her, kit was her college notes on business strategies. For some reason, she wanted to talk about that for breakfast.

“we only have 11 hours before the meeting, sir. as for the file you sent my email, I realized that there are A LOT of company representatives attending. What’s the point is that you should stand out among the rest. This International Group of Investors should notice you. You should be the star of the show.”

I smiled. her dedication to this work is astonishing. A staff approached us and asked for what we prefer for breakfast so she can assist us. I told her I’d be fine with black coffee, 3 toasted bread slices and some butter. Tina requested for a bowl of their rice and carrot porridge, together with a blueberry muffin and a latte. After noting it down, the female staff wished us a good morning.

“okay, where was I? right… I have these notes from your father himself, Sir. There were times he would visit the school and just get into rooms to monitor classes. One time Mr. Frederick, our Financial Management professor told him to share some tips to the class. I was the first one to raise my hand and ask a question.”

“what did you ask?”

She smiled, too glad that I was interested with what she has to say too.

“I asked, ‘of all the businessmen and women, how does one rise from the crowd and be acknowledged?’ then he asked Mr. Frederick if he could borrow us for the day and gave us a full lecture instead. It was one of the most memorable days of my college life.”

Her eyes were twinkling as she talk about her admiration to Mr. Sy. The father I never met. It was amazing how she has some huge respect towards the man though, even if they only have limited interactions.

“go on, Tina. I’m listening.” – I said when she paused. The foods we requested were coming our way, held on a tray with the same staff. The smell of coffee immediately filled the air as it was placed in front of us. I thanked the lady and picked up a toast. It was slightly burnt, just the way I like it.

Tina opened the notebook she has on her lap. She scanned through the pages until she stopped midway. She read it quietly as first, using her fingers to trace the words on the page. I, on the other hand, was enjoying the sight of the exact angle from here. I can freely look at her facial features without her looking. And I listened… but my heart was telling me otherwise. I heard the words she was saying but the thumping on my chest was suddenly louder. It felt like it was bursting out. Like I was bursting out.

“… that’s an advantage, though. You being a Sy. I mean, everyone in the country knows the name. we can play that to your advantage.”

I was nodding absently… until a familiar name on the phone screen alerted my system. It was a call from someone I haven’t heard in a while. Someone who has a huge role in this story. Someone who only calls for important matters. Especially something that usually comes as a surprise.

Atty. Derek Sumayo.