
Chapter 7

A luxurious car that would surely belong to that of a rich person has parked in front of the school gate. There, a woman with long silky straight hair came out of it. Her beauty mesmerized every student passing by, may it be boys or girls alike.

Stood besides her is a man of a fairly decent height with a rather lean muscular build that is hidden in his uniform. His presence has made the girls swoon over him and the guys jealous of his good looks.

These two students are very well known in school. The woman is named Cindy Kim, the sole granddaughter of Richard Kim the Chairman of one of the biggest Enterprises in South Korea. The one who always accompany her is Noah Kwon, a guy born from a family of humble origins and Cindy Kim's personal bodyguard. Both of them are second years in High school.

They are a treat in the eyes and most would surely agree that they are a matching fit for each other. Some even suspects that the two of them are secretly dating.

Among the crowd, someone spotted Cindy get out of the car and immediately ran towards her and hug her tightly.


Cindy recognized the person that suddenly embraced her. That person is one of the few friends she had. She then passionately returned the hug.

"How have you been? Camille.."

That person is none other than Camille Cho. She and Cindy had been friends since they were young as Cindy's grandfather and Camille's father are friends in the business industry.

"It's been so long since I got to see you Unnie. I missed you."

"I missed you too."

They then broke the hug and Camille talked about things that happened when Cindy was away as they walk inside the school building.

Camille mentioned Kyle on their conversation many times than any can count. This caused Cindy to be curious of who this guy might be that made her friend so fixated.

Cindy learned upon their conversation that Kyle transferred here just right after she took a long leave in school. Moreover, Kyle was also assigned to the same class as her and Noah.


When Cindy and Noah got inside and sat on their classroom, it's expected they would gather the attention of their classmates. All turned their heads for them except one. A guy with raven black hair the same color as hers and a somewhat lean figure added with a delicate face one can mistake that of a woman.

Kyle Yoon is the only one who didn't bother to look at them. Cindy then grew an interest in him and checked him out.

'So he's that new student. I must say, his looks isn't inferior to that of Noah's.'

Kyle noticed her glancing at him as he also stared at her. Their eyes met and made Cindy to get flustered thus her cool and unobtainable flower persona got broken to pieces with just a stare from our protagonist. After a few seconds, Kyle retracted his gaze and returned back on talking with Kevin and Stephen. Cindy then got immersed in her thoughts.

'What's with that guy?'

Noah noticed Cindy's sudden shift in behavior and stormed out of his seat to force Kyle up by his uniform.

"You! What did you do to Ms. Cindy?!"

"I really don't like it when someone just suddenly grabs me and shouts in my face."

Kyle was unamused by what Noah did. He was about to grab the impulsive boy's wrist when Stephen came to Noah's rescue.

Stephen forced Noah's hands off of Kyle's uniform to prevent further confrontation or to be exact, acting on experience since he also done this kind of thing to Kyle back then which caused him an ass whooping.

"Now...now, calm down you too."

Cindy also interrupted and told Noah that it's all a misunderstanding.

"Stop Noah, he didn't do anything. I'm the one at fault here since I over reacted."

Noah apologized to our protagonist about his sudden impulse that caused needless problem. He then extended his arnlm for a friendly handshake.

Kyle took his hand and shook it. While shaking Noah's hand, he spoke.

"It's alright since you apologized but if you grab me like that again, be prepared for a broken finger or two."

By this time, Kyle had already tightened his grip over Noah's hand with his veins slowly bulging indicating that he's not joking.

Noah winced a bit but didn't let it show on his face. Kyle's grip was so strong to the point that his hand wouldn't even budge.

After the handshake, Noah held his swollen hand. If he didn't get his hand out of there on time, maybe it had been broken already. Noah didn't think that the transfer student's almost frail looking body can exert strength enough to almost crush his hand.


Cindy is currently walking towards the school cafeteria with Noah when they cross over William Jang.

"Good day Cindy."

"Don't talk to me. The mere sight of you is enough to make me sick."

"Still as fierce as ever I see."

Like Camille, Cindy also hated William's guts for the same reason. William is someone who will shamelessly leech off of a rich person to save his father's declining company. If he were to marry into one of the influential families like Camille's, their company would surely be saved.

William was also shameless enough to also go for Cindy if his approach on Camille failed. He may look like a decent person on the outside but inside he's a very depraved individual that would even use others for his own benefits.

"Let's go Noah."

The two then ignored William but stopped when Camille and Kyle's name were mentioned.

"You may know by now that Camille is quite close to the transfer student right?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"He might just be getting close to Camille for her money so better keep a look out at him."

"That description best suit you though."

"Whether you listen to what I said or not, it's up to you."

And just that, William left the two of them. Since Cindy hates people like William who likes to use others for their personal gain , she can't brush off what William had just said. If what he just uttered are true, then she must separate Camille away from that transfer student as soon as possible.

Cindy requested Noah to investigate about Kyle's background. There she discovered that Kyle is working as a part timer at a convenience store nearby. Moreover, Noah also heard various rumors spread in school that Kyle was supposedly taking money from Camille from time to time.

These rumors were secretely made by none other than William Jang himself to make Cindy believe his claims more easily.

This greatly angered Cindy and decided to confront Kyle. She will not let anyone take advantage of her bestfriend, she will protect Camille any way possible at any cost.