
Chapter 4

"As you see, student Park here claimed that he saw exactly what happened that day and since he is an honor student of the school, there's no way he would lie about something as serious as this right? Kevin, kindly explain what you saw that day."

"Y..yes sir, I sa..saw Kyle beat Jason Sunbae w..with my own eyes."

'He's lying.'

"Oh? Are you sure the one you saw is truly me Kevin Park?" asked Kyle looking at Kevin straight in the eyes.

Kevin desperately avoided eye contact and shamefully replied yes.

"Now that we have a confession, what can you say about this Kyle Yoon?" taunted the Principal.

"It's true that I'm the one who did that to him but he's the one who provoked me first, not only once but several times already."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Could you please call Stephen Kang from my class here? He can explain everything."

Stephen Kang was then called out to go to the Principal's office. When he arrived, he stood next to Kyle.

"Stephen Kang, is it true that Jason Lee was the first one to provoke Kyle Yoon?"

Jason was all smug thinking that Kyle had lost his mind. Stephen kang was one of Jason's lackeys so he can't possibly sell him off, or so he thought.

"Y..yes, it was Jason Sunbae that provoked Kyle first. It was not only him, there's are several others as well including Jimmy Lim, Ted Jung and lastly me, that's why I can back my statement because I am present when that happened. I am willing to accept punishment for my involvement."

'W..what!? This motherf*cker dares to backstab me?!'

Flashback fifteen minutes ago as to before Kyle left the room, he whispered something to Stephen's ears.

"I will call for you in the office later so you better know what to say if you still want to keep breathing."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't think I don't know what Jason's plotting."


"You might only get a few beatings from Jason if you sell him out but if you don't do what I say, you can just imagine the outcome yourself so you better think carefully."

Kyle then gave Stephen a light pat on the shoulder. That might look like a light friendly pat for the others but for Stephen, he felt an extreme oppresion cover his whole body. It's like the Grim Reaper is pointing it's scythe on his very neck ready to cut off his head the moment he makes a single mistake. The unexplainable fear made him tremble in his seat as he profusely nodded his head in agreement.

The Principal sweatdropped at the unexpected turn of event. At first, he just wanted to underhandedly help his nephew but now the table have been completely turned against them.

'This is completely out of my expectaions. What should I do about this?!'

"If I may, let me say a few words to Jason Sunbaenim."

"G-go ahead." agreed the Principal.

"Jason Lee, are you prepared for the consequences of doing this?"

Jason flinched on what Kyle had just said. Those were not the eyes of an ordinary person. The mere glare from Kyle made it hard for him to even breath properly.

"How dare you threaten my son! And you, is it true that you're the one who started all this?!"

"Calm down Mrs. Lee, we're at a disadvantage. The one who's in trouble right now is your son." the Principal whispered to Jason's mother.

"What will you do now? My son got exposed!"

"I will think of a way to fix this so don't worry."

Letting Kyle go easily left a bad taste on both Jason and his mother's mouths.

"Fine, We'll let you go for now!"

"No, no, no Mrs. Lee. The one who decides to let go whom here is me." reminded Kyle.

"What do you mean by that?!"

"Your son was the one who made trouble with me first but he has the audacity to report me of physical harm using even false statements but now that it's proven that he lied, you're saying you will let me go? How laughable. I didn't know you could still make a joke at your age Mrs. Lee."

"You! Are you insulting me?!" growled Jason.

"Oh no, no, no, no.....yeah?"

"You b*tch!"

He was about to pounce on Kyle but his uncle the principal stopped him.

"Let me go! I'm going to kill that bastard!"

"Calm down Jason, you're only digging your grave dipper." struggled the principal while holding Jason back from laying his hands on Kyle.

"Jason Lee, what do you think would happen if this matter ever got out? Not only will it greatly affect your father's reputation as a Congressman of this country, it could also ruin your lives altogether."

"I'm not afraid of you! Do you think that the people will believe you rather than the son of a public official?!"

As soon as Jason uttered those words, Kyle brought out his phone from his pocket and a recording started playing from it. The recording is the conversation they had inside the room since the beginning.

"I believe that everything that was discussed here would be fabricated to save your faces so I took the chance to record everything."

"Give it to me!" panicked the Principal trying to get Kyle's phone.

"I will be keeping it thank you. Don't forget Mr. Principal, I can also make you lose your position as the principal of this school for unjustly protecting your nephew. I hope you remember that."

Kyle clearly enjoys the horrid look on their faces. He has an impulse of triggering his sadist side from time to time.

Jason and his mother trembled in fear of what the audio recording might do to their family. That alone can turn their lives upside down. The principal also can't get out of here unscathe, if the recording ever get leaked out his position as Principal might be in danger for participating with his nephew in framing up a student.

Kyle then made a demand that if Jason were to ever mess with him again, he will spread the recording everywhere and they can kiss their current lives goodbye. The three reluctantly agreed to a student's demands to help keep their status. They shouldn't have tried to provoke him if they knew that this will be the outcome of their actions.

"Ah, one last thing. Jason Lee, I have already let go your actions towards me three times already including this one. Remember, my patience is limited so don't abuse it or else don't blame me for whatever happens to you."

After Kyle got cleared of his matters, he left the office together with his two other classmates.

"F*ck, I can't accept this! We do we have to listen to him?!" yelled Jason.

"We can't do anything about it, any wrong move can put our family at risk."

"That's right, he's got the upper hand now so we can't act rashly."

While three of them walked together back to the classroom, Kevin deliberately kept his distance from Kyle.

"Hey Kevin Park."

"Y..yes?!" jolted Kevin.

"You were threatened didn't you?"

"H..how did you know?"

"Cause you look like a wimp that could easily get taken advantage of."

Stephen butted in their conversation but was met with a slap in the face.

"Says the one who obeyed me like an obedient little dog."

"If they ever knew your true nature, who would ever want to mess with you?!" cried Stephen holding his slapped cheek.

Kevin apologized to what he's done. Kyle forgave him and told him not to dwell on it any longer.

"By the way Kyle, why does it look like you're not just an ordinary person."

Kevin was quite curious of who Kyle really is due to his recent actions.

"Yeah, that's what I think too." added Stephen.

"Why do you think that is?"

"Well, the way you handled the situation earlier is so amazing. You completely turned the tide against them. You're also always so calm and collected that it's quite scary."

"And also one hella good of a fighter."

"I'll leave that to you're imaginations. Let's go back, lunchtimes almost over."

The three of them went back to their classroom now that the whole matter is solved.