

Immediately after work Axelle took a taxi to Jeru's house,his house was quite messy she arranged everything and went to prepare dinner.

"Perfect" she made her remark as everything was right.

Now all she had to do was wait she tied her in a ponytail with a white scrunchie she always keeps in her bag,and unbuttoned the first two buttons of her office shirt and folded the sleeves .

The door was clicking "Jeru is here " she got up and watched Jeru come in with a girl they were kissing she stood there hoping he would see her and explain all this but no they kept removing their clothing items as her hips swung with his every move as they climbed the stairs.

She was completely ignored was he that lost or tangled in his lustful desires.

With her teary eyes she walked upstairs and slammed the door open.

"Jeru?!" She said sobbing "why?" She continued

Jeru looked at her and then to the girl under him he didn't spare her a glance nor explanation and then he said "leave am busy."

Assistant Nikky just continued her work trying to please as it was part of her contract.

Axelle shook her head in disbelief but finally retreated and left the house with her bag her appearance was dishevled she hailed a cab and ran to her apartment after selling the driver.

She wore her nighties and washed her face she didn't eat nor did she drink she sat on the couch with a frown seems like she was lost in thoughts.

'does that explain the moans?,the condom,the rumours were through then, Jeru's mother wasn't line if her son's infidelity.' was I that dumb or lost in 'love'

Just then her phone rang she looked at the caller ID 'my jeru' she laughed so he was not my Jeru but every bodies the number kept calling and she finally picked up.

"Where are you babe?" Jeru said as he drove with his hand roughing his kempt black hair .

"Somewhere you are not I thought you were busy Mr Lin."

"Don't do this Axy."

"It's a misunderstanding let me explain,where are you?"

She took a deep breath she still loves him yeah of course but he cheated what would most romance novel suggest ? I have no idea lol.

"I'm not telling where I am I could be anywhere but as long as it's far from you it's wonderful"

"Stop being bitter Axy let me explain for fuck sake."

"Speak over the phone Mr Lin."

"Look she drugged me,I don't even know her,I always loved you and still do so I won't cheat because you won't cheat on me, Axy love."

"Are you sure?, Jeru Xeru promise (their couple name)"

"I promise you,you are not angry again right?"

"No,I love you,and am home bye" she giggled and disconnected the call.