

Axelle called Susan who was probably in the office working over time because of Devin.

She casually lay on the bed and let everything today play in her head.

Today Devin looked mesmerising,his brown hair was gelled back different from the mature sideways he always did,his suit was taken off and he was rather calm than cold today when she worked with him when others were having lunch,she enjoyed every bit of it and now she was laying bored at home.

Susan will be tired from work so I will wait tomorrow to gist her she took her phone and typed Devin sy on her epi gram she had never stalked him but then boredom is a bitch so she did.

There were only two pictures on his account one with a girl probably a red carpet sweetheart he smiled making him look very young and the other he was stern while in paparazzi photos you could see him in gym or casually drinking wine.

She tapped on a shirtless photo of him 'god!' that was what he looked like a demi god he was in casuals and his hair was unkempt.

Axelle unconsciously bit her lips.

For someone with such an attitude he has great looks she doubled tapped on his shirtless photo which made it look like she was stalking him the photo was taken months ago for fuck sake and he was tagged by crazy fans so he would be notified that an account 'Axelle Barton' liked a photo your tagged him.

She was doomed.

When Devin got the notification he frowned because he was busy working but when he saw its contents he grinned 'too hot to handle eh?' he thought as that was what the photo she liked was captioned.

He gave her a text on iMessage while grinning.

Ceo Sy :: I would appreciate you rest rather than liking some guys picture who apparently is 'too hot to handle' you have serious work tomorrow.

Axelle Barton: you wish,I wasn't my younger sister mistakenly tapped it thinking it was someone she knew. She was glad it was through messages her face was red due to blush as she lied.

Ceo Sy : you make the worst liar.

Axelle flushed and quickly typed to change the topic.

Axelle Barton: You are probably at work now?

Ceo Sy:Yes am rounding up with work and Susan should be home I dismissed her early.

Axelle Barton: thank you bye Mr CEO.

Ceo Sy:'liked the message and continued his work which he was almost through with'.

Axelle stared at her phone in daze did she just chat with Devin just like that and he was not as cold as he was.

She broke out of her daze when she heard a knock.


"Hmm I will never tell" Axelle knew Jeru's voice and ran to the door to hug him tightly that scent that he loved.

"I'm too tired to go out let's buy groceries from downstairs and cook a sumptuous dinner." Axelle suggested as they walked hand in hand downstairs,Axelle didn't mind that what she wore made her look younger rather than cute couples they seemed to be ' brother and sister ' to outsiders.

"Okay bills on me" Jeru said cheerfully Axelle patted his shoulder as they walked into the store they bought a few groceries but Axelle caught something was that a condom?,she decided not to talk about after all its been two years now so she could sacrifice it just for tonight.

They walked to her apartment and arranged the groceries.

Jeru prepared dinner while Axelle prepared desert they arranged it in the small living room while they watched a movie.

They ate happily and chatted with laughter resounding round the room.



" Is it okay if i escort my boss to a family get together."

Jeru looked at her an unknown glint passed his eyes "but I suppose it is the same boss that makes you leave late."

"Jeru stop,it's just one family dinner nothing too much,he kind of saved my life after he tried to take it"

" I trust you babe."

She hugged him tightly Jeru left the house with no intention and no where was the condom either she grew suspicious.