
Mr Reigns

I was going to die on the stairs. Before I could actually feel the other steps of the stairs, I felt hands wrapped themselves around my waist. My eyes were closed. Why do we close our eyes when there were some dangers? That was stupid. As if with closed eyes, we weren't going to feel any pain. "Fuck. Are you okay?" I opened my eyes quickly when I heard this deep sexy voice. My eyes widened at the sexy piece of human standing in front of me. No human had the right to be that sexy. "God?" I asked. When he rose one of his perfect eyebrows in confusion, I realized how stupid I sounded. His perfect face was everything. His well trimmed beard made him look so handsome. His green eyes was hypnotizing. As his body was pressed against mine, I could feel how muscular he was. He helped up stand up and roughly let go of me. His eyes trailed to the floor. I followed his eyes to see a cigarette on the floor. "I'm sorry?" I more like questioned. Was I supposed to apologize for the wasted cigarette which was going to ruin his health? "Thank you" I said when I decided to look at him again. He was already staring at me. He was wearing a black suit. His hair was perfectly fixed. I wonder how would he look if his hair was messy and he was wearing a Jean. Noticing that he was not going to say anything else, I stared at the stairs. "I'm going to go" I simply said and walked down the stairs carefully. When I was on the grass, I gently lifted my dress so that it wouldn't be ruined and walked bare feet on the grass. I turned my head slightly to look at the man, who seemed to be observing me. He was still on the stairs, his eyes on me. He was model worthy. He did seem to the snobby type of man. I quickly turned around to face the woods. That man could take the breath away just by his looks.

Lechna Baram · Urban
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77 Chs

Any Better

#Chapter58 Any Better

Even though everything inside of me was screaming at me for the decision that I suddenly, I walked around the house, trying to find a glimpse of Kale. I had no idea where he was. Walking to the kitchen, I noticed Ace sitting on one of the chairs. He had his drink in his hands and his phone in the other one. I wanted to turn around and walk away before he could notice me but it was already too late.

/"Kay/" he called. Reluctantly, I turned around to look at him.

/"Yes/" I breathed with a fake smile on my face.

/"What are you up to?/" He asked.

/"I'm looking for Kale/" I admitted.

/"I saw him in the library earlier/" he said.

Wait. What?

/"There's a library?/" I asked. He chuckled in amusement before nodding.

/"It's just next to your room/" he shook his head in disbelief.

Was it now?