
I Want You

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Bai Ran had been squatting for so long on her heels that she felt a little dizzy when she stood up abruptly. Before she was able to steady herself, Jiang Yueping had already set her plan into action.

She was completely unprepared and it seemed as if she was about to have an intimate hug with the earth again.

The night breeze was slightly chilly.

Bai Ran closed her eyes. But instead of feeling the onset of pain that she had anticipated, she heard a warm, gentle voice.

"I want you."

These three words were concise and straightforward; his voice was filled with an irresistible aura.

Bai Ran's body stiffened as she felt herself fall into someone's arms.

Looking back in surprise, she realized she was in the arms of that tall, handsome stranger who was standing in front of her earlier while she was kneeling on the lawn searching for her ring.

"You…" Bai Ran moved her lips, but before she could complete her sentence, she saw the man extend his index finger and place it gently on her lips.


Bai Ran had never experienced a sensation like this before, and her body turned even more rigid from the shock. She didn't dare move or speak.


Their position was rather strange. His index finger was pressing against her lips, so if she opened her mouth to speak, it would look as if…

She was kissing his finger.

Quan Rui studied the girl's stunned expression and felt supreme satisfaction at his maneuvering.

Just when the two of them were gazing into each other's eyes, Jiang Yueping looked over and shrieked aloud, "Brother…brother-in-law! How could…how could you…"


Bai Ran got the gist of what Jiang Yueping had said.

When she turned back once more at the man beside her, Bai Ran was frowning again.

"Jiang Yueping's brother-in-law? That means this guy is Quan Rui, President of Universal Group."

Everyone in the Jiang Family knew that Jiang Bangyuan had an arranged marriage with Quan Rui, and Bai Ran naturally knew this too.

However, this was her first time seeing Quan Rui.

He was as majestic and noble as rumored, so much so that one would hardly even dare to peep at him.

Bai Ran never expected such a person to embrace her at this moment.

Frowning, she extended her arm calmly, intending to push away this domineering man who was embracing her.

"He was Quan Rui, the man who had an arranged marriage with Jiang Bangyuan."

"I want nothing to do with anyone related to the Jiang Family, and I want nothing to do with the likes of him."

"Please let go…"

Bai Ran spoke up, but before she could finish her sentence, she realized to her astonishment that Quan Rui had quickly closed the gap between them.

He turned his body sideways but faced her directly and was very close to her.

His lips were a mere two centimeters from hers.

No matter which angle one viewed the two of them from, it would naturally look like he was kissing her.

But in reality, Quan Rui controlled the distance between them perfectly.

He did not touch her lips.

But being so close to him, she could feel his warm breath on her face.

The sensation instantly made the atmosphere between them turn steamy.

At that very moment, Bai Ran was still facing Jiang Yueping. But from where Jiang Yueping was standing, the only thing she could see was the back of Quan Rui's head.

"So Quan Rui is kissing Bai Ran??!"

"It certainly looked that way! What else could they be doing?"

"But isn't Quan Rui my prospective brother-in-law? And he's kissing the lowliest little wretch in the family who couldn't even use the Jiang Family's surname. Why on earth would my brother-in-law kiss her?"

Jiang Yueping drew in a breath of shock while staring at the scene before her eyes in stunned disbelief.

For a moment, the air seemed frozen.

Everything was quiet. The only sound to be heard was the whir of the gentle breeze blowing behind their ears.

The person who broke this stalemate was Jiang Bangyuan, who had rushed over subsequently.

"Rui? You guys… What are you guys doing?!"