


I woke up with a smile on my face. I was excited to attend high school with Shane and Emma. Just as I was standing up I heard a knock on the door. /"Enter/" I replied with smile. I saw Emma poked her head in the room.

/"Good morning Nya/" she said as she lunged at me making both of us fall on the bed. We were both laughing out ass off when Shane entered my room. Seeing us, he started running towards us jumping on the bed. His half body was on me and the other half was on Emma. /"You're choking us/" Emma said she was faking death. We all stood up trying to calm our laugher. I missed this type of morning. I was happy having them with me. I hugged them and a tear rolled on my cheek.

/"I've missed you/" I said as I hugged both of them tightly. They returned me my hug and Shane kissed my cheek and walked out of my room lazily. Emma looked at me and sat on my bed.

/"Can I have a ride with you?/" she asked quietly. I rolled my eyes at her and sat next to her.

/"Is it something you think you should have asked? Of course,/" I replied as I smiled at her. She hugged me and stood up.

/"Thank you and get ready/" she said as she walked out of the room. I pulled my curtains and walked to my wardrobe. I decided to wear a tight black jean and a white tank top. I wore my black high heel boots and did my bag for school. I walked to the kitchen where I found my mother preparing the breakfast. Tom went to work early.

/"Good morning/" My mother sang as we sat on the chairs. We all greeted her as she served us the breakfast. We were all chatting with each other. Shane and Emma called my mother 'mom' and I felt a bit guilty as I called my step father by his name when he actually acts like a father to me. The atmosphere that was reigning in the house was pleasant. We were like a real family. In fact, we were a real family.

/"So you'll come with me?/" I asked Shane as I knew that he didn't have a car. He shook his head and stood up.

/"No I'll be going with my friend Jake/" he replied.

/"A hottie living next door/" Emma added while giggling. Next door? So the boy's name is Jake. I smiled to myself. A beautiful name for a handsome guy. /"Hey let's go/" Emma pulled me towards the door. I blew a kiss to my mother and walked out of the house. We walked in the Audi and just as I started, I notice Mr hottie getting out of his house and he got in his car as well as Shane.

I was driving when suddenly I heard a honk. Shane was waving at me. I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. Emma's phone started ringing and she answered it and put it on loud speaker. /"Hey, what about a race?/" Shane asked with a bit of excitement. I smiled.

/"I'm in/" I replied and soon their car was just next to mine. Jake's eyes were on the road and Shane was counting to three. Jake turned to look at me and I quickly looked away. /"Three!/" Shane yelled and with that I sped away. I don't like to lose so for me, I had to win. Emma burst music in the car and we were singing aloud. No one could beat me in Car racing. Jake was suddenly beside us and Shane was waving like a crazy. They overtook us and Emma was screaming like a mad girl next to me.

/"Go!/" Emma yelled in my ears and soon I drove even faster. Emma grabbed the seat and screamed. What? She wanted me to drive faster and that's what I did. I smiled as I overtook them and soon we arrived at school making us the winner. Just as I parked the car, Emma and myself got out of the car waiting for them to come. We had a big smile on our face.

The boys parked the car next to us and Shane got out with a smirk. Hottie got out next and turned to face me. /"Don't tell anyone please/" Shane said as he stood in front of me. Jake smiled and walked to us.

/"I don't know anyone here so no worries/" I replied as Shane let a sigh of relief. Jake smirked at me and placed his hand in front of mine.

/"I'm Jake/" he told me and I thought I was going to faint. That smile of his... Wow. Simply breathtaking. But I wasn't going to show him how he affected me.

/"Nya/" I said as I placed my hand in his and shook his hand. With that I smiled and Emma pulled me towards her. We walked to the principal's office to get my schedule and I met with his assistant who gave them to me. Emma was waiting for me outside and I asked the assistant a few details about the subject provided in this school.

I walked out of the office and saw Emma talking with

two long girls. They were probably cheerleaders as they wore their uniform. I walked to them but walked slowly as I heard their conversation. /"You freaking bitch needs to get a pair of glasses!/" Bitch one yelled at Emma. Those bitches! How can they talk to her like at. Students started gathering around them.

/"I-I /" Emma stuttered. Of course she won't be able to reply to those bitches. They were two against her.

/"I-I/" Bitch Two mocked Emma's stuttering. That was enough! I stepped next to Emma and bitch one and bitch two looked at me confusingly. I saw Jake standing among the students but Shane was nowhere to be found.

/"Talk to her like that again and I'll make sure to rip your throat apart!/" I growled menacingly. They looked taken back.

/"Who the hell are you to tell us what to do?/" Bitch one sneered at me. I looked at her and took a step towards her.

/"Her sister/" I said as I smirked at her. She looked at Emma then back at me.

/"She doesn't have a sister/" Bitch two replied.

/"Yes, I have, Step sister/" Emma replied. The bitches looked taken back at that.

/"Yes, I'm here, if you speak at her like that again, I'm going to beat you to death/" I threatened and they just stared blankly. I took three steps backwards and my eyes fell on Jake. His eyes were wide opened and he looked surprised.

/"I-I/" Bitch two stuttered and looked away so that she wouldn't look into my eyes.

/"I-I/" I mocked just as the way she did a few moments later. She glared at me and I glared back. /"Will you talk to her again in like that?/" I asked menacingly and looked at her into her eyes. She shook her head and with that, I pulled Emma and walked to my locker. Yeah, I can be intimidating when I want to.