
Mr Nobody.

What lies beneath the surface of a man who grew up abandoned by his birth parents? A childhood marred by the trials of an orphanage, only to be thrust into a world of even greater adversity after adoption—where he found himself entangled in a web of struggle and darkness, culminating in the ultimate act of taking a life. Jeremy became a mere shell, a living corpse, his existence a mere obligation. Even amidst wealth and power, his heart remained shrouded in sorrow and despair. Until he encountered Melissa Williams—the epitome of boundless optimism, radiating humor and cheerfulness. Will she become the catalyst that breathes life into his weary soul? Can Melissa turn Jeremy's world upside down and chart a new path filled with hope and redemption? Embark on a captivating journey as these two individuals collide, their lives intertwining in unexpected ways. Unveil the transformative power of human connection, and discover if Melissa holds the key to unlocking the depths of Jeremy's tormented existence.

Pieces_3546 · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 5: A Perfect Dress

Melissa had everything ready for the party, thanks to the helpful staff members Sasha had hired. It seemed that the woman didn't dislike her as much as she initially thought. Just as Melissa was immersed in her preparations, her phone vibrated in her pocket. She retrieved it and saw Nicky's name on the caller ID. Curious, she answered the call.

"Hey Nicky, what's up?" Melissa greeted her friend.

"Where are you??" Nicky's voice came urgently from the other end of the line.

"I'm at work, as I told you this morning. You know I have to make sure everything is ready before tonight's party."

"Yeah, I know that, and that's why I'm calling. Remember, you were supposed to meet me and Sam to pick out a dress for the party," Nicole reminded her, excitement evident in her voice.

"Well, just pick one for me. I still have to supervise some things over here."

"Alright, but don't blame me if I choose something you don't like," Nicky giggled mischievously.

Before Melissa could say anything else, Nicky abruptly hung up. Melissa shook her head, smiling, and returned to her work.

Meanwhile, Nicole Thompson (known as Nicky) and Samantha Axel (known as Sam) were standing outside a mall, ready for a shopping spree.

Nicky was Melissa's childhood friend, and their bond had endured for what felt like an eternity. They had grown up together, sharing countless memories. Sam, on the other hand, was a friend Melissa made during her time in prison. They had supported and helped each other back then, and their friendship remained strong.

"What do you think we should get for Melissa?" Sam asked as they entered one of the shops in the mall.

Nicky's eyes gleamed with excitement as she spotted a short, sleeveless orange dress. "How about that?" she suggested.

Sam shook her head. "Nah, it's too colorful and too short. Melissa won't like it. Besides, it's an evening party, and an exclusive one at that. A lot of influential people will be attending, so she needs something more elegant, like a black dress or something."

Nicky considered Sam's words. "Not black. How about red? It'll really complement her looks, making her eyes pop and her hair look stunning."

Sam agreed. "Yeah, let's find a beautiful red dress then."

At that moment, a soft voice chimed in from behind them. They turned to see a young girl, appearing to be a teenager.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but overhear that you're looking for a red dress," the girl named Rachel said politely.

Nicky and Sam exchanged glances. "Yes," Nicky replied, curious.

"I believe we have something you'll love. Follow me, and I'll show you," Rachel offered with a friendly smile.

Intrigued, Nicky and Sam followed Rachel through the store. They reached a door, and as Rachel opened it, they stepped into a room that took their breath away.

"Wow," Nicky couldn't help but gasp at the sight that unfolded before them.

The room was adorned with numerous mannequins, each showcasing breathtaking dresses in an array of styles and colors.

"Look at that one," Nicky pointed excitedly to a green dress adorned with shimmering emerald stones.

"Whoa, check out this one," Sam exclaimed, standing beside a mannequin draped in a silver dress that reached up to the neck.

"Ladies, please come over here," Rachel called, drawing their attention. Nicky and Sam hurried over to her.

"Well, you said you were looking for a red dress, right?" Rachel asked, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Nicky and Sam were momentarily speechless, their eyes widening in awe. Finally, they managed to find their voices and uttered a single word in unison, "Wow."