
Mr Nobody.

What lies beneath the surface of a man who grew up abandoned by his birth parents? A childhood marred by the trials of an orphanage, only to be thrust into a world of even greater adversity after adoption—where he found himself entangled in a web of struggle and darkness, culminating in the ultimate act of taking a life. Jeremy became a mere shell, a living corpse, his existence a mere obligation. Even amidst wealth and power, his heart remained shrouded in sorrow and despair. Until he encountered Melissa Williams—the epitome of boundless optimism, radiating humor and cheerfulness. Will she become the catalyst that breathes life into his weary soul? Can Melissa turn Jeremy's world upside down and chart a new path filled with hope and redemption? Embark on a captivating journey as these two individuals collide, their lives intertwining in unexpected ways. Unveil the transformative power of human connection, and discover if Melissa holds the key to unlocking the depths of Jeremy's tormented existence.

Pieces_3546 · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 41: Sexianna Black

It was a warm tuesday afternoon and it was no surprise that Jeremy was having his lunch at The Aviary. A high-class english restaurant.

Unbeknownst to him, an intriguing figure named Sexianna Black was about to cross his path.

With an air of confidence, Sexianna glided towards Jeremy's table, clad in a stylish ensemble that exuded a hint of rebellion.

She wore a sleek black leather mini skirt, paired with a matching jacket left slightly ajar, revealing a tantalizing black net bralet with delicate lace accents covering her modesty.

Completing her alluring look were a pair of sleek black boots. Her raven-black hair cascaded down her back, accentuating her captivating green eyes. She emanated an aura that was both mysterious and seductive.

Lucas, Jeremy's right-hand man, intercepted Sexianna's approach, blocking her path before she could reach Jeremy. "You were not invited here. Why have you come?" Lucas inquired, his tone firm and direct. However, Sexianna chose to ignore him, her gaze fixed upon Jeremy.

Her voice dripping with allure, Sexianna appealed to Jeremy, "Won't you ask this imposing gentleman to step aside? I believe he's hindering my progress." Jeremy remained silent, growing weary of such encounters. All he desired was a peaceful lunch.

Unperturbed, Sexianna continued, "I don't mind waiting or even dealing with your bodyguard, should the need arise." She cast a smug glance at Lucas, who scoffed dismissively. "I'd like to see you try," he retorted.

"Not to trouble you further, but I'm happy to wait or take matters into my own hands," Sexianna teased, her eyes locked with Jeremy's. Exuding a mixture of confidence and mischief, she wore her bad girl attire as a badge of honor.

Jeremy let out a weary sigh and placed his cutlery on the table. "Allow her to pass," he relented, and Lucas reluctantly stepped aside, granting Sexianna access. She gracefully made her way to Jeremy's side, settling herself next to him.

"And to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" Jeremy asked.

"I simply came to see my boss. Is that such a crime?" Sexianna responded, her voice laced with a hint of innocence. Her delicate hand lightly brushed against Jeremy's firm chest before she withdrew it, her intentions momentarily revealed.

"Is there a specific reason for your visit?" Jeremy inquired, maintaining a composed demeanor despite the building tension.

"Why, yes, indeed," Sexianna replied with conviction. "I find myself deeply concerned for you. I suspect that you must feel terribly lonely during these trying times. Thus, I've taken it upon myself to provide you solace and companionship."

Sexianna's hand slowly descended, tracing an electrifying path along Jeremy's muscular thigh, inching perilously close to his groin. Just as her touch began to elicit an involuntary response from his body, Jeremy firmly caught her wrist, halting her advances. "Leave before I'm compelled to break your delicate hands," he warned, his voice laden with frustration.

A mischievous smile danced across Sexianna's lips as she welcomed his feeble threat. "Feel free to do as you please. However, I must warn you, I possess an unwavering stubbornness that cannot be deterred."

"You are testing my patience," Jeremy admonished, his resolve wavering.

"Foolishly brave, perhaps," Sexianna retorted, her smile unyielding.

She skillfully maneuvered her hand back to Jeremy's thigh, and this time, his body responded involuntarily to her touch, betraying his inner conflict.

Jeremy let out a frustrated sigh, realizing that his attempts to resist her were futile. Sexianna wore a triumphant expression, having achieved her desired outcome.