
Mr Nobody.

What lies beneath the surface of a man who grew up abandoned by his birth parents? A childhood marred by the trials of an orphanage, only to be thrust into a world of even greater adversity after adoption—where he found himself entangled in a web of struggle and darkness, culminating in the ultimate act of taking a life. Jeremy became a mere shell, a living corpse, his existence a mere obligation. Even amidst wealth and power, his heart remained shrouded in sorrow and despair. Until he encountered Melissa Williams—the epitome of boundless optimism, radiating humor and cheerfulness. Will she become the catalyst that breathes life into his weary soul? Can Melissa turn Jeremy's world upside down and chart a new path filled with hope and redemption? Embark on a captivating journey as these two individuals collide, their lives intertwining in unexpected ways. Unveil the transformative power of human connection, and discover if Melissa holds the key to unlocking the depths of Jeremy's tormented existence.

Pieces_3546 · Urban
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46 Chs

Chapter 15: Not so perfect meeting

Melissa's gaze was irresistibly drawn to the imposing figure standing next to her car. The perfectly tailored black suit accentuated his muscular physique, and her eyes trailed down his straight, powerful legs, leading to a pair of exquisite Italian black leather shoes. A glimpse of a GMT Master Ice Rolex caught her attention as it adorned his wrist. "Damn," she thought, momentarily captivated by his striking appearance.

His chiseled face and alluring lips, coupled with his impeccable fashion sense, could easily enchant any woman. However, Melissa was determined not to let his good looks distract her. She wondered what he was doing in such an unlikely place. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and walked purposefully toward her car.

The distance between them seemed longer than it actually was, for his unwavering gaze made her feel unexpectedly nervous. Melissa's heart skipped a beat, causing her to stumble precariously. Just as she teetered on the verge of an embarrassing fall, strong arms wrapped around her, preventing her from hitting the ground. She lifted her gaze, only to discover that Jeremy had acted swiftly to catch her.

A profound sense of gratitude washed over her, mingling with her acute embarrassment. She found herself gazing up at his flawlessly sculpted face and into his captivating gray eyes, feeling ensnared by their magnetic pull.

"Are you okay?" Jeremy's concerned voice broke the spell, bringing her back to reality.

"Yes, thank you," she replied, releasing herself from his grasp and regaining her balance.

"You're welcome. However, you should be more attentive while walking and less distracted," he gently advised.

"Well, walking is usually quite easy for me. But walking in front of you, sir, seems to be a real challenge," Melissa thought to herself. However, she refrained from voicing her playful response and instead said, "Yes, you're right. I'll certainly be more careful next time." With that, she turned and made her way toward her car, determined to get inside.

Surprised by her sudden departure, Jeremy couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you curious about why I'm here?"

"Not really," Melissa replied casually. "This is a public place, so I don't see why I should care. You could be here for any reason."

Jeremy felt a pang of disappointment at her dismissive response but quickly gathered his thoughts. "I was standing right next to your car," he blurted out, hoping to capture her attention once more.

Total coincidence." Mellisa replied, catching Jeremy's attention. He paused, intrigued by her sudden remark.

"Do you still remember me? The guy from last night?" Jeremy asked, hoping to rekindle their connection.

Melissa paused, her mind momentarily frozen. How could she ever forget this mesmerizing face? How could anyone? However, she wasn't in the mood to engage with anyone at that moment. Her recent job loss had left her emotionally raw, and she yearned to retreat to the solace of her home, where she could finally let her tears flow freely. The mere thought of it brought a welling of tears to her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I think you've mistaken me for someone else," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of sorrow. Without waiting for a response or even a second thought, she swiftly climbed into her car and drove away.

Jeremy stood there, stunned. No one had ever walked out on him before, let alone driven away without a second glance, completely disregarding what he had to say. He found himself on the verge of laughter, an ironic response to his own arrogance. This was the consequence of blindly following Steve's advice. But still, a nagging curiosity lingered within him. Did Melissa have any inkling of who he truly was?

Jeremy's right-hand man, who had been discreetly observing from a distance, approached him cautiously. "Sir, should I send someone to tail her?"

Jeremy's gaze remained fixed on the spot where Melissa's car had disappeared into the distance. He shook his head slowly, his thoughts swirling with a mix of frustration and intrigue. "No," he replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "There's no need for that. This was a futile endeavor. Let's return to Si Tech."