
Mr Nobody the Last King

His life epitomizes suburban bliss in tranquil place where he lives with his beloved wife and two children. But one fateful night, a violent break-in shatters their peace, stripping them of cherished possessions and sense of security. As the family struggles to heal, he finds himself irrevocably changed. Consumed by paranoia and driven by the need to protect his family at all costs, he embarks on a dangerous path, adopting unrecognizable and often destructive behavior. His obsession and his desperate quest for redemption in a world where everything he once knew has been turned upside down. He's a man of his words and he vows to see his family back to what and how the were before the ordeal.

Nduduzo_Ncwane · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

One Step Closer

As we prepare to step out into the gathering, I pull everyone together for a quick reminder.

"Listen, we need to act normal out there, just like we haven't lost anything, exactly how we told the authorities." 

I say, glancing around to make sure we're all on the same page. The weight of our situation presses on me, but it's crucial that we don't let it show.

"The whole point of all these people who are here is to celebrate the fact that mom came back from the hospital and is well. Our enemies might be here as well."

"We can't afford to draw any unnecessary attention or let on that we're rattled. This is just a regular day, and we're just a regular family celebrating the woman of the house. Are we clear?" 

I watch their faces, looking for any sign of hesitation but also offering a reassuring nod, reinforcing that we can manage this and maintain our composure.

Rissa nods in agreement, her expressions stern but composed. 

"We'll keep it together." s

She assures me, her voice steady. Rori looks slightly anxious but gives a determined nod. 

"We can do this, Dad. We'll act like everything's normal."

Rian, ever the skeptic, furrows his brow slightly but ultimately agrees. 

"Alright, we'll follow the plan. But we stay alert, just in case." 

He adds, his eyes scanning the room, already strategizing. This young man gets me thinking a lot sometimes.

I place my hand on his shoulder, appreciating his vigilance. 

"Exactly, stay alert but relaxed. We're just here to enjoy the day with friends and family. No discussions about what happened. If anyone asks, we stick to the story we agreed on." 

My voice is firm, leaving no room for doubt, ensuring we're all aligned in our approach as we head out to the gathering.

As we step out into the lush green of our backyard, the hum of conversation and laughter greets us, a stark contrast to the tension we've been feeling. 

The garden is alive with the warmth of the sun and the cheerful chatter of our friends and family, all gathered around, enjoying drinks and snacks. 

I feel a moment of gratitude for this semblance of normalcy, and it strengthens my resolve.

Clearing my throat, I catch everyone's attention as Rissa, Rori, and Rian stand beside me. 

"Thank you, everyone, for coming today." 

I begin, my voice carrying over the crowd. 

"It means a lot to us to have you all here, sharing in our joy and company."

I pause, my eyes sweeping over the familiar faces before me. 

"Most importantly, I am incredibly grateful for the safety of my family, especially my wife." 

My hand finds Rissa's, giving it a gentle squeeze, her presence a constant source of comfort.

"These recent events have reminded us of the value of each moment and the strength we draw from each other." 

I continue, my voice firm yet filled with emotion. 

"So, let's cherish today, enjoy each other's company, and make happy memories, for these are the times that truly matter."

The crowd responds with nods and smiles, some raising their glasses towards us in a gesture of solidarity and support. 

The atmosphere is light, yet the underlying strength of our community is palpable, bolstering us against the challenges we face in silence.

I'm subtly scanning for any unfamiliar face, "just in case" like Aurian said. But if whoever broke in here knows the real me , he wouldn't be here.

As we settle into our seats at the designated table, Martin and his girlfriend approach with easy smiles. 

Martin claps me on the shoulder as he sits down, his girlfriend sliding into the seat next to him with a friendly nod to everyone. 

"Beautiful day for a gathering, isn't it?" 

Martin starts, breaking the ice as he looks around at the lush surroundings of our backyard. His girlfriend chimes in, 

"This garden is simply gorgeous, Rissa. You must spend a lot of time on it."

Clarissa, pleased by the compliment, responds warmly, 

"Oh, thank you Tina! Yes, it's my little haven. A lot of love went into it." 

Her tone is light, masking the recent strains with practiced ease.

I steer the conversation towards lighter topics, asking Martin and his girlfriend about their recent vacation. 

Martin launches into a humorous account of their misadventures abroad, and his girlfriend interjects with playful corrections and additional details. 

The laughter and light-hearted banter help to lift the spirits at the table, making the afternoon feel more relaxed and normal.

As the conversation flows, Rori and Rian join in, sharing stories from college and their own plans for the summer. 

The table buzzes with the comforting sound of casual conversation, temporarily pushing aside our underlying worries. 

The conversation is lively , people are happy , I am glad. I need to go back a little. Maybe I've missed someone who's a potential intruder.

I make a mental note to be alone with my thoughts again tonight. I need to figure this out. I need to strike. They have dare me already.

Martin's phone pings. I watch him glancing at it before he lokks up at me. He gives me a signal I quickly get.

Moments later, him and I step into my office, a sense of urgency between us as I close the door firmly behind us. 

The change in his demeanor from the lighthearted banter outside to the seriousness now is stark. 

As soon as the door clicks shut, he hands me his phone without a word. The screen displays a map with a blinking dot.

"We've located the jewel." 

Martin says, his voice low. The relief in his words is mixed with a tension that reflects the gravity of our next steps. 

I lean closer, examining the location—it isn't far, which is both a relief and a concern.

"Good work." 

I respond, my mind racing through the possibilities. 

"How secure is the tracking? Any chance this could be a decoy?"

Martin shakes his head. 

"It's the real deal. The tracker is embedded well; they wouldn't have found it without destroying the jewel. We need to decide quickly how we're going to retrieve it."

I ponder the options, knowing that any action we take must be calculated to avoid tipping off whoever took the jewel. 

"We need a plan that keeps the family out of this, Martin. I can't risk them getting involved or hurt."

Martin nods in agreement, his eyes serious. 

"I'll put together a few options for a retrieval plan. We should consider involving only people we trust implicitly."


I say, feeling the weight of leadership heavy on my shoulders. 

"Keep this between us for now. I'll handle things on my end. We can't let on that we've made any progress, not until we're ready to move."

Martin pockets his phone, and we share a look of mutual understanding. We both know the stakes couldn't be higher. 

As we unlock the office door to return to the gathering, we slip back into our roles, our faces schooled into calm masks, ready to rejoin our families without a hint of the storm brewing just beneath the surface.

As the evening wears on and the crowd thins out, I find a moment to pull Aurora aside for a quiet conversation. 

The garden lights cast a soft glow around us, creating an intimate space despite the open air. 

I look at her, trying to keep my expression neutral but firm.

"Aurora, I need to talk to you about something important." 

I begin, watching her face for any sign of discomfort. 

"Where exactly were you on the day of the break-in? You mentioned you were at a friend's place, but I need you to be completely honest with me."

She hesitates, her eyes flickering away for a moment before meeting mine again. 

"Dad, I... I was at Wendy's initially." 

She starts, and I sense the but coming. Her voice is steady, but there's an underlying tension as she continues. 

"But I wasn't there the whole time. I went out for a few hours."

I nod, appreciating her starting to open up but needing more details. 

"Where did you go, Aurora? It's crucial that you tell me everything, especially now."

Aurora takes a deep breath, her shoulders tensing as I hope she's preparing to confess. 

"I was with someone, Dad. I met up with a guy I've been seeing. I didn't tell you because... I know how you feel about distractions during my final year at university."

I try to keep my reaction controlled, though the news stings more than I want to show. Not just because she wasn't where she said she was, but because her actions might have implications she's not aware of. 

"Thank you for being honest with me now," 

I say calmly. 

"But you have to understand, everything we do affects not just us but the whole family, especially in times like these. Can I trust this person you're seeing?"

She nods quickly, earnestly. 

"Yes, Dad, he's a good guy. I can introduce you if it helps?"

I consider her offer. 

"We might need to arrange that, but for now, let's keep this between us. We need to be careful, more now than ever." 

My voice softens slightly. 

"I'm here if you need to talk, okay? No matter what it is."

She gives me a small, relieved smile. 

"Thanks, Dad. I know I should have been upfront sooner. I'm sorry."

"We'll handle it from here." 

I reassure her, placing a supportive hand on her shoulder. 

"Let's get back to the others now."