

Marissa is caught between a rock and a hard place when she discovers that the man she falls helplessly in love with happens to be a mommy's boy. A mommy's boy!, What could be worse than having a boyfriend with an unhealthy attachment to his mother? Worse, the mother doesn't even like Marissa. Can she cope with the crazy roller coasters or is the love for Justin not just enough?

IsabellaE · Urban
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91 Chs

We need to get married

Marissa sat outside on the porch, staring into space as the warm breeze swept through her hair. She was lost in thought, replaying the events of the party in her head.

As she sat there, lost in thought, Lexi approached her with a glass of hot milk.

"Hey, Marissa," Lexi said, offering her the glass. "Are you okay?"

Marissa shook her head, accepting the drink. "Not really. That party was a disaster."

Lexi nodded in agreement. "I can't believe Alicia ruined everything. I swear, if I see her again, I'm going to rip all her hair out."

Marissa chuckled at Lexi's fiery response. "Calm down, Lexi. We don't want to stoop to her level."

"I know, but she deserves it," Lexi said, her voice dripping with anger.

Marissa took a sip of her milk, feeling the warmth spread through her body. "I've had enough of Alicia already. She's gone too far this time."

Lexi sat down next to her, her expression softening. "What are you going to do?"