

Marissa is caught between a rock and a hard place when she discovers that the man she falls helplessly in love with happens to be a mommy's boy. A mommy's boy!, What could be worse than having a boyfriend with an unhealthy attachment to his mother? Worse, the mother doesn't even like Marissa. Can she cope with the crazy roller coasters or is the love for Justin not just enough?

IsabellaE · Urban
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91 Chs

Maldives Dates

Eager to witness the mesmerizing underwater world the Maldives was renowned for, Marissa and Justin made their way to the island's famous diving center. Equipped with snorkeling gear, they boarded a boat that would take them to an idyllic coral reef. The crystal-clear turquoise waters were teeming with an array of colorful fish and vibrant coral formations. Marissa and Justin explored the underwater paradise, swimming hand in hand amidst schools of tropical fish, marveling at the kaleidoscope of colors that surrounded them. They even spotted a majestic sea turtle gracefully gliding through the water, a sight that left them in awe of nature's beauty.
