
Mr handsome and miss fiesty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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<p>The lee family home looks exactly like a palace ,with maids attending to all their needs from cooks to Butler,to security men to bodyguards,cleaners,those who wakes them up, pianists who plays for them whenever visitors are to come visit so so much more.mrs lee who was a worker in late Mr Lee mansion married his son when she was just 30 years, after she lost her husband when hyun-a was just 7 years old she got married to mr Lee who was 46 years old without a child<br/>and she bearing him a son gave her right to most affairs in Mr Lee life.<br/><br/> " Young Master, young master Breakfast is served "<br/><br/>a maid says as she knock on his room door <br/><br/>"Okay will be down in a minute " Justin replied her.<br/><br/> his room was as large as someone else's apartment ,<br/>After the maid left, justin put on a round neck shirt and faded jeans looking casual<br/>then goes to the dinning table an his way all the maid blushed and giggled especially when nodded towards them<br/><br/> On getting to the dining table Mr Lee sat at the head while Mrs Lee sat by his right side, which Justin took his seat by Mr Lee left hand side,after which the maids called out the day dishes , how it was prepared then served it.<br/><br/>"When will you start working in the company "<br/>Mrs Lee asked her son<br/><br/> "Mom i just got home yesterday "<br/><br/>"Your mom is right on this one, i'm getting old and i need someone to take my place "<br/><br/>"Really dad, you too?"<br/><br/>"Yes don,Me too, you have been away for 13 years what do you expect us to do "<br/><br/>"it's not like i went according to my own wish you know"<br/><br/> "What is wrong?, why is sis not having dinner with us"<br/> <br/>"Enough don't annoy your father" Mrs Lee says like she didn't want Mr Lee hearing what Justin said<br/><br/>"She doesn't live here with us" Mr Lee says "now eat your food"<br/><br/>"Meaning?"<br/> justin asked the raising his eyebrow <br/>with no response he says <br/><br/>"are we back to that again "<br/> <br/>then they all continue eating quietly.<br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/>" How did you manage to lose that bodyguard of yours?" ,a friend (who's name is mal-chin) of Justin asked him as they both sat at the window side of the coffee shop,<br/><br/>"what do you think?" Justin asked not really waiting for a response but looking out the window<br/><br/>"but it's for your safety",<br/><br/>"you talk just like my parents,tell me something else I don't know "<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>"you are always right I tell you",<br/>Kim na-ra says to a colleague of hers as the five of them went to the coffee shop in front of her work place, they looked familiar with the owner because on entering they greeted other teachers who where there also waving at the owner as they found a place to sit down, one of them going to get their order .<br/><br/>"oh my goodness that cutie just stared at me"<br/><br/> the youngest among them says as she smiled back toward the direction which made everyone look towards the direction expect from Kim na-ra who was busy with her phone, but by the time she looked at the direction there was no one there <br/><br/>"I hope you don't mind if I join you?"<br/><br/> the voice came from behind Kim na-ra looking up to see it was no other than Justin and someone else,with kim nara thinking she knew her luck was too good to last, <br/>"of course you can seat with us"<br/>the youngest among them says as she tried creating a space for him but Justin didn't smile at her once or look at her he was looking at Kim na-ra<br/><br/>"noona I hope you don't mind" all mouth were opened Wondering how Kim na-ra knows such a handsome guy<br/><br/>Kim na-ra had no choice but to create a space for him beside her<br/><br/>"oh, Justin such a suprise to meet you here, what where you doing around here?" though she tried being calm Justin knew she wasn't<br/><br/>"he is my friend's kid brother we are like family" Kim na-ra says to everyone though no one asked even when there where all dieing to know<br/><br/>"yes like one big happy family, right noona?"as soon as he asked her she shot him a laser stare and Justin didn't seem affected at all it was like he was enjoying this<br/><br/>"was she the one you were telling me about ?" mal-chin asks Justin<br/><br/>"what, what tell us, what did he say about her?"<br/><br/>they all wanted to know<br/><br/>"no no, there's no need to say it"<br/><br/>Kim na-ra says but their voice covered hers , kim na-ra saw that Justin looked like he was enjoying himself because he gave her that stupid seductive smile that for some reason not sure made her get goosebumps.<br/><br/>Mal-chin looks at Justin for permission on seeing him nods says<br/><br/>"Justin do says when he was small she was the only one who protected him,like a real sister should",<br/><br/>on hearing this kim na-ra was relieved but at the same time sad for Justin<br/><br/>"what?that's it I thought it was a secret of hers",<br/><br/>a colleague of hers says then continued their discussion<br/><br/><br/>"please excuse me,it's time for me to leave"<br/><br/> Justin says after a call entered his phone then bends down to drop something in Kim na-ra hand <br/><br/> As he smiled she could see the smile came with sorrow though relieved about what his friend said,also felt sad for him , even though 14 years ago his sister hyun-a hated him cause she thought he was the reason her mom abandoned her, leaving him to suffer in the hands of his abusive grandfather but since her family and the lee family where family friends then, she was the only one who was there for him and who he could rely on, recalling how the late Mr Lee was strict with him always hitting him with his walking stick and locking him up in the closet <br/><br/>18 years ago<br/><br/>The 14 years old Kim na-ra was board as her father and Mr Lee talked about the affairs of the companies then decided to go look for sang-ook(her ex boyfriend)who's father worked for the lee family then to play with, passing the maids quarters heard someone cough loudly,on entering the room discovered that the sound came from the closet,<br/><br/>"Hello,hello is someone there" after some seconds of hearing no response turned to leave but heard the same sound again from the closet,<br/>"look whoever it is this is not funny"<br/><br/>"it's me"<br/><br/>"me who"<br/><br/>"my name is Justin,I am Mr Lee grandson"<br/><br/>"what are you doing in there?"<br/><br/>"grandpa locked me up because I was the second highest in my grades"<br/><br/>"but he said you went for piano lessons when dad asked him,kiddo let me call someone to help you"<br/><br/>"no, don't if you do grandfather would punish me more for disgracing him,it's my fault I could have done better than the person with the highest score "<br/><br/>The whole place was silent for some seconds finally on hearing movement from outside the closet,the 7 years old Justin says in a scared voice<br/>"are you leaving too"<br/><br/>"no, I am not, can you see in there",<br/><br/>"no,everywhere is so dark I am scared"<br/><br/>"don't be ,but my dad is calling me now,how about this,is there a place for me to pass something to you"<br/><br/>"yes down here,the maids pass me my food down here whenever grandfather punishes me"<br/><br/>"okay. take this are you touching it?",<br/><br/>"yes,what is that ?"<br/><br/>"it is a golf ball my dad gave it to me to chase bad dreams take it and count from 1000 backwards and you won't be scared anymore",<br/><br/>"but how can I take what is yours"<br/><br/>no I have one more with me it's okay"<br/><br/>"honey where are you, it's time to go home",it was Mr Kim voice calling out to his daughter.</p>

I don't know how I can get a cover for my novel,dear readers helpppp!

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