
Mr CEO; Resisting his charms

Layla Drake, heiress of successful Drake's empire is jilted by her fiance , Ashton Jerome ,for her best friend . Enraged with anger and hurt , she vows never to fall in love again , what happens when she meets sexy Roberts Amaya during a vacation and feels a string or two for him ? What happens when Ashton Jerome comes crawling for her love ? Would Ashton succeed in winning her heart the second time ? Would the string between Roberts and Layla stand ?

Maggie_Bassey · Urban
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5 Chs

Success and outcome

chapter 1

Layla's POV 

       My eyes darted to the wall clock following the hysterical movement of the clock , I was beaming smiles as all head turns towards my direction . 

I saw my groom standing at the front with a wide smile on his face. I was getting married to the love of my life. 

" Do you take miss Layla Drakes to be your lawful wedded wife ?"

" umm... I'm sorry, I do not love you. " his response echoed throughout the wide hall shattering my heart into pieces .


" Arrrrrghhhh " I groaned inwardly , That bastard fooled me .

" Miss Layla , you need to append your signature " Sheila Toms interrupted my flying thoughts and startled me .

I quickly appended my signature on the documents and arose just like my clients .

"... it was nice doing business with you Miss Layla Drake . I would love to do this again. " Mr Martins stretched his towards me for a handshake . 

He is one of the leading Chief executive officer in the New York and it has been an utmost pleasure doing business with him.

 I grabbed his hand firmly and then moved away from him a little .

" I shouldn't be this close to a man " I thought inwardly .

Men disgusts if not for business purpose ; it would be my utmost pleasure not to associate with them .

I adjusted my suit dress for the last time before clutching my bag in one hand and my note pad in another for a business meeting with a client , the goal is to meet a target of an eight hundred billion dollar before the end of the month .

   " Miss Drakes , you scheduled an appointment with Doctor Roberts for your stomach upset . " Sheila Toms read my schedule from the tablet in her hands breaking into my thoughts . 

I took my eyes off the notepad to her .

 " Can it be can__" 

" I'm afraid, it can't be cancelled;he will be going on leave after today . He's your specialist ." Sheila cuts me off before I could utter a complete statement .

She wore an apologetic smile after that . 

" let's go then " I said to her as we walked out of my office that is large like a suite. 


  I am Layla Drakes , the legitimate daughter of Mr Don Drakes.

 I am a beautiful lady ,blessed with a graceful height and a paragon of beauty but this seems all useless at the point in time.

" To the hospital " I said to my driver who ignited the engine and off we went .



     " Hello sweetheart " Arianna calls sweetly in her tiny voice , she wore a lacy wine coloured lingerie emerging from the glass bathroom .

Her husband sat on the couch with a glass of wine in his hand , he was mesmerized by his wife's beauty and sexy body. His eyes were lustful and he desired her body 

" Darling , why are you looking so lost ? " she teased him before going over to where he sat clad in a robe tied loosely , his erect penis dangling dangerously as he sat up. 

Arianna swallows hard trying to take off her eyes the beauty he had within that also had balls .

   " Should I say I am lost looking at you. Come closer to Daddy . " he answers seductively pulling her towards the couch .  

He kissed her softly and tenderly o n the cheeks and forehead before kissing her plum lips gently, he slip his tongue as they battled for dominance .

 " Lift your waist up sweet potato . " 

Arianna did as instructed by her husband , he slid her pants off her waist ; pushing a finger into her wet v area , she moaned his name .

" Ash... t.... ton " She cried out in ecstasy wrapping both legs around his waist in rapturous joy and anticipation

" Take me please " she begs him seductively and he nods taking her into his arms. 

** City hospital ** 

        Layla got out of the car wearing a nose mask around her nose and dark shade to conceal her identity . She was accompanied by her personal assistant who assisted her with holding her bag .

In no time, they arrived the doctor's office and was ushered into the office while her PA waited outside at the receptionist .

" Hello Miss Drakes, how do you ? " Dr Roberts acknowledged his patient's presence .

" I am doing very well Doc . I came because of the test results. " Layla replied keeping a calm demeanor whilst inwardly her heart beat faster than a party drum. 

" I sent it via your email but it seems you were too occupied to go through it. " Dr. Roberts continued scrolling through the monitor before him .

He sent for his receptionist who came in with a file containing miss Layla's document .

 He pulls out a printed paper out of the brown envelope adjusting his spectacles .

" According to the test results conducted earlier, you are few weeks gone. " he broke the news to Layla who looked confused 

" What are you saying Dr Roberts ? 

What is few weeks gone ? " she asked utterly confused . 

Just then her mind flashed back , was it cancer ? Was at its first stage ? She wondered clearing her throats audibly. 

" Is it cancer ?" she uttered lowly dreading his next response 

" No, please don't get confused Miss Drakes . " 

" You are pregnant " he dropped the bomb shell .

" I am pregnant ? " she asked to confirm if her ears were functioning properly .

" Yes , you are eight weeks pregnant . " 

" Congratulations Miss Drakes .

 You need to get started with the antenatal process and checkups for the wellbeing of the foetus. " he completed wearing a smile on his face. 

" I can not get pregnant " 

" Not now ..... Wait " she mutters to herself 

" is it his ? "