
Mr CEO; Resisting his charms

Layla Drake, heiress of successful Drake's empire is jilted by her fiance , Ashton Jerome ,for her best friend . Enraged with anger and hurt , she vows never to fall in love again , what happens when she meets sexy Roberts Amaya during a vacation and feels a string or two for him ? What happens when Ashton Jerome comes crawling for her love ? Would Ashton succeed in winning her heart the second time ? Would the string between Roberts and Layla stand ?

Maggie_Bassey · Urban
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A kiss and a bully

Chapter 3 

     Layla's POV 

   " Gross .... " I wailed inwardly feeling Mr stranger's lips on mine , he seemed as though he was enjoying it .

Of course men are the same . All are scum .

I pushed him off my body regaining my balance , his eyes were focused on my body while I did my thing ignoring his looking .

" would you let me see you off ? " 

 " Bruhhh... " I scoffed taking my purse along with me

Who is he to want to see me off ?

Why does he care when I don't give a damn about him ? 

Swaying my hips I got into my car at least a safe haven where i don't get to encounter these Adams that are sole proprietors of pain and bitterness. 

To think that he had the nerves to ruin her drink after her stepsister had her dinner ruined , he must be so stupid I thought rolling my eyes .

I reached for my phone to check the time before heading out when my eyes caught a text from my Dad .

" You never ever care ..... Just work , work work "  

 I sniffed igniting the car ,its engine roared back to life while I quietly reversed my car hitting the road home. 

 Silently , I needed someone to pour out my heart to but no one was here . 

Once upon a time , I was a little girl who believed i was loved by my parents but that notion changed when I lost my Mom to the cold hands of death caused by the deadly leukemia ; a condition in which the patient is diagnosed of cancer of the blood. 

Only my ex-best friend stood by me , even Dad turned his back not caring about my emotional stability eventually brought his supposed rumoured mistress home with a daughter and introduced than our new family .

Despite my furiousness nothing changed instead my father's mistress spite me and I had to leave home to another which my mom built in my name . Years went by and I fell in love with whom i thought was the most handsome and loving man , he pretended to show me love unknown to me he had a thing going with my best friend .

     I found out on our wedding when he openly refused to say the vow after the priest instead proclaimed his love to my best friend. 

I am beyond shattered, broken that the pieces which are left can not be mended , I blocked them everywhere so I don't come across any news related to them. 

" watch where you are headed to "

 A cab man called out cautiously making me lunge snapping out of my thoughts, balls of colourless drop from my face onto the gear then I realized I had been crying .

" You can do this Layla " 

I reassured before dabbing the tears off my face with a pocket tissue and focused on driving home safely.

  ** The Robert's ** 

            Amaya got home in no time , he walked past the queue of domestic staffs in his father's home . 

He noticed the old staffs bow courteously with a little smile while the newly employed merely kept straight faces .

They were uniformed , same style , same colour, same packing of the hair for the ladies. Nothing changed about them , he was the only changed person amidst them. 

 " Amayaaaaa ..." 

 A feminine voice called loudly , she jumped the last two stairs and threw herself on Amaya hugging him tightly. Her sweet perfume filled his nostrils as he ruffles her gently .

" You came back. I missed you so much baby. " She said giggling at the same time showering lot of kisses on his face .

" I missed you too Sarah . " Amaya replied his younger who was hyper seeing him in person and not on the phone like she used to . He quickly disengaged from the hug and moved into his mother's open arms .

" See my baby Boy " Mrs Roberts whispered in tears clinging onto her son sweetly.  

" Hmmmm....." 

" Sometimes I wondered if you are truly my blood because who stops by to grab a drink instead of returning home after a long trip . " 

Amaya disengaged from the hug sighing tiredly , he was clearly not in a mood to speak with his dad who was a pain in his ass. 

" Good evening Dad " 

" Good night son , Mari see to his dinner " 

Mr Roberts answered shortly to Amaya's bewilderment . He had pre-planned his response to everything his father would say to him maybe the old man was tired or isn't in the mood to talk as this act he put on seems unusual. 

" Do you have any stories to tell me ? " 

" Sarah let him be and go to bed " 

Mrs Roberts snapped at her daughter leading her away from Amaya so he could rest from the long trip he had .



     The night was dark and deep , it was not just cozy but it looked dangerous . A man stood at the other end of the bridge waiting for a person , suddenly a woman comes from the other end , she covered her face with a black shiffon scarf . 

" you keep threatening me and I do not approve of it ." 

" Remember I am married and I can not keep coming here in the late of the night. " 

" married ? " 

The man speer in disbelief bursting into laughter . His laugh echoed in the loud and deserted environment. 

" You merely took a woman's position . " 

" That is not any of your business Mr Man " 

The woman snapped at him clearly irritated by his presence 

" Maybe what i have to say would be of great interest to him " 

The man responded turning to leave. 

" You will do no such thing unless I tell you . " 

" Dare me ! " 

he challenged but she remained mute passing him a duffel bag .

" What's in here " 

" 30,000 bucks and do not show yourself again "

" Why you not check your husband's phone tomorrow , I have a surprise for you two married woman " 

He mocked her before disappearing into the deep of the night .

" this greedy fellow "