

"You know today I am going to my baby's house. He is alone at night today, so we'll have fun together" said a university student. "This much focus if give to your studies maybe next time you'll get good marks in your exam. Go and study. Your parents doesn't say anything about this" said the chemistry professor 'Mr Jack '.

"But sir my parents don't have any problem" replied the student. After the lecture was over. Professor Jack went home with an annoyed face. His wife 'Nina' asked "what happened? Why are you looking so annoyed?"

"Those university students, stupid. Only think about boyfriends.... " replies the professor. "Oh it's okay the time is like this only. They are mature they can take their decision. "

"NOOOO, my daughter Angel isn't like them"

"Right, why have you made Angel like this? You know her behavior is so irritating. She is just like you old fashioned. Even when someone comes, they also sometimes mistake her as your wife, so old fashioned. They even call her AUNT. "

"So what? "

"Dad mom today I'm going to Ling Ling's house. Okay... Oh yeah to study. "

"When baby? "

"At night and I'll not come back tonight "

"Why whole night Angel? "

"Dad, because exams are coming and we will do group study. All the GIRLS . But it's okay if you don't want me to go so I'll not go. I can't go against you"

"No no baby go but what you will wear? "

"I'll wear a black full sleeved top and a loose fitted jeans"

"That's my daughter, so well mannered. "

"What well mannered? Old fashion. Angel go wear something nice"


Angel leaves the place and her mother goes to kitchen. At night Angel leaves the house and her friends comes to pick her up.

"Wow Angel what the fvck are you wearing? " asked Ling Ling.

"What's wrong with this? Perfect for group study. "

After a while she sees a shop and goes to its washroom.

After a while she comes back in a Mini black dress with light make up.

"Now that's my girl. Now it's looking like you are going to a party"

"So what do mean should I have wore that in front of my dad. If did that he would have killed me. Thank god I'm not in his university or else I wouldn't have my freedom that I have now"

"Fine let's go now"

They reached the place and her friends were waiting for her there.

"So our party queen Angel has arrived "

"Hey don't call me Angel, call me what you call me everyday"

"Fine fine, so our party queen Angie has arrived..... Let's head in"

Next chapter