

"I may be getting married soon. I will contact you then. You can bring Mr. Bo to the wedding." Ai Qianqian smiled delicately.

"Mr. Bo's personality is strange. I have never seen him."

Ai Xiaoqi clenched her pink fist tightly.

"Ai Qianqian, did you do what happened that night?"

On the day she just returned from Country F, the family held a welcome party for her.

At that time, she still felt flattered, but after drinking the glass of wine she handed over, her consciousness began to be lax.

"Xiaoqi, you are going to marry Mr. Bo.What's wrong with sleeping with him?"

Ai Xiaoqi was stunned and then reacted.

"You admit that you got me into a man's room!"

"My good sister, calm down."

Ai Qianqian hooked her lips and said.

"What's wrong with you marrying the Bo family and enjoying the glory and wealth? Otherwise, how can you get such a powerful person with your status? It's all the opportunity I give you.

Ai Xiaoqi trembled with anger.

When she was about to refute, she saw a woman in a big red cheongsam coming to them not far away. She recognized that it was Bo Xize mother, Yang Qianlan.

"Xiaoqi, what are you doing there?"

Yang Qianlan bypassed Ai Qianqian and didn't even look at her.

"Many of my mother's friends are waiting to see you."

Judging from the situation just now, Yang Qianlan is easy to get along with. She doesn't understand a lot, and some relatives are patiently introduced by her.

It's just that the banquet is almost over, and she even wants to take her to meet her friends?

Ai Xiaoqi didn't shirive, and she stopped looking at Ai Qianqian, and followed Yang Qianlan away.

Ai Qianqian curled her lips thoughtfully behind her and muttered.

"I didn't expect this woman to look so young and graceful that she had an ugly son like Bo Xize."

Yang Qianlan took her to introduce her to her friends.

In fact, she put her aside and chatted happily with her friends.

Fortunately, she changed into light clothes.

"Oh, your Xize is really lucky. This bride is young and beautiful enough."

One of the women took Ai Xiaoqi hand and praised.

"No wonder Xize fell in mind with her. Her whole body was full of collagen."

"This Xize finally compromised with you and married you. If he don't marry again, there will be more and more rumors outside."Another lady interrupted.

"We are never care about other people's opinions. People outside say that he is ugly and fat, and he is indifferent to even say that he likes men." Yang Qianlan picked up the flower tea on the table and took a sip.

She looked at Ai Xiaoqi with satisfaction.

"Look, don't he still marry such a beautiful daughter-in-law?"

There were some flattering words on the table.

Ai Xiaoqi lowered her head and was a little embarrassed, and she couldn't interrupt what they said.

She really want to reply: In fact, I was also forced to get married.

Ai Xiaoqi sat in the corner and suddenly found that there was a message prompt in her mobile phone, which was a strange number.

- What are you doing?

She was also bored, so she replied.

- Who are you?

Three seconds later.

- The man who broke your place.

Ai Xiaoqi was choked, and even her breathing became careful.

One of them inadvertently raised her hand and dropped the small spoon in the coffee cup on the small corner table to the ground.

"Xiaoqi, what's wrong?"Yang Qianlan turned her head and said with concern.

Several ladies turned their heads and looked at Ai Xiaoqi.

"It's okay. I accidentally dropped the spoon."

With that, she quickly picked up the spoon on the ground, and her face was flushed.