

Her face was full of anger.

"But it's not impossible if you really like our little Xiaoqi."

Ai Xiaoqi looked at Bo Xize expression with a deeper smile, and even her eyes were full of play.

She immediately pushed Xia Weiyang with her elbow, signaling her not to talk anymore, just eat.

But Xia Weiyang felt that Ai Xiaoqi was encouraging her to continue to speak.

"But you must not have an extramarital affair, and who knows if you are serious about our little girl. But if you really like our little girl,you can kill Mr. Bo in seconds first!"

After all, that man has a greasy face, has hair loss, and likes men.

Xia Weiyang smiled and said.

"But it seems that you are also a rich man. I don't know which celebrity rich family you are?"

Ai Xiaoqi suddenly felt a little embarrassed and immediately picked up the juice on the left and drank it.

She didn't hear anything, she didn't hear anything!

Bo Xize hooked his thin lips, played with the knife and fork in his hand, and leaned forward to the dining table.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, Qifeng." He hooked his finger and motioned Lu Qifeng to introduce him.

"This ia president of our family is Bo Xize, the president of the Bo family. He has been literate since he was two years old. At the age of three, he recited ancient poems backwards. At the age of five, he taught himself primary school knowledge and went straight to junior high school. At the age of ten, he has applied high school knowledge freely. After graduating from college at the age of 14, he can be called a magic in the business world."

Lu Qifeng paused and continued.

"He also created Bo with a self business system, making the whole Bo a wellestablished commercial brand in Yanzhou City and even the whole country. In a word, this master is what you said about the oily face, hair bald, big belly, lame walking and pervert fetish."

After Lu Qifeng words, a piece of meat just forked by Xia Weiyang with a fork fell into the plate.

What did the man just say?

Say this...

Is this handsome man Bo Xize and Mr. Bo?

Oh my God! How is that possible!

What about the big belly and the oily face?

Obviously, he is a genius + invincible beauty + the president of a rich family!

"Why don't you talk?" Bo Xize poured a glass of red wine, shook the goblet in his hand, and looked at Xia Weiyang.

"I'm not full of oily, not bald. Are you disappointed?"

Xia Weiyang put down her fork, raised the drink in her hand, and said with a straight face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Bo, I don't know Mount Tai. I'll punish this drink!" Feel free to do whatever you want!"

After drinking a drink, Xia Weiyang turned her head and looked at Ai Xiaoqi deeply.

"Xiaoqi, it suddenly occurred to me that I still have something else to do. I have to go back to school to deal with it. I want to be quiet. How about you two to eat?"

After saying that, she forked up the steak on the plate and swallowed it, and then ran away.

It's so close. If you don't run, I'm afraid you will offend Mr. Bo.

"It seems that you didn't mention me in your friend place." Bo Xize tone was a little light, but Ai Xiaoqi still caught a trace of unhappy in his tone.

"Actually I want to find an opportunity to mention it. But. Didn't I have time to explain it?" Ai Xiaoqi smiled, and the moon eyes were beautiful and refreshing.

It seems that you have to say anything to Xia Weiyang next time, otherwise she will easily say something wrong if she is not careful.

Bo Xize is a man who is not easy to mess with.

"You have gone to Yanda now. Aren't you going to come back to live?" He asked.

"Yes, I want to have a good relationship with my classmates in school." Ai Xiaoqi replied.

"Then what should I do?"

Ai Xiaoqi was stunned, put down the knife and fork in her hand, and said doubtfully.

"What should you do?"

"Without my wife, I can't sleep alone at night." Bo Xize took a sip of red wine and raised his dark eyes frivolously.

In fact, Ai Xiaoqi really wants to refute that when you didn't marry a wife before, how did you sleep alone, Mr. Bo?

But she didn't dare.

"Why don't you talk?" Bo Xize frowned and raised his hand to touch her head.

He has been more and more fond of seeing her recently, and this inexplicable feeling tickled his heart.

"Oh, when I get used to school life, I promise you that I will go home and live then." Ai Xiaoqi was afraid that he would disagree and said.

"And I will go home and sleep with you every weekend."

After saying this, Ai Xiaoqi immediately realized that there seemed to be something strange.

But he found that Bo Xize on the opposite side had hooked his lips and smiled evilly.

"That's what you said, so I'll wait.

If you go home on the weekend, I will reluctantly agree to let you stay at school to get used to it."

Lu Qifeng had to admire the shameless spirit of his president.

Unexpectedly, he dug a hole for his wife to jump in the daylight.

Unscrupulous, unscrupulous!