

Bo Xize tone was a little weak, and he didn't look at Bo Daosheng.

"I don't think there's anything to talk about this issue."

"Aze." Yang Qianlan frowned and pushed him.

"Good boy, go up and talk to your father. Maybe about others the matter."

Bo Xize licked his thin lips and didn't say anything, so he followed Bo Daosheng to the study.

Ai Xiaoqi has been watching Bo Xize figure disappear at the door of the study, or she still feels something.

Why does she think something is strange?

It seems that the relationship between father and son is not so good?

She could clearly feel that Bo Xize tone was stiff and straight.

"Xiaoqi , where do you go to school now?"

Bo Jinxin switched the name to her name again, looking a little curious.

"I may go to Yan University."

"Yan Da? I'm also a student of Yan University." Bo Jinxin opened her eyes wide and said.

"We can go to school together in the future."

In fact, Ai Xiaoqi seemed to refuse her. She always felt that Bo Jinxin was not sincere to her, and her intimacy to her was also pretended.

Does she think too much?

The chat has been going on.

Ai Xiaoqi will basically answer what they want to ask, including some gossipy questions.

For example, have you kissed?

What do you think of their Bo Xize?

She really couldn't answer this embarrassing question.

"Oh, Xiaoqi is not embarrassed. Just tell me, did you two kiss?"

Bo Jinxin is still pressing questions and seems to be very interested in this topic.

She looked at Yang Qianlan for help, but found that Yang Qianlan eyes were also full of interest.

It's over. Now I'm forced to do it. I don't know how to answer.

The study suddenly remembered the sound of the giant falling to the ground.

The sound of the sound, even the study with good sound insulation made a loud sound.

Yang Qianlan ran upstairs at the first time and opened the door of the study.

The next second, a noisy sound came from the study.

Ai Xiaoqi also followed closely and followed.

Sure enough, the whole study had been smashed with fragments of vases and books everywhere.

"You just want to mad me off. It's been so long, and you still hate me now!" Bo Daosheng's harsh voice.

"Husband, calm down. You see, your son has been smashed like this by you."

Yang Qianlan stroked Bo Daosheng back and looked a little flustered.

"Aze, apologize to your father quickly."

Hearing this, Ai Xiaoqi looked at Bo Xize in horror. There was a blood stain on his forehead, dripping down his angular face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dad. I don't want to be angry with you. Please don't care what I do.

Sheng club is my industry. I have the right to make my own decision whether to let it continue to exist or go bankrupt."

After saying that, he turned around and happened to see Ai Xiaoqi trembling at the door.

He ignored the others standing at the door and raised his hand to lead her to his room.

Throw the medicine box under the drawer.

Bo Xize tone was indifferent.

"Woman, I'm in a bad mood. I can't do it myself. Help me wrap it."