

Bo Xize was in pain and pulled out of his lips. 

As soon as he was about to scold, he saw Ai Xiaoqi  uncontrollably tears dripping on the bed.

No matter how stupid she is, she should know what happened last night. 

Haven't you eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run away?

Obviously, she was eaten, and she was eaten by the man in front of her who was not kind at first glance.

"Woman, why are you crying? I didn't do anything to you. What do you have to cry about?"

 What he can't see most is that women cry. When they cry, they are really irritable.

Hearing this, Ai Xiaoqi closed her voice and raised her head, as if she saw hope.

"Didn't you do anything to me yesterday?"

She has been clean for 20 years. She can't say that she is gone. 

The other party is still a stranger she has never met before.

But the hope that ignited now was extinguished by Bo Xize in the next second.

"That's impossible. What I mean that I didn't do anything to you now."

"But, I was having dinner with my family last night."

She still has the innocence of yesterday. She has just returned to China. 

In order to celebrate her return for the summer vacation, her father, Aishan, specially opened a private room in a hotel and called all the people.

And yesterday happened to be her birthday.

Then she drank a little too much. 

During this period, she also drank a glass of wine handed over by Ai Qianqian. 

Finally, she was a little hot. 

When she woke up again, she was already lying in bed blue in the morning.

Is there something wrong with that glass of wine?

"Shiii…Don't cry!"

Bo Xize looked at Ai Xiaoqi, who was crying more and more vigorously. He had been in conservative for so many years, and nothing caught him off guard. 

Even if other women cried like this in front of him, he was indifferent.

But now he has the illusion of being a wrong woman.

"If you don't cry, you won't cry. This is my first time! I'll give it to you if you don't understand!"

While he was distracted, Ai Xiaoqi immediately rolled out of bed, picked up the quilt and wrapped it around her , and distanced herself from him, leaning against the wall.

Bo Xize raised his eyebrows and said.

"What? Is it your first time?

As the boss of the Bo Group, it's not the first time he has a woman, but this woman tastes good, and he is not as nauseous as before.

Ai Xiaoqi didn't pay attention to the meaning of Bo Xize words, and his mind was full of confusion.

Knock, knocking on the door outside.

"President, the group meeting has been arranged. When are you going to go there?"

The assistant looked at the watch. The president was late for a whole hour at the group's meeting, and he also came to urge the prince.

"I'll be there in ten minutes."

Bo Xize picked up the suit hanging on the chair and dressed it skillfully in three minutes. He looked at Ai Xiaoqi, who leaned against the wall like a frightened rabbit, and unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth.

"Tell your boss that I'm very satisfied with the 'gift' sent this time."

After saying that, he pushed the door open in a good mood and went out.


Does this man mean that she is a gift sent to him as a gift from someone else?

The nose was sore, and the moon's eyes were covered with thin water mist.

 What's going on?

The mobile phone placed at the bedside table rang, and Ai Xiaoqi dragged the quilt to pick up the phone.

"Xiao Li, where are you now?"

The person calling is Ai Xiaoqi's good friend Xia Weiyang.

"I'm outside." Ai Xiaoqi got away from his emotions and calmed down.

"Come to the hospital soon. Grandma is going to be kicked out of the hospital?"

Hearing this, Ai Xiaoqi pupils contracted, and her little face was full of surprise.

"What did you say?"

THIS NOVEL are CREDIT owners or authors.

I only do translation work for this novel into a simple English. So as a global urban romance bookworms fans like me can read English versions that easy to understand and worth to be paid.

If there’s any spelling or grammar mistake in this English translation, please do correct me so I can provide the better English translation experience for you guys.

I am a newbie to be a translator.

Thank you and please enjoy.

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