


Ai Xiaoqi answered and smiled naturally.

To be honest, she still wants to see how ugly the legendary Bo Xize is.

Who doesn't have a gossipy heart?

When the album was opened, Ai Xiaoqi suddenly felt that this person was very good-looking when he was a child!

The facial features are obviously exquisite!

Look at the thin lips, the towering bridge of the nose, the big dark eyes, and the snow-white skin.

If it were not thin Xize, she would think that it was clearly a little girl.

There are photos from birth to the age of ten.

The more open you look, the more handsome you will be.

The key is that your temperament has been refreshing, and your temperament at the age of ten will completely exceed that of your peers.

"Does our Aze look good?"

Yang Qianlan looked at Ai Xiaoqi looking so seriously and asked with a smile.

"Well, what a handsome man."

Ai Xiaoqi agreed, and he would flirt with girls when he was a child.

Next to his ten-year-old photo was a little girl.

Bo Xize gave her a flirting with a girl - touching her head to kill.

That little girl is also very beautiful.

"Mom, who is this little girl?" Ai Xiaoqi asked casually with curiosity.

Yang Qianlan face changed slightly, and then smiled and said.

"This is a little girl who used to live next door to our house."

Ai Xiaoqi nodded, and the curvature on his mouth was cute.

"But why don't you have those photos after him?"

Is it because it grows crooked after the age of ten, so I don't like to take photos?

"When Aze grows up, he doesn't like to take photos." Yang Qianlan explained.

Ai Xiaoqi looked at it and suddenly felt that the child in the photo seemed to be a little familiar. He always felt that he had seen it somewhere, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember it.

This feeling of scratching the heart is uncomfortable.

"Mom, you were so beautiful when you were young." Ai Xiaoqi turned to a sexy photo of a woman wearing a cheongsam and recognized Yang Qianlan at a glance.

Although she is well maintained now, she used to be more dazzling and beautiful.

Yang Qianlan was praised by her for being able to close her mouth in an instant.

The conversation with Yang Qianlan was very pleasant.

When she was in a good mood, she received a message.

It's from Ai house.