

As soon as his two slender fingers were raised, he untied the belt tied to her waist.

His dangerous dark eyes stared at her like prey, and his tall body gathered around her.


Just as Ai Xiaoqi wanted to explain, Bo Xize index finger was on her red lips, and the quiet atmosphere made the posture of the two people look more ambiguous.

He smiled evilly, and the curvature of the corners of his mouth rose, but his tone was cold.

"Accompany me for one night tonight, and the debt between us will be cleared."

The meaning of 'company' he said is ambiguous, and fools can understand what it means.

"Uncle, I said, I'm not such a person."

Ai Xiaoqi was angry and subconsciously wanted to get out of his arms.

But the action is so big that it seems that it will go all the place.

"It's not such a person. What are you doing? What kind of wine do you sell? His eyes darkened, and it looked dangerous inside.

"Since you have come to Sheng Club and dress like this, you should know that such things are commonplace.It's not me, it's also another man."

"I just want to come here to make money and pay back your 200,000 yuan as soon as possible. Why do you say it so badly?"

Ai Xiaoqi two big eyes flashed, and the dim light shone on her, making her look more pitiful.

"Really ? Ai Xiaoqi, are you really stupid or pretending? Will all the men here be kind? Will the man who gives you 200,000 yuan simply give you?" Bo Xize pushed her to the end of the bed until she had no way back.

"People who give you so much money are greedy for what you have. Can you stop being so stupid?"

He didn't know where his temper came from, but he had to restrain 50% and couldn't vent it, because he was actually afraid that he would scare her.

Ai Xiaoqi raised her head stubbornly, looked at her ink eyes, and said.

"What about you? You pay for my grandmother's medical expenses so generously, and you don't just want to help me? Is there also an attempt?"

Very good.

The little girl even used his words to block him.

Bo Xize smiled angrily, raised his thin lips, and his big palm restrained her jaw.

He said in a frivolous tone and followed her words.

"Yes, I have an attempt. I want your body."

He has met women with good figures, beautiful women, and sexy women, but he was not interested at all.

But he don't know why she have that impulse to be a stupid-looking and lovely woman.

Ai Xiaoqi was speechless and was bet by him. The uncle hinted several times. He didn't just want her to pay for it, but she even felt that he was helping her out of goodwill.

She is stupid, really stupid!

"Okay, I'll pay for it."

In this case, it's wrong to the end.

Anyway, they have already slept.

Since they have already slept, they sleep once and sleep twice.

Um... it doesn't make any difference.

Ai Xiaoqi clothes were already thin. She unbuttoned one after another on her chest and lowered her head and endured the tears circling in her eyes.

Don't cry, and never show weakness in front of this man.

Bo Xize stared at her, his eyes as cold as a sharp sword, and her big hand was held when she unbuttoned at the last moment.

The voice was a little hoarse.

"I'm not interested today. Go home quickly.

I owe it first. I'll see you next time when I need it.

The door of the room was heavily closed by Bo Xize, as if venting some emotion.

How good it would be if she was not married, and if the uncle didn't only have a sense of freshness to her.

Ai Xiaoqi shook her head to keep herself awake.

She is married, and the uncle must have only a sense of freshness to her.