

"If you don't rush me, I have to pay back the money. It's always not good to be in debt."

Ai Xiaowan sighed and then said.

"In fact, it's okay to have a place full of rich people. If you have a little more formality, I can go to sell wine. Maybe I may not meet a rich man?"

"No, that place is too dangerous."

Xia Weiyang said.

"I was lucky to earn 100,000 that time. You can't follow suit. Xiaoqi, that kind of place is too dangerous."

Xia Weiyang father was hospitalized at that time and was in urgent need of a sum of money.

It was Xia Weiyang who tried his best to earn money, but he didn't expect to meet a local tycoon in a place like a nightclub, but the local tycoon had only one fate.

After that, he had never seen him again, and he didn't know where to pay him back.

But this kind of luck is not common, and some people have lost their innocence there.

But in the end, she still couldn't resist Ai Xiaoqi. Knowing that she was stubborn, she could only let her go to Sheng Club, the largest nightclub in Yanzhou City, to try her luck.

The song at night is especially bright, just like the treasure of Yanzhou City.

But many people don't know that the biggest shareholder of Sheng Club is the serious Bo.

At the beginning, Bo Xize father and grandfather opposed him investing in this industrial chain because they were both soldiers, but Bo Xize still insisted on his views again and again.

Although it was a nightclub, it was also a relatively clean nightclub.

It's just that many local tycoons and princes are real.

Bo Xize was in a bad mood and depressed for no reason, so he called a group of princes to set the box in the special private room on the middle floor.

Feng Yang sat next to Bo Xize.

Unlike Bo Xize coldness, he was more calm and warm. He also saw at a glance that he was in a bad mood tonight.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

Before Bo Xize could answer, Feng Kai, who was beside him, picked up a glass of wine excitedly and came over.

"Is Brother Xize in a bad mood? It's rare. Did the beautiful girl who just married make Brother Xize unhappy?

As soon as the words fell, Bo Xize sharp eyes flew over and hurriedly asked Feng Kai to pull his mouth. He don't know which prince drank too much and interrupted.

"What kind of woman does Brother Xize want? Come on, I'll call a few good ones to Brother Xize today."

For a moment, the originally noisy box became silent in an instant, and several pairs of eyes looked at Bo Xize.

Bo Xize was silent.

"Okay, ask some girls to help you."

He leaned lazily on the sofa, shaking a cup of goblet in his hand, as if he were a god.

Feng Kai was originally watching the fun.

Who doesn't know that his brother Xize doesn't like women close to him.

But now he actually said it was good?

He was so scared that he sprayed red wine out of his nose.

The drunken young master Yu immediately bounced up from the chair, and then excitedly went out to find the leading manager.

In the Sheng Club lobby, Ai Xiaoqi was wearing the clothes given to her by Manager Wu.

Well, it's very revealing. The bottom is too short and the top is too exposed.

"If you want to get a few good business here, don't be so awkward. They are all rich people and qualified rich people. They won't touch you. You can relax."

Ai Xiaoqi listened to Manager Wu words and was still uncomfortable all over.

Is it true that no one will touch her if she dresses like this?

But as long as she lowers her body a little, the bottom will be exposed, and the top will also be exposed.

Manager Wu looked at her, took some wine bottles from the bar and put them in the iron frame on her waist, and pointed to a high-end box.

"Look, your little girl is very well-behaved. The customers in that box are relatively rich, and tips are indispensable when you go in."

As soon as Manager Wu words fell, Master Yu, who blushed, put on her shoulder from behind.

"Sister Wu, is there a girl of better quality to take my brother Xize box?"


Manager Wu eyes were wide open. The elders who worked in Sheng Ckub had actually seen Bo Xize, but because the boss ordered not to talk nonsense outside, the people below were very tight.

Master Yu saw Ai Xiaoqi beside him and reached out and grabbed her.

"This girl is good. Come with me."