

After thinking about it, she still put on her coat and took the elevator downstairs.

Anyway, she went to have lunch by the way.

However, she just saw the familiar figure at the gate. She regretted it, but she had been seen by Jian Boyan.

He came to her, still tall, with a sunny smile on his face, just like when she knew him when she was a child. He was sunny and handsome, and his eyes were shining.

The difference is that he has matured a lot, which may be the reason why he took over Jian.


He whispered.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Brother Jian."

She pulled up the corners of her mouth and bit her lower lip gently, and her eyes dodged a little.

Jian Boyan was not embarrassed at all. He asked bluntly.

"I heard from Qianqian that you married to the Bo family?" Why is it so sudden?

Suddenly, it's quite sudden. After all, she hasn't even seen the president of Bo's appearance now.

However, according to how he broke into her room that night, it seemed that his abdomen was not like a round beer belly.

Thinking of what happened that night, Ai Xiaowan cheeks were stained with redness.

"Xiaoqi ?"

Jian Boyan saw that she was distracted and felt irritable. She used to listen to him carefully.

Who is she thinking about? She blushed.

"There is nothing sudden."

Ai Xiaoqi came to her senses and smiled.

"At least I married the richest man, which is worth being happy."

"But if you get married, you will be a widow!"

Jian Boyan subconsciously grabbed Ai Xiaoqi wrist and pulled her under a pillar.

"I asked someone to check. You just held a wedding and didn't get a certificate, did you?"

Ai Xiaoqi opened her eyes wide and was a little surprised that he went to investigate her.

"Does this have anything to do with Mr. Jian?"

Her tone was weak.

This time, she didn't even shout at Brother Jia. Ai Xiaoqi think she always followed his buttocks and called Brother Boyan.

"It doesn't matter. I can't let you marry a strange man, or a man with a special hobby!"

"If I don't marry me, will you marry me?"

Ai Xiaoqi finally couldn't smile.

"You come to me, does Ai Qianqian know?"

Silence is the silence of simple words.

"Since you can't promise me, don't say these words to me."

"If you have the ability, you have the ability to be responsible. If you don't have the ability to be responsible, just shut up!"