

She is a student and doesn't have much money on her. 200,000 yuan is a huge sum for her.

If the uncle hadn't helped her, she wouldn't know what to do today.

Suddenly, I felt that this uncle was not so annoying.

"You owe it first. There will be more and more in the future."

He said with deep meaning and took the opportunity to look at the watch around his wrist.

"I have something else to do later. Let's go first."

After Bo Xize left, Xia Weiyang asked her in surprise.

"Xiaoqi, who is this man?"

"It's just an uncle."

"What's his name? What he do? Why are he so rich?"

A series of problems in Xia Weiyang made Ai Xiaowan a little confused...

Yes, she seems to have never asked his name for this interview with the uncle.

Seeing that she hesitated, Xia Weiyang skipped the question directly and said seriously.

"Wanzi, what's wrong with you marrying Bo Master? Why don't I know! And why did you suddenly marry Bo when you just returned to China?"

She has heard of Bo's wedding.

It is said that the ostentation is very big, but she don't know if it's because media can't see anyone, so only the bride can do such a big show.

Because it was the wedding of the richest family, the media was completely blocked, so no information was flowing out.

"Wei Yang, this matter is a long story.

I married for my sister..." Ai Xiaoqi hid her sadness and turned to the front.

"But I may have to go to Yan University. We are going to become an alumni."

Yanda is the best university in Yanzhou City, and Xia Weiyang was admitted by virtue of the extraordinary performance of the college entrance examination.


"Okay, Weiyang, I promise you that I will explain this matter clearly to you, okay?"

Ai Xiaoqi smiled and said.

"I will stay in the hospital with my grandmother today. So you go back first."

Xia Weiyang insisted on staying with Ai Xiaoqi. She couldn't get rid of it and could only agree.

Ai Xiaoqi called Yang Qianlan and explained the situation.

Fortunately, Yang Qianlan asked her to take good care of her grandmother.

Otherwise, she would be really embarrassed.

At night, it's quiet and powerful.

She rubbed her shoulders for her grandmother and said to her for a while.

"Grandma, you must take care of yourself and get better."

Finally, she and Xia Weiyang lay quietly by the bed and slept.