

"President, madam has been waiting in it for half an hour. Aren't you going to go in?"

In fact, his reminder is that he has been waiting outside for half an hour.

Are you sure he won't go in?

In the hot summer, even the air-conditioned car is about to burn.

Why are you so abusive?

"Let her wait a more time."

It disturbed his interest last night.

Shouldn't she wait a longer?

About ten minutes later, Bo Xize got out of the car, walked to the cafe with his slender legs, and stayed at the front desk for a while.

Then he sat calmly in front of Ai Xiaoqi.

"Uncle!" Ai Xiaoqi came to her spirits, took out the 1,000 yuan in a bag and handed it to Bo Xize.

"It's a total of 1,100 yuan here, and the debt has been paid off."

Bo Xize hooked his thin lips, just took a look, and grabbed Ai Xiaoqi, who wanted to leave after raising her legs.

This girl, looking at the small person, is still a powerful character, and she wants to walk with her legs when she says to leave.

"Sit down. I just called something to eat. Let's sit down and eat together. I'm hungry."

"Uncle, eat it yourself when you are hungry. I have something else to do..."

Bo Xize said.

"Why, I want you to accompany your benefactor, but you don't want to?"

All right, benefactor.

Ai Xiaoqi compromised and sat obediently in front of Bo Xize, but she felt a little nervous inexplicably.

She didn't know what to say, and he didn't even know where to put her hand.

It was also the first time she looked at Bo Xize carefully.

The man has a pair of naturally beautiful phoenix eyes, but the sword eyebrows make him look full of rigidity.

The carved nose is angular, delicate and straight, and very sexy.

Her eyes unconsciously followed his rolling Adam's apple.

Sexy collarbone, light blue shirt with two buttons, and strong brown muscles looming inside.

Ai Xiaoqi unconsciously swallowed.

This man is so handsome. Not only is he handsome, but also his mature temperament, which makes people attracted at a glance.

"Have you seen enough?"

Bo Xize smiled evilly.

"If you can't see enough, I can show you every day."

"No, no."

When her mind was exposed, Ai Xiaoqi face turned red in an instant.

"I'm married, uncle, don't tease me like this!"

"Have you got the certificate?"