
Mr Collins apply for teaching job

Once upon a time, there was a man called Mr Collins, he was looking for a teaching job,one day as he was taking a walk he saw a sign post on a pavement, it read "Vacancy Vacancy, any professional teacher that read education can apply for a teaching job in special students college for jss1 and the salary is 40000 naira. For more information call 08095757999"

Mr Collins was happy finally he found a teaching job after one year of joblessness, be immediately put a call in the written number and when they answered they asked him to come for interview the next day which was 28th of September 2017.

The next day, when he came he passed through a class and saw the children was making noise when a teacher was teaching and all the teacher was saying was attention attention, he then asked the person leading him to the place where he will be interviewed to give him 10 seconds , the person permitted him , then he went and asked the teacher why he was only telling the children attention attention when they were making noise , the teacher replied by telling him that the children usually keep quiet when you say attention attention. Mr Collins told the man thank you for the information then after he was interviewed, few days later he was told he have been selected to teach one of the subject in jss 1.He was very happy and he was going to resume work on the 30th of September 2017.