
Moxie's Senior Year

Senior year, the last year of being in high school, the last year to put in your best, the last year before you get shoved in a car and shipped to some college half way across the world. At least that’s Moxie Tegan’s view of things. Moxie’s biggest fear is leaving high school, leaving her best friend and going to some far away colleges She’s smart, nerdy and a bit of a prankstar and she's brave, but she can never be brave when it comes to Adam Wendell her childhood crush. She says she doesn't date but Adam is an exception, an obsession in fact. The rich, annoying bully who bullies and shames her in school everyday, its ironic how she fell for him She’s been in love with him since they were kids but he never pays attention to her, except when he wants to bully her. Will she be able to deal with these mixed feelings and face them head on, find out as you read on.

T_Of_Hearts · Teen
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2 Chs



I raked my fingers through my messy hair as I thought of which hairstyle to go with.

'Think moxie, it's the first day of school, do something cool with your hair' I said to myself as I brushed my long blonde hair with the comb

After about ten minutes of arguing with my subconscious, I weaved my hair into two corn rows. I tied the ends with black ribbons and put on my dress.

It was a black and white short sleeve, gown with a sweetheart neckline.

I smiled with satisfaction at my reflection in the mirror. Not bad Moxie.

My phone beeped. I picked it up, it was a message from Daxon. It said he would be here in five.

Dax is my bestfriend, we meet about too years ago when the idiot ran into me with his car, I was in the hospital for a month because of him.

I jogged down the stairs and met the failure of a chef that calls herself my mother, cooking one of her poisons inside the kitchen

'Good morning love, how was your night?' she asked.

'Okay, I guess' I said as I hurried out of the house, if I stand there for another second, she will coax me into eating her food and when dax come to pick me up, she will coax the fool too.

'come back here' mom said making me pause at the door. 'are you not going to eat?'

'I ate enough in my dream, bye!!' I yelled and ran out slamming the door shut. God forgive me for lying but I cannot eat that woman's poison she calls food, god, where did dad find that woman?

I heard a car horn loudly. Dax was here. I walked to his black convertible, he got it for his sixteenth birthday, his family wasn't that rich but his parents aren't as stingy as those ones inside that house.

'I see your mom's trying to poison you again' he said as soon as I got into his car.

'i had to lie that I ate in my dream before I could escape' I said and put on my seatbelt.

'Don't worry, my mom packed some food for you' he said and gave me a small plastic plate

'Thank you god, I thought I would die' I said.

'why did you hold up your hair like that, you look like those cheerleader bitches' he said. He loosened the corn rows and held my hair up into a ponytail. 'there, Moxie Tegan chic'

I giggled, he's the sweetest boy ever. He's popular with the girl but chooses to hangout with me even though he has a girlfriend.


I walked into class with Dax, he was always walking me to class holding my hand. His girlfriend was glaring at me, she hated the fact that dax preferred me to her.

'Hi baby' she shrieked and hugged him, desperate fool. If I know Dax well and I do, he would dump her by the end of the day.

'Didn't I tell you not to hug me?' he snapped and pushed her off gently, he has a serious problem, he can't keep a girlfriend but he can fuck one.

'Sorry' she said softly. These girls have no shame, A guy would snap at you and you still don't get the picture, I pity her.

She glared at me before walking back to her seat with her head bent down

'Don't tell me you're dumping her' I said as we sat on the desk we shared.

'Of course I am, she too damn clingy and you know I can't stand clingy girls' he snapped.

'you're a mad man' I simple said and face my book. I opened to the chapter we were supposed to start with this semester.

'but you love this mad man' he said. I closed the book and whacked him hard with it.



I swaggered into class, grinning from ear to ear. I smiled when my eyes meet Moxie's.

She got hot over the summer. Her boobs got bigger, she was sitting down so I could see her ass but I'm sure they got bigger too. I walked to her seat and place my empty coffee cup on her head.

'What the hell Adam?!!' she yelled.

'oh sorry, I thought I saw a dustbin' I said innocently. Her friend…what's his name again..Dax wanted to get up bit she held his arm. 'let it be Dax' she said with gritted teeth.

'Yeah Dax, let it be, she wants to be a dustbin' Sophie said. I think she was Dax's girlfriend.

'Shut your mouth Sophie' he snapped. Sophie looked away instantly.

He took the cup and crushed it in his hand. He threw it in the dustbin at the side of the class.

'that's a dustbin dummy, if you at least used it you would know what it was' I growled at him. 'stop acting like a rabid dog and take a seat'

Everyone burst into laughter, he made me a laughing stock. I wanted to punch him when mister Fried Bacon walked in, his name was Fred Beacon but we helped him change it.

I walked to my seat, I would deal with him later.

First class of the semester, I need a homework nerd ASAP.


I stabbed my fork into the chocolate cake they sell at the canteen, I was disgustingly dry.

I glared that Dax, he was watching her eat with a smirk plastered on his face. She chewed what she was eating for awhile before spitting it out into a handkerchief.

She took the bottle of water on her table and gulped it all down. Then she got up and ran out of the cafeteria. She looks surprisingly hot, good enough for a one night stand.

'are you still eating that?' Hansel asked. I slid the plate of cake to him, he ate the disgusting cake smilingly.

I was in class having lunch with my friend, by friend, I meant the football team and the hopeless bitches who follow us around.

I wasn't friends with everyone on the football team, just Hansel, Ajax, Lawson and Bexley.

I brought out my note from my bag, according to Lawson, I need to mark out my goals for the semester and the first on my list, my number one priority.