
Moxie's Senior Year

Senior year, the last year of being in high school, the last year to put in your best, the last year before you get shoved in a car and shipped to some college half way across the world. At least that’s Moxie Tegan’s view of things. Moxie’s biggest fear is leaving high school, leaving her best friend and going to some far away colleges She’s smart, nerdy and a bit of a prankstar and she's brave, but she can never be brave when it comes to Adam Wendell her childhood crush. She says she doesn't date but Adam is an exception, an obsession in fact. The rich, annoying bully who bullies and shames her in school everyday, its ironic how she fell for him She’s been in love with him since they were kids but he never pays attention to her, except when he wants to bully her. Will she be able to deal with these mixed feelings and face them head on, find out as you read on.

T_Of_Hearts · Teen
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2 Chs

Damn She's Got A Nice


I stared at Moxie reading upside down on my bed with her head hanging from the edge, she does that when she's mad.

We were at my house, she came to eat free food, she come here everyday after school claiming that she didn't want to die of food poisoning.

Why was she mad?, I pranked her, I made her lunch with chilly peppers, she deserves it, the prank she pulled of me was worse . she can't handle spice, now she wasn't talking to me and I felt guilty.

'Moxie' I groaned. 'I'm already said I was sorry, it was just a pepper' she didn't say a word but she sat up and was reading her book properly. 'Moxie'

'what?' she said coldly.

'I'm sorry' I whimpered. 'it was just peppers, it wasn't even spicy' She threw the huge biology text book at be, it hit me on my head. 'ouch, why'd you do that?'

'Its just a book, it wasn't even painful' she mocked and stroded out of my room. 'you better come and serve me food before I break your head with my chemistry textbook' she shouted.

I chuckled and picked up her text book, I dropped ontop of the bed and when to meet her in the kitchen.

'what do you want to eat?' I asked. I opened the fridge and checked what was inside.

'Do you have ice cream?' she asked.

'is ice cream food?'

'Dax, don't make me hit you' she threatened. I brought out a tub of ice cream with two spoons I gave one to he and dropped the ice cream on the counter. She opened it. 'ugh, is this vanilla?'

'You're seeing it and you're asking me' I snapped, I spooned the ice cream and stuffed it in my mouth. 'it's all I've got, if you don't like it, leave it, I can finish it' she snatched the cup before I could grab it.

'I thought you didn't like vanilla ice cream' I mocked.

'Dax, I'm warning you for the last time' she said. She spooned the ice cream. 'so, how did dumping Sophie go?'

'it was so funny, she was like' I cleared my throat so I could imitate Sophie's tiny voice perfectly. 'You'll come crawling back you ugly goat, I hate you' I screamed moving my hand like Sophie did hers. She giggled cutely, I love her giggle. 'I pray you die and rot in hell' She stopped laughing. 'what?'

'I would have slapped her stupid face if I was there' she said.

'Chill and eat your ice cream' I said. She pushed the ice cream to me.

'I want doritos' she said with a cute pout.

' your face is like doritos' I said. She frowned 'sorry, there isn't any left'

'Why don't you have anything I like in your fridge'

'Because its not your fridge' I deadpanned. She walked to the fridge and opened. 'what are you doing?' she brought out an egg and smashed it on my face.

'I will say it and I will keep saying it, you are a fool' she snapped and ran to her room.

Yes, she has a room of her own, mom insisted she had one.

Drama Queen


I played with the giant teddy bear big mama bought for me, big mama was what I called Dax's mom.

'seriously, an egg' I heard Aiden say.

Aiden was Dax's younger brother, he had a huge crush on me but he's over it now.

'He didn't give me doritos' I whined. He chuckled and threw a bag of cool ranch doritos at me. I caught it . 'marry me' I cooed.

'I would but Dax will murder me' he said.

'I wasn't taking to you, I was talking to my doritos' I snapped. He hissed, why would Dax be mad if I married Aiden.

'don't you think you should change into something comfortable, example, something that's not revealing your boobs' he said. I looked my chest, the sweetheart neckline was a little low.

'You can look but you can't touch' I said in a singsong voice. 'beside, I didn't bring any clothes, do you want me to roam around naked?'

He stroked his chin thoughtfully. 'maybe, it depends on if I get to have some fun' I screamed and threw the teddy bear at him.

'I'm older than you, you little brat' I snapped.

'by two year, age is just a number, we can get married and multiply' he said getting on one knee like he was proposing to me.

'are you mad?' I shrieked.

'don't worry baby, my magic stick is bigger than Dax's' he sang. I launched at him but before I could catch him, he broke into a run. I chased after him, no one escapes my wrath


I walked into the living room and met Aiden and Moxie arguing about something. That's what they always do, he starts off with proposing his love for her then he says something inappropriate, she chases him around for a while and the end up arguing, calling each other all kinds of name.

'You kicked my magic stick, you ungrateful rat and to think I found a husband for you' Aiden said disappointedly

'What are you talking about?' Moxie asked and cocked her hips.

'I was going to give you my blessing to marry doritos but you have disappointed me and I even thought I raised you well' he said

'You're very stupid' she snapped

'not as stupid as you cocksucker' he yelled.

'puss eater' Moxie screamed.

'air head' he fired.

'dickless buffoon' she fired back.

'if I'm dickless, how will I divide your red sea' he said. She blushed. She's going to kill him, she doesn't like people making sexual comments about her body.

'Aiden, leave Moxie alone, she didn't do anything to you' I said.

'she chose to marry chips over me, can you imagine?'

'oh, I'm so surprised' I said sarcastically.

'I hate my life' he screamed girlishly as he ran upstairs, crazed maniac.

'get your bag, let me drive you home' I said twirling my car keys around my index finger playfully. She nodded and went to get her bag from my room.

I watched her swaying ass as she walked away. Damn she's got a nice ass