
Moving Through Life. Chapter 166: Darkness Rises, Then Falls.

Emma_Heringer · Book&Literature
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Darkness Rises, Then Falls

My past is my last of regrets, torture, and scorn.

I was so young, brash, and too rash in my decisions, it only dug deeper incisions.

My past is a dark tower, solely built in guilt.

I look out the window covered in dust and rust, lightning peers at me through the dark clouds; Every door is shut, but I don't live alone , although I wish I could.

Fear and grief rang the doorbell three years ago, should've told them no, instead I show them in.

Fear told me that I'd never become bold to say no, and would haunt me until I'm old.

I replied that I'm sick of him following me around, and in some time, I'll quit wallowing and throw him out.

I know to be free, I must fight my thoughts of reluctance's greed.

I walked up to Fear and slapped him in the face, told him to get out of my place. He became so angry, he threatened he'd hang me.

I said he's had his fun, now he better run, and I remember when you used to beat and harass me,but you couldn't surpass me. You used to throttle me, but I won't stay in your bottle, your reign is about to topple.

Life is based on many choices, they posses many voices; But don't allow your past mistakes to define you, let them REFINE you.

Failure teaches, and learning from it breaks the breaches.