
Moving in next door

Haunted by her past, Bella moved away from Forks and lives a quiet life. She works a menial job, lives alone and keeps to herself. Then someone moves in next door that shakes up her solitude. Suddenly, she is faced with feelings that scare her and desire she never thought she would be to feel.

Neytiri85 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Just desserts

"Hello, beautiful…"

Eyes wide, I shot up looking around the dark room, nothing stirred. Holding my breath, I waited. Eventually, with my heart hammering away, I slowly laid back down feeling more awake now than I'd ever been. Slowly, the silence of the night calmed my heart and allowed my eyelids to droop.

"Hello, beautiful…"

"Whose there?" I called out into the darkness trembling.

As the moonlight filtered in through the windows, I gasped as a figure stepped forward. His smirk sent shivers down my spine, there was an evil glint in his eyes.

"Edward?" I gasped.

He moved towards me slowly, I instinctively moved back.

"You should be in jail," I cried, my eyes darting around the room.

Edward laughed as he continued to move closer.

"Carlisle isn't the only one in my family. Esme didn't want her innocent son sitting in jail for something he didn't do," he smirked, his evil glare sparking in his eyes.

Quickly, I bolted for the door, but before I could reach it, Edward pulled me back onto the bed. My arms were held above my head as he sat across my hips. His weight bore down on me like a bag full of rocks.

"Leaving so soon, it's been so long since we last saw each other. I thought we could catch up," he purred as he put more pressure on my arms.

Weakly, I tried to get free, but he'd always been stronger than me. He smirked as I finally stopped struggling, there was no point.

"I am sure we have a lot to talk about," he smirked as one of his hands travelled down my body.

My heart stopped; flashes of prom night filtered through my head, like a bad movie that wouldn't stop. I closed my eyes and just prayed that it would be over soon. Just as I felt him start to lift my top up there was a bang.

"Bella!" Paul shouted.

Edward covered my mouth with his hand. His eyes bored into mine, clearly telling me to be quiet.

"Shhhh!" he whispered to me.

We could hear Paul banging again, calling my name. The moment the banging stopped; my heart stopped as well. Edward turned back to me his smirk in place again.

"Now, where were we?" he mused his eyes roaming across my chest.

Fear, which I hadn't felt in a long time, froze my lips and voice. He watched my eyes go wide.

"Don't you realise how much I've missed you, Bella," he asked as he lowered his head to kiss me.

My body had enough sense to make me turn my head, causing him to kiss my neck instead. I cringed as he moved up and down. My stomach lurched as he lifted up and took my face in his hand.

"You should have known better than to try and beat me Bella. Now, we are going to have some fun just like we did after prom. Do you remember that night? I do! I think about it all the time. I will make you moan louder than your so-called boyfriend next door," he growled with a smile.

I did my best to glare at him, but my fear was becoming overwhelming and I knew it shone through.

"I highly doubt that mate!"

Both Edward and I turned to the door. Edward growled whilst a flutter of hope ignited in my heart. Paul stood in the doorway; his fists clenched as he glared at Edward. He took a small step towards us, and I started to struggle again. This time I was able to get one hand free.

With what little strength I had I pushed him. Unfortunately, that was like a small child hitting a giant, annoying but ultimately pointless. Edward glared down at me and that was all Paul needed, he pounced on Edward. I felt Edward being pulled off of me, and I sat up straight away.

However, it was too dark to see anything. The moonlight only revealed so much but I could hear them fighting and grunting.

"Argh!" I heard one of them call out in pain.

In a panic, I rushed to the light switch. Light flooded my room, momentarily causing me to close my eyes. Before I opened them, a horrifying thought flashed through my mind.

'What if it was Paul that screamed in pain? Is he ok? Has he been hurt because of me?'

When I opened my eyes I could have cried with relief. Edward was no match for a six-foot Quileute, who had worked out practically all his life. Paul knelt on top of Edward; his arms were held behind his back as he struggled. Paul turned to me panting.

"Call the police Bella," he told me.

I nodded and found my phone. My eyes widened when the screen lit up, I'd placed it on silent so I could sleep without being interrupted. Dad had tried to call me twenty times. As the call connected, Edward shouted at Paul to get off of him, Paul tightened his hold.

It seemed to take forever for the police to arrive. When they did, they handcuffed Edward and forced him, struggling, out of the house, shouting curses at Paul.

The realisation of what could have happened hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes grew wide, my breath came in pants too quickly. Sensing my panic, Paul rushed to my side and held me.

"Hey! Hey! It's ok! You're ok!" he soothed as he guided me to the sofa.

Tightly, I gripped his arms as I buried my face into his chest.

"Is she ok?" a young police officer asked.

"She will be," Paul told him confidently.

I wasn't so sure, it felt as if the air was being forced out of me without being let back in. Paul continued to hold me as he faced the officer.

"So, as I was saying. Edward was Bella's high school boyfriend. After graduation, she left Forks and moved here. I recently moved in next door and we started dating. We recently returned to the reservation, where I lived next to where she used to live, for her father's wedding. We met Edward's current girlfriend and found out he was hurting her. So, with the help of her dad, who's chief of police in Forks, we helped her go to the police and he was arrested."

"We believed his family wouldn't post bail, so we returned home. I went to bed and was awoken by my phone ringing. Charlie, her dad, called me. He told me, Edwards's mother had posted bail and then Edward had vanished. He was worried, and he said that he couldn't reach Bella."

"I rushed over and banged on the door; I couldn't hear anything. I knew Bella was in and that she wasn't a heavy sleeper. So, I went around back, forced my way inside, as quietly as I could, in case he was here, and made my way upstairs. I found him on top of her and I could see she was scared. So, I pulled him off of her and we fought. I punched in and he fell down, so I knelt on top of him and held him down. Then I told Bella to call you guys," the police officer nodded as he wrote down the story.

Another came up and read what he'd written. He then turned and looked at us.

"Hello, my name is Detective Adams. Is it ok if I ask you some questions?" he asked and we both nodded.

"You're Miss Bella Swan correct?" he asked, I nodded.

My shakes and shivers had calmed down enough for me to lift my head away from Paul's chest.

"Can we talk in private?" he asked, I shook my head quickly.

"No! I ..." I stammered gripping Paul's arms.

With a squeeze of my hand, he smiled at me reassuringly.

"It's ok Bella, I'll be just there ok?" he pointed to the doorway.

I didn't want him to go, but he stood up which left me with no choice but to let go. Detective Adams took a seat next to me as I gripped the cushion.

"Are you up to telling me what happened?" he asked and I slowly nodded.

"We'd just gotten back from my dad's wedding; we were both exhausted. When I laid down, I heard Edward. He'd hidden in my room. I tried to run but he grabbed and pinned me down. I couldn't move. We heard Paul banging, so he covered my mouth to stop me from screaming. When Paul stopped banging, he told me his mum had posted bail, and that we were going to have fun, just like we did before."

My body starts to shiver, the detective looked around the room and found a blanket. He puts it around me and I smile at him in thanks.

"Before?" he asked.

I looked at Paul, I knew he could hear everything. With a deep breath, I nodded.

"Yes, Edward and I used to date in high school. At first, he was ok but then he became controlling and abusive. First, he would just call me names and belittle me, and then he started hitting me. He was careful not to hit anywhere visible. After prom he …. He … he raped me," I looked over at Paul and I could see his fists clenching again.

"I see, what happened next?" he asked.

"That was when Paul showed up, he pulled him off of me. I could hear them shouting, then I heard a cry of pain. I was afraid Paul had been hurt so I rushed to turn the light on. That's when I saw Paul kneeling on Edward and he told me to ring you."

I finished clutching the blanket tightly around myself. Paul raced to my side and held me.

"Edward has a completely different story. He said that you had invited him in and that you wanted to catch up. One thing led to another, and that's when Paul came in. Edward claims you had wanted one last fling before starting your new life with Paul. He told us that to save face in front of Paul you lied and said that he was attacking you which made Paul attack him," we both stared gobsmacked at Detective Adams.

"That's ridiculous!" Paul claimed.

I nodded in agreement as did Detective Adams.

"We agree. We ran his name and found his arrest in Forks. Don't worry his story isn't going to hold. We found a window in your living room with clear signs of being broken into, we think that's how he got in."

I sighed with relief, it felt good that the detective believed us.

"Bella! Bella!"

"Dad!" I called out as Charlie raced into the room and grabbed me.

The young police officer rushed up behind him red-faced.

"I am sorry sir! He rushed past us," he explained in between pants.

Detective Adams waved him off as he watched us. Charlie turned to him angry.

"Where is he?" he demanded.

"He's in custody, don't worry sir he won't hurt your daughter again," he told him reassuringly.

"I want to see him; I want to punch that bastard!" he growled with such anger in his voice that I'd never heard from him before.

"No dad!" I called out strongly gripping his arms.

"Your daughter is right, even though you would be justified in hitting him. All that will do is result in you being arrested. Let us deal with him," he commanded before he left.

"Are you ok Bella? What did he do? Did he hurt you?" he asked gripping my arms.

Weakly, I smiled at him. I always knew my father loved me, but like me, he doesn't show his emotion that well or often. Right now, I could see his love and fear for me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

"I'm ok Dad,"

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