
Moving Forward - A Powerful HP Fic

Beaten, humiliated, hunted, and disrespected. Harry Potter had finally had enough. Having a preordained life hanging in the balance, an overlooked ritual shall finally enable him to fight back against his enemies. And he shall use all the benefits it comes with, consequences be damned. Strong!HarryXMulti. Lemons.

Vedros · Book&Literature
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The soft lights of the morning sun trickled through the parted curtains of the window.

Harry squinted slightly and yawned as he slowly opened his eyes. As he tried to get up, he found that he was held down by not one, but two very naked bodies. He looked down and saw long tresses of pink and blonde sprawled across his chest as two fair and beautiful women held him down.

He recalled the happenings of the night before and chuckled. That seemed to wake the two women up, as they squinted before slowly opening their eyes and looking at each other in surprise.

"Good morning," Harry greeted mirthfully, and Tonks groaned before burrowing her head back into his chest. Harry gave her ass a playful slap before hissing when Tonks grabbed his naked cock.

"Careful, mister. I'm not a morning person," she squeezed his cock once before pulling away, and Harry released a breath he was holding. He turned to look at the other woman whom he didn't even know that well and saw that she was looking at him.

"Soon," she whispered, before leaning up and pressing their lips together. Despite morning breath, Harry didn't pull back and instead pulled her close.

"Ugh… you won't let me sleep, will you?" Tonks murmured sleepily, and still half asleep, she got up, gathered her clothes, and hastily put them on before leaving for her room. Harry waved his hand and the door shut behind her.

Harry looked at the woman in his arms, and despite numerous questions on his mind, he decided to wait for her to explain herself. For now, they cuddled up together and went back to sleep.


"Alright. Tell me everything," Harry stated, looking at the woman sitting in front of him. They had freshened up and people were still about to wake up. Perks of an early riser.

The beautiful blonde looked at him and sighed.

"I should start at the beginning," she remarked, and Harry shrugged. "As good a place as any to start."

Natalie nodded.

"First thing you need to know about me, is that I'm not human," she began, and Harry looked at her interestedly.

"I sensed something off about you when I saw you the first time," he remarked, and Natalie looked at him with a small smile, "there's some kind of pull you have on you. Kinda like the veela do."

Natalie chuckled.

"You sure do know how to compliment a lady, don't you?"

Harry chuckled as well. "Just told you what I felt."

"You're close. I am a magical creature called Huldra. I doubt you'd know what they are, so let me tell you. Huldra are a race of magical creatures from Scandinavia that live in forests there around human settlements. They spend most of their lives tending to the wild. You can think of them as the keepers or wardens of nature."

Harry nodded.

"And all Huldra are beautiful women with an exotic pull?"

Natalie smiled.

"There are males, but they are rare. And hideous. That is why they are not seen and dwell underground."

Harry nodded.

"And what about my parents and you?"

Natalie smiled slightly.

"Our forest in Sweden was attacked, and only a few of us survived. We fled south and somehow arrived in Scotland, where we made a small shelter for ourselves. One night, a few evil wizards attacked our settlement with various magical creatures. Once they saw us, their minds got clouded with lust and they tried to carry us with them. However, that was when the Order arrived. Among them was your father. He was a brave and capable fighter, quick and agile. He killed the wizard who tried to abduct me and I accompanied him around the battlefield as he fought against other wizards and creatures while I tried to assist him in whichever way I could. In the heat of the battle, we got separated and I found myself at the mercy of a giant. I would have been killed had it not been for your father. He conjured a spear and banished it through the giant's skull."

Harry listened to her explaining it all with a smile.

"All other surviving Huldra died in that battle, and I was the only one who remained. Your father asked me to join the Order, and I didn't even hesitate. Once we got back, I met your mother. She also welcomed me with open arms. During the next few months, the three of us grew very close."

"Alright, I get the picture. So, you were with both of them?"

Natalie nodded.

"Only once though. The very next day, your parents went into hiding. They asked me to move in with them, but I declined. I wanted to help in the war, and I didn't have to hide away like they had to. Time passed, and months later when I was away, news arrived of Voldemort's demise and your parents' death. Overcome with grief, I fled England and went back to Sweden to spend a mundane life. Being a dark creature, I wouldn't have been allowed to be in any contact with you at all."

Harry nodded in understanding.

"So… about last night…" Harry began, and Natalie smiled.

"Let me start by telling you that you are a wonderful lover and I would happily be with you forever. As to why I did what I did… well… I owed a life debt to your father, and when I came back, I felt a pull towards you. Initially, I didn't understand what it was, but after your and Nym's shenanigans during dinner, I felt it even more strongly. That was when I realized that the debt that I had to James had been bestowed upon you."

Harry frowned. "Is that normal?"

Natalie shook her head. "A child can inherit a life debt from the parents, but I have never heard of such a connection before. That is why I was confused when I felt the pull towards you."

Harry probed further.

"Can you think of anything that might cause this?"

Natalie frowned.

"Well, I do not have much knowledge in the field, so I can't say. Sorry," she smiled helplessly.

Harry had an inkling as to why this happened, and he decided to confide in her. He told her about the ritual he had done and all the things that had been happening since then.

"So, all this started after you performed this ritual. I do not know much but it is possible that the ritual did something. After all, ritualistic magic is an obscure branch, and no one truly knows its limits."

Harry nodded. That is what he thought.

"Although it doesn't seem to be triggering any negative consequences, so I wouldn't worry much," Natalie smiled. Harry chuckled despite himself.

"That I cannot deny. I mean, I would have to be a fool to turn away beautiful women who want to be with me."

"Quite," she chuckled before scooting closer.

"I've already started feeling closer to you than James," she whispered against his lips, looking him in the eyes. Harry parted her hair to the side, exposing her bare shoulder before dropping a soft kiss against the creamy skin.

"I also care about every one of the women who I find myself bonding to, you included," he admitted honestly.

"I'm glad," she whispered, and Harry responded by closing the distance between them. Natalie melted into the kiss, her fingers fisting his shirt as Harry pulled her close by the waist. Despite being years older than him, Natalie barely looked so. If he did not know any better, he would've thought she was Tonks' age.

She moaned when Harry bit her lower lip softly before pushing his tongue inside her mouth. Her body started moving against his, their fronts rubbing together as she ground herself against him.

Slowly she pulled back to look at him with half-lidded eyes before dropping to her knees in front of him. Her hands fumbled with his belt before she got it off and pulled his pants down. His cock, hard as a rock, jumped and hit her on the cheek. Natalie wasted no time in grabbing hold of it and taking him into her mouth.

Harry sank his fingers inside her hair and caressed her scalp as Natalie continued to bob her head up and down his shaft, taking him as deep as she could. Ignoring her gag reflex, Natalie sucked him hard and fast.

"Damn Nat… fuck you're so good," he groaned, and Natalie hummed around his cock in happiness. Her hand came up to play with his balls, and he hissed. She gave a soft purr around his cock and continued to bob her head up and down, maintaining a rhythmic pattern and keeping her eyes on his face, relishing in the way he looked at her, the way his facial muscles contracted and the way his expressions shifted from ecstatic in one to breathless in the other.

Harry stroked her hair softly as she took him deep inside her throat before slowly dragging her lips back until only the head of his cock remained inside her mouth. He watched as she winked before swirling her tongue around the crown. Harry hissed in absolute pleasure as she did so, her soft tongue caressing the sensitive skin on and around the head of his cock.

Not even Tonks had been this good, and she was a metamorph!

His hips bucked, and Natalie knew he wouldn't last much longer. With a mental grin, she sped up, taking him deep inside her mouth while keeping it ready for his load.

She didn't have to wait for long, as with a loud groan, Harry shot load after fucking load of his potent seed into her mouth. Natalie swallowed as much as she could, pulling away to breathe before going back to feast on it. Her tongue swirled around the head of his cock, taking in all his cum and licking it all up. A few globs dripped down her lips and clung to her chin and neck, and she wasted no time in collecting it all with her fingers.

Slowly, with her eyes locked on his, she smiled sweetly before licking her fingers clean. Harry swore at the alluring sight, and he admitted that he'd never seen something as erotic ever before.

"Damn, that was brilliant," he muttered, leaning back, and Natalie joined him on the sofa to cuddle up.

"Don't worry, you can return the favour later."

"For sure," Harry nodded, dropping a kiss on her temple as they rested for a while.


It was half an hour later that Harry made his way to the dining room. Natalie had met Tonks once they left his room, and after a couple of kisses, he left the two women to their own devices before walking downstairs.

He saw that the dining room was empty apart from Mr and Mrs Weasley. The latter was bustling in the kitchen, so he joined the former at the dining table.

"Good morning, Mr Weasley, Mrs Weasley," Harry greeted as he sat down.

"Good morning Harry," Mr Weasley smiled at him.

"Good morning, Harry dear. Just wait for five minutes. I'll be over with your breakfast," she remarked, and Harry chuckled.

"I'm in no hurry, Mrs Weasley. Please take your time," he smiled before turning to see Mr Weasley reading the Prophet.

"Anything new, Mr Weasley?"

"Seems like it. Apparently, four wizards have gone missing since the school year ended. The ministry has summoned Dumbledore for questioning over their whereabouts. Their parents have stated that the four didn't come back from school, and Dumbledore announced that those four were missing before the school year ended. A probe has been ordered but so far, no news."

Harry listened to the news with a sort of detachment. He knew perfectly well just what had happened to the four cunts. His mind flashed back to the evening when he had consciously killed for the first time. So much had happened since then that it seemed a long time ago. His mind wandered to Fleur and he wondered how she was.

She was his first kiss, and he had felt a connection with her, the same that he had felt with so many witches since then. He wondered how Fleur would feel about it. Would she be okay with him being with multiple witches? Or would she want him for himself? He did not know, but he resolved to write to her. They hadn't talked, after all.

"Dumbledore's facing heat from the ministry then?"

Mr Weasley frowned.

"Not too much yet, it's only enquiry now, but given the situation around the ministry now, I won't be surprised if Fudge pulls something."

Harry nodded before some movement to the side drew his attention.

Mrs Weasley levitated his breakfast and he thanked her before digging in. Soon, everyone started arriving. The twins arrived first followed by Ron who was grumbling about something. Harry greeted them who greeted him back before getting busy with their food. Soon, Nym entered alongside Nat and both took their seats on either side of him. It was quite clear to anyone who looked that they were sitting quite close.

The twins looked at the three of them with furrowed brows before they looked at Harry, who stared back with a raised eyebrow. They shrugged before going back to their breakfast.

Finally, Hermione entered the room followed by Ginny, and both girls froze upon seeing them sitting together. Harry raised an eyebrow in question, yet they didn't move an inch.

"Err, will you two move please?" Sirius spoke from behind them, and they jumped slightly, before hastily moving to the side. Everyone looked at them weirdly, and Sirius glanced at them before shrugging and walking over to take his seat at the head of the table. The two girls gingerly walked forward and took their seats slightly further away. Mrs Weasley quickly placed their breakfast in front of them before she took her seat beside her husband.

"Sup, Harry? What's on the agenda today? Same old? Up in your room, all locked up, doing who knows what?" Sirius jested, and Hermione and Ginny choked on the drink. Their spluttering made everyone look over at them weirdly, and they hastily wiped their faces.

"Sorry, I should've been slower," Hermione grimaced. Ginny simply nodded and looked down.

"Are you two okay?" Harry asked, slightly concerned. Everyone else at the table was also looking a bit worried. Hermione avoided looking at him, while Ginny was looking at the table.

"We're fine, Harry. Just stayed up a bit late last night, that's all," she managed.

Harry nodded.

"You should sleep in time, dears."

"We'll take care in the future, mum," Ginny answered. Mrs Weasley nodded and went back to her breakfast.

Hermione's mind kept conjuring the image she had seen the previous night, and Ginny was no better. They had gone to talk to Harry since it had been a long time, but never in their wildest dreams had they imagined the scene they had stumbled into.

The door had been locked, and Ginny had told Hermione to let him be, that he might be asleep already, but Hermione, intrusive as she was, had refused to listen and had slowly unlocked the door before pulling it slightly. And that was enough for them to hear what was going on.

They had turned to each other with crimson faces and wide eyes before curiosity had taken hold of them, and they had scooted closer to watch what was going on. The scene would remain etched in their minds forever. Harry was laying on his back, and on his lap was Natalie, bouncing her hips on his cock while they kissed like passionate lovers.

Their mouths were hung open at the scene. They saw Tonks sitting to the side, actively fingering herself, and without any active action on their part, their fingers also started playing with their pussies right over their clothes.

They had no idea how long they had stood there, simply watching their friend and secret crush pounding away into a woman almost double his age while playing with their pussy and clit until they witnessed their mutual climaxes. They saw the trio cuddle up and go to sleep, and with wide eyes and dripping fingers, they had turned to look at each other.

The walk back had been in a daze, and almost mechanically, they had gotten under their covers. No words had been outspoken, and no words needed to be.

However, sleep eluded the pair. The scene of Harry's large cock continuously moving in and out of Natalie's clean shaved pussy roamed their minds, and their fingers went back to involuntarily play with their cunts. Both girls pulled their pyjamas and knickers down under their respective covers as well as pulled their tops over their lovely tits. The bras were pulled down, freeing up their tits under the covers and they wasted no time in starting to tweak their nipples with one hand, while their other hand toyed with their clit.

The room was full of heavy breathing, yet none of the two occupants heard the other – so lost in their carnal chase were they that nothing else mattered.

Only when they reached their climaxes at the same time with a moan of ~Harry! did their eyes widen and they looked at each other's dishevelled selves.

Both girls looked at each other, almost naked from the top and sitting upright. Their eyes took in each other's breasts before slowly travelling upward.

"You too?" Ginny whispered. Hermione shakily nodded.

"Fuck," Ginny whispered again, falling back on her bed as she looked at the ceiling. Hermione looked at her before she too fell back on her bed and sighed. There was no denying it now. Deep inside, she knew it. That is why there was no hesitation in her voice when she affirmed it to Ginny.

Like Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger also wanted Harry Potter.



Hermione was jolted out of her daydreaming and she looked in surprise at Harry who was looking at her. Instantly, events of the previous night invaded her mind and she turned her eyes to look around the table. She looked with surprise that everyone was looking at her.

"Harry was calling your name for the past minute, my dear," Mrs Weasley remarked in concern, "are you sure you're okay, Hermione?"

Hermione flushed and looked at Ginny, who shrugged and looked away.

"I am fine, Mrs Weasley. Just a little drowsy. I think I need to sleep for a little bit more."

Mrs Weasley nodded.

"Ginny dear, you go as well. You also look like you will drop off right this instant. Have a good sleep."

Ginny looked at her father and nodded. Hermione stood up and Ginny followed her out. Both could feel the eyes of a certain emerald-eyed wizard on their backs, and they hastily walked away.

"What's up with them?" Nat leaned over and whispered in his ear, and Harry involuntarily grabbed her bare thigh. He looked down to see her skirt had risen to mid-thigh level and raised an eyebrow. She simply smiled.

He caressed her thigh before stroking the insides and muttered, "No idea," before squeezing once and backing off. If the smouldering look Nat gave him was any indication, he was sure she would have jumped his bones if not for the public present. He chuckled and went back to his breakfast.


Hermione and Ginny were slowly walking up the stairs towards their room. Their mind was still filled with the image from last night, and try as they might, there was no escaping from the visual. This was something new for both – having never even kissed a boy and suddenly finding yourself face to face with your best friend fucking the daylights out of a lady as hot as Natalie was bound to have its aftereffects.

However, they had no idea what to do about that. They had already admitted to themselves as well as one another that they wanted Harry, but there was a massive gulf between what you want and how you get it.

Still thinking about it, they reached their room and entered before Ginny shut the door behind her. Without speaking at all, they got under their respective covers and pulled them over their heads.

About an hour passed and the two girls stayed quiet; the room shrouded in silence for the entire hour before Ginny groaned, her resolve breaking completely.

"I can't get it out of my mind," she muttered, loud enough for Hermione to hear. The girl in question chuckled mirthlessly.

"Me either," she remarked and sat up, letting her duvet fall into her lap. Ginny followed suit. "The guy I used to think of as my brother in all but blood…"

"I get it why it's surprising for you, Hermione. But I've liked him since I first got to know him, and to see him like that with those two… I feel so jealous right now," Ginny muttered.

"I had no idea he was dating Tonks and that woman. How old is she by the way?"

Ginny chuckled.

"He's not dating anyone, Hermione," she said with a smile, and Hermione's eyes widened. Ginny stared at Hermione with a disbelieving look.

"What? You seriously thought they were dating!?"

Hermione could only nod at Ginny's incredulous stare and frowned when said girl doubled over in laughter.

"Oh Merlin…" Ginny wheezed, trying to catch her breath, and looked at Hermione.

"They're fuck buddies," she giggled, and Hermione flushed.


Ginny nodded.

"You really think Tonks would let him fuck another woman if she was dating Harry? And how long have they known each other anyway? A few days? That's not enough to date someone, unless you picked one to date at random, which I doubt they've done. No, they're definitely fuck buddies."

Hermione could only listen to Ginny, embarrassed beyond words.

'Harry, f-fuck buddies with Tonks and another older woman?'

"Looks like he likes them older than him," Ginny chuckled, and Hermione looked at her. "Lucky you, I guess."

Hermione flushed, but couldn't suppress a jolt of pleasure at Ginny's remark. Did she have a chance with Harry?

'But I don't want to be just another woman. I want to have him all to myself,'

She didn't realize she'd spoken it all out loud, as Ginny laughed.

"Forget that's gonna happen," she giggled, and Hermione looked at her. "No guy can resist women throwing themselves at him, and have you looked at Harry lately? I thought he was cute before, but now…" Ginny gushed, and illicit thoughts invaded Hermione's mind once again. She forcefully shoved those thoughts away, other matters taking priority at the moment.

"What do I do then?"

"I? No no no, Miss. There's no 'I' here. If we do anything, we do it for both of us. I'm not going to give up so easily."

Hermione's eyes widened.

"What do you mean? You are okay with being one of the many women?"

Ginny stared at Hermione with an unimpressed look.

"If it means I can be with Harry, then it's a no brainer. Let me be honest, Hermione, there's no other man for me out there. If I don't get Harry, I don't intend to be with someone else. And if being with Harry requires me to share him with others, well…" Ginny shrugged, and Hermione lowered her eyes.

"I don't- I don't think I can do that…" she whispered, her voice soft and barely audible.

Ginny stared at Hermione for a few moments, before she sighed.

"Then I'm afraid you'll have to forget about Harry, and accept that you can never have him."

Hermione looked up at Ginny with wide eyes, and Ginny nodded.

"Yes. You may be by his side as a friend, but you'll never be able to be with him in the way you want."

Hermione looked on with wide eyes as Ginny got up from her bed and slowly walked towards her. She stayed in her place, frozen, as Ginny came closer and stopped at the edge of her bed.

"He will fuck other women, and you'll only hear tales of it," she whispered, slowly sitting on the soft mattress and turning to look at Hermione, and the older girl could only look on with wide eyes.

"Other women will let him do what he wants with their bodies, becoming one with him – mind, body and soul, and you will only watch it all happen, unable to get involved," Ginny whispered, slowly leaning towards Hermione, who leaned back and fell on her bed, watching Ginny with wide eyes.

"And who knows," Ginny whispered, now hovering over Hermione who was entirely powerless to do anything other than look on with wide eyes and hear with perfect clarity, "maybe he will knock up all the women who give themselves to him, all but you, only because you were selfish enough to want a man like him for yourself," Ginny whispered with narrowed eyes, her body flush against Hermione's own and her lips right over hers.

"Can you imagine a life like that?" Ginny continued in a soft voice, and Hermione could feel faint breath on her lips. Involuntarily, she licked her lips to wet them up slightly, and Ginny's eyes traced the small movement.

"Can you?" Ginny whispered, slowly closing the distance between them until their lips were pressed together.

Ginny gave her friend no quarter, passionately locking their lips together, even though Hermione stayed unresponsive. A few seconds passed when she felt Hermione moving her lips against hers, her body relaxing slightly, and Ginny smiled into the kiss.

'My first kiss, and with a girl,' Ginny thought as she continued to kiss Hermione, her lips slowly moving against hers before she pushed her tongue forward and gave a lick. Instantly, Hermione's mouth opened and Ginny wasted no time. Her tongue met Hermione's, and she started moving it against hers, their lips pressed together as Ginny mapped out the entire structure of Hermione's wanton mouth.

They didn't know how long they kept their lips locked together but their need to breathe surged its head. Flushed, Ginny slowly pulled back from Hermione and saw that the other girl was even more red-faced and was breathing heavily. Ginny's eyes fell to the swell of Hermione's breasts but she forced herself to look at her face.

Slowly, she raised her hand and stroked Hermione's cheek with the back of it. Hermione watched, fascinated, as Ginny gave her a soft smile.

"What we just did is one of the things I bet we will have to get used to if we want to be with Harry. I am repeating once again, it is impossible to have Harry all for yourself. No woman in this world can do it, that I can guarantee you," she slowly got off Hermione and laid beside her, turning her head to give her what seemed to be a gentle smile.

"I know it isn't easy for you, Hermione. Hell, even the concept of polygamy must be foreign to you. But if you want a life with Harry, you need to understand that you will have to be one of many. Otherwise, it would be better to move on and set your sights somewhere else."

Hermione stared at the ceiling, her mind reeling from what just happened. Her first kiss, stolen by Ginny, and she didn't even resist. Did she like it? Loved it, even? Did it thrill her? As much as it thrilled her to see Harry hammering that woman last night? As she pondered upon it, she realized it didn't feel bad. Instead, she did like it. And she wanted to feel more of it.

Turning to look at Ginny, Hermione saw her sitting up.

"I hope you'll come around, Hermione. Because I've decided. If being with Harry means sharing him, them I'm ready for it."

Hermione stayed lying on her bed as Ginny slowly moved over to her bed and buried herself under the covers. She sighed softly and relaxed, pulling the covers over her head for some much-needed shut-eye. She had a lot to think about.

Right outside the slightly ajar door, a certain pink-haired witch smirked.

"Wow Ginny, I never would've thought you had it in you," Tonks chuckled as she started to walk away from the room the two girls shared.

"You were feeling so shy when Harry hugged you back then, so meek that I thought you'd never get over it. But you've exceeded my expectations."

Tonks chuckled as she reached her room, and saw the event had already started without her. Harry was shirtless and was squeezing Nat's ass under her skirt as they kissed like long-lost lovers. For a second, Tonks simply stood there admiring the alluring sight, before her senses returned.

"Hey, no fair!" She cried out, quickly applying the required charms to ensure their privacy as she discarded her clothes and pushed Harry and Nat on the bed for another repeat of last night's performance.


"I wish you'd reconsider your decision, my dear. Britain is not safe, not anymore. Last year was more than enough. We almost lost you, my dear girl."

"Don't worry, maman, I will be perfectly okay. And we knew this day was coming, right?"

Apolline Delacour sighed in resignation.

"You're just like me, too stubborn when you decide something. I know I cannot convince you, but please, stay safe."

"I promise, maman, I'm a capable witch and I've been practicing spells ever since we returned, haven't I?"

Apolline sighed. It was true, after all. Her daughter had been training with some of the best that France had to offer, and had come on top more often than not.

She smiled when her daughter came close and hugged her, and Apolline couldn't help but smile ruefully.

"Take care, Fleur," she whispered.

Fleur Delacour smiled before pulling back. With a nod, she hugged her father and little sister, whispering assurances in their ears, before she grabbed her portkey. She gave them loving smiles as she felt a tug at her navel. The world around her swirled into a multitude of colours until she came to a stop at the end of a bridge.

"Ms Delacour," Fleur turned and saw Professor McGonagall give her a small smile, "follow me please. We would be on our way to your new place of accommodation shortly."

Fleur nodded.

"Thank you, Professor," she smiled softly.

"And Ms Delacour," McGonagall said, prompting Fleur to look at her. She saw the older witch give her a small smile.

"Welcome to the Order."

Fleur smiled.

To be continued…

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