
Movie World Collector

Every movie is a journey, Marilyn Monroe's sexy style, the infinite loneliness of an isolated island overseas, Audrey Hepburn's passionate kiss, and the hardship of trying to live. Movies in this novel, Godfather, Malena and many more. Chapter will be only on weekdays.

Ok_Ko_3334 · Movies
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34 Chs

Super Rich Guy

Jiang Hao looked at the traffic and streets on both sides, thinking of a solution.

Suddenly, seeing the taxi driver in front of him, Jiang Hao's heart moved. Who knows a city better than the taxi drivers?

"Master, I want to ask you about a place. I wonder if you know it?" Jiang Hao said to the taxi driver.

"Go ahead."

The taxi driver said without turning his head.

"Uh, there is a small park with some children's amusement facilities. There is a roast chicken stall inside. The kind of roast chicken roasted in an oven. My friend said that the roast chicken there is very delicious. I wonder if the you knows it." Jiang Hao described the details he could think of.

The taxi driver thought about it and shook his head: "I don't remember."

Jiang Hao was a little disappointed.

At this time, the taxi driver said: "I will ask for you on the radio." He picked up the taxi radio and shouted, "Guys, does anyone know a place, a small park with a roast chicken stall, the kind of roast chicken is roasted in an oven..."

The driver repeated the characteristics Jiang Hao said.

The radio station suddenly became lively: "Why, Lao Wang wants to eat chicken."

"Why roast chicken? If you want to eat, eat chicken, haha~~"

"Lao Wang, be careful if your wife finds out, she will beat you with a washboard."

"Does Lao Wang need to eat chicken? Lao Wang eats the chicken next door."

Various jokes appeared in the radio station, and Jiang Hao couldn't help laugh.

Lao Wang raised the microphone and cursed: "You bunch of bastards, I'm asking for a customer. The customer I brought wants to eat the roast chicken over there."

As soon as Lao Wang finished speaking, someone smiled and replied: "Then take him to the Imperial Palace. The chicken there is good, white, tender and juicy."

"Shuiyun Mingdu is not bad either..."

Another round of random driving, worthy of being a group of veteran drivers.

Although it was fun to listen to, there was no information Jiang Hao wanted, which made him a little disappointed. It seemed that he needed to check it carefully. At this time, a voice sounded, "I know the roast chicken stall that Lao Wang mentioned. It should be in the small park at the intersection of Chunshan Road. There are indeed some children's amusement facilities in it. I have eaten the stove roasted chicken and it tastes very good."

Hearing these words, Jiang Hao was delighted and said to the driver, "Master, take me to Chunshan Road to have a look."


"Yes, now."


At the next intersection, the driver turned right and drove for about 20 minutes. The taxi stopped at the entrance of a small park. Seeing the scene here, Jiang Hao suddenly felt familiar.

Yes, it should be the small park in the movie.

After paying the bill and thanking the driver, Jiang Hao walked into the small park. It was quite lively here. Many parents took their children to play in those simple amusement facilities. The children were having fun. From time to time, the children's laughter and shouts were heard, which was very lively.

After walking a few steps inside, Jiang Hao finally saw the roast chicken stall. There were several round tables set up, and a fat boss. A table of customers were eating with gusto. It was you.

"Boss, how much is your roast chicken?" Jiang Hao asked the fat boss.

"20 yuan each."

"Then give me two." Jiang Hao said and sat down at a table.

"What flavor?"

"One original flavor, one with cumin and chili."

"Okay, two roast chickens are ready, bring them up right away." The fat boss quickly brought two roast chickens to Jiang Hao on a tray.

Jiang Hao had carefully read the system instructions and knew how to collect. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he put his hand on a roast chicken and silently said "collect" in his mind. Ten seconds later, the roast chicken disappeared.

When he opened the system panel, he saw that there was a green scale on the gray-white progress bar in the task area, and there was a text behind it saying, "1% completed."

That's right, this is it, haha!!!

Jiang Hao was happy. He picked up the remaining roasted chicken and started to eat it. It tasted really good. He shouted to the fat boss: "Boss, your roasted chicken is so delicious. I want 100 roasted chickens today. By the way, 50 original ones and 50 with cumin and chili."

After hearing this, the fat boss wiped his hands and walked over and said: "Are you going to take it back?"

"Yes, take it back for my friends to taste." Qin Guan said.

"But I didn't bring so many chickens meat tonight. I can't sell so many at ordinary times." The fat boss spread his hands.

"You can go back and get them. I'm not in a hurry." Jiang Hao was determined to get the roasted chicken.

"Do you really want 100?"

    "I'll give you the money now." Money speaks louder than anything else. Jiang Hao took out his wallet, took out 2,000 yuan from it, and stuffed it directly into the fat boss.

It feels so good to spend money this way. Anyway, it's not your own money, but the money of this or that white-collar worker. Haha, it feels even better to spend other people's money.

    The boss took the money and knew Jiang Hao was not joking. He smiled even more and said, "Okay, I'll ask someone to send a chicken over right now. I'll roast it only for you tonight."

    Jiang Hao was dealing with the roasted chicken in his hand when a clear female voice rang out at the entrance of the park, "Come on, this is the place I was talking about. The roasted chicken here is so delicious."

    Hearing this voice, Jiang Hao subconsciously looked up and was stunned.

    It turned out to be the heroine of the movie, the mermaid Shanshan. He subconsciously looked at the girl's feet and found that the girl walked just like in the movie, rubbing her feet.

Jiang Hao looked to the side again and he actually saw Deng Shuai. Oh, here he is called Liu Xuan, a super rich and super arrogant guy.

    There were also several black-clad bodyguards behind him.

    Liu Xuan looked around with some disdain, then looked at the roast chicken stall here, and said to Shanshan: "This is what you were talking about. Is it really as delicious as you said?"

    "Of course, you will know if you try it. It is so delicious!" Mermaid Shanshan said, and then shouted to the fat boss: "Boss, give me two roast chickens."

The  fat boss looked at Shanshan and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, all the roast chickens today have been reserved by that customer." After the fat boss finished speaking, he pointed at Jiang Hao who was sitting there holding a chicken wing in one hand.

    Liu Xuan and Shanshan both looked at Jiang Hao. Shanshan was very disappointed and said to Liu Xuan: "It seems that we can't eat today." She was a little depressed.

    "Do you want to eat it?" Liu Xuan asked Shanshan.

 Shanshan nodded, "Yes, I want to eat it."

    "Isn't there any other place?" Liu Xuan asked.

    "No other place is so authentic." Shanshan pouted her lips.

    Liu Xuan raised his head and raised his eyebrows, saying, "Watch me."

    Then he walked to Jiang Hao's side and stretched out his hand. The bodyguard next to him understood and immediately handed over a stack of banknotes. Liu Xuan slapped the stack of money on Jiang Hao's desk and said, "Ten thousand yuan, in exchange for two roasted chickens, how about that?"

    He threw down a stack of money directly, and this action immediately attracted the attention of countless people around.

    Some people saw that Liu Xuan actually took out ten thousand yuan to buy two chickens from Jiang Hao, and their eyes showed envy. This guy was really lucky today. He met a local tyrant and made a lot of money.