
Chapter 02

Hmmm, which species do I want to be Kyptonians, Daxamites, Amazonians, Atlanteans, Green Martians or White Martians, Czarnians, or Asgardians? I can even turn into a burning martian.

Kyptonians have the weakness of Kryptonite and red sun. Daxamites have weaknesses to lead instead of Kryptonite. Amazonians may be a better choice but they're just longevity humans with training.

Green Martian has weaknesses to Fire and pyrophobia. White Martian Has Same Weakness as Green Martian. While Burning martian has no weaknesses like Green or White Martian. They were a ruthless and barbaric race whose life's goal was to wage a never-ending war against one another.

Czarnians are a Pacifist race except for Lobo, That's why they were Extinct because of the Lobos genocide. Asgardian While they maybe have no weakness like others they are weak as hell in God Class Species.

I should choose Kryptonian because I always wanted to be powerful like Superman. But he has many weaknesses which can kill me anytime. So who should I choose? Thinking about choosing I just remembered Hel-El. This guy is powerful and has no weaknesses like other Kryptonians. He has lots of abilities that Superman or supergirl hasn't.

I choose Hel-El power as a starter pack. I start asking the Mother Box.

Terry: "Mother Box, Do you have the DNA Data of Hel-El"

Mother box: [Affirmative, Mother box has DNA Data of Hel-El.]

Terry: "Excellent, Can you change my DNA To Hel-El DNA."

Mother box:[Does the host want to change his DNA.]

Terry: "Wait Wait can you teleport me to another galaxy than this one and inhabitable planet before changing my DNA."

It is because I don't want to create suspicion around me.

Mother Box:[Does the host want to go now.]

Terry: "Can Cyborg Mother Box detect your Boom tube?"

Mother Box:[If Host wants Mother Box can hide from other people's Mother box.]

Terry: "Ok, first hide then teleport me."

Mother Box:[Processing]

Mother Box Opened a Boom-Tube into an Unknown Inhabitable planet. I go into the Boom Tube leaving the room.




Unknown Galaxy

Unknown Planet

A Boom Tube Opened and A human being comes from it. The Human being starts seeing the planet currently he is. The Planet is full of Trees and Stones.

Terry: "Does this beautiful planet have any life around."

Mother Box:[Negative host, This Planet doesn't have any life except for Host]

Hearing Mother Box answer Terry became astonished because this beautiful planet has no life except him.

Terry: "Mother Box what happened to these life forms."

Mother Box:[Searching, This Planet species was humanoid with three eyes, long noses, ears, Sharp teeth, and two Antina-like limbs in the head. They have green skins. While they are a peaceful race some are violent they start a civil war against the king. Which lead to mass destruction, while some survive the civil war they eventually died because of a lack of resources. This happened Hundred years ago and climate change this planet fitness has become like this.]

Terry: "Wow what a sad reality."

Terry: "Mother Box can I have Omega Beams of Darkseid"

Mother Box:[Negative, If Host has Omega Effects like Darkseid then the host will die.]

Terry: "Didn't Brutaal have Omega Beams like Darkseid."

Mother Box:[Host has some misconception, First of all, Entity known as 'Brutaal' is Bizaaro Physiology and Omega Effects User other than New Gods Die very quickly.]

Hearing Mother Box's explanation my heart feels broken.

Terry: "Don't you have any solution about this Matter."

Mother Box:[Searching... Solution found. Host Has to Hybrid Between New God and Kryptonian. Host Omega Beams will be like Grail the Daughter of Darkseid.]

Terry: "Ok, do it"

"Ah? …!? Guaaaaaa!!!"

His entire body was suddenly struck with severe pain, it was an extremely unpleasant feeling as if he was being eroded from the inside of his body. The pain only intensified as time passed.

"Guaaaaaa! What, What's this…. Guuuuuu!"

Unbearable pain ate away at his body. Terry thrashed around on the ground, it was a pain so severe that it even blew away the phantom pain.

Mother box starts floating and it senses its host life is in danger. So it shot the healing beam toward its host. The Healing beam of the mother box effects activated and lessened the pain, but it didn't take long before the intense pain struck again.

"Ahhhh!! Why is it… not working, ahhhhhh!"

Terry's body began to convulse in sync with the pain. Ba-thump, Ba-thump, his entire body was pulsating, giving off audible popping sounds everywhere.

But in the very next instant, the healing beam effect in his body took effect and cured the abnormality. After recovery, intense pain struck once more but was healed again. The Healing Beam's effects were amazing but its tremendous healing abilities appeared to be useless.

Due to the effects of the Healing Beam, fainting was impossible, its tremendous healing abilities backfired.

Terry writhed about on the ground while screaming, hitting his head against the wall multiple times. With no end in sight, he continued to experience the taste of hell. Thinking that he would rather be killed there wasn't anyone around to fulfill his wish and he had no other choice, but to endure.

Changes began to appear on Terry's body. First, his hair lost its color, it might have been because of the pain exceeding his limits, or some other reason, but his characteristic old brown hair rapidly turned Black. Next, his muscles and skeleton grew thicker, with several thin reddish black lines appearing within his body.

There is a phenomenon called super-compensation. It is a phenomenon in which torn muscles due to training or other activities, when recovered, will experience slight hypertrophy. Similarly, for broken bones, their strength is increased after recovery. Currently, what is happening to Terry's body is exactly that strange phenomenon.

If all Terry had to do this without any help, his body would probably have collapsed and died already, but he had a Mother box that prevented this. Destroyed parts were instantly restored, and as a result, his body strengthened at an amazing rate.

Destroy, recover, destroy, recover. His body pulsated as it changed, as though undergoing reincarnation. It was a metamorphosis in which he discarded his fragile human body and was reborn. Completing the process, Terry cried out like a newborn.


Have you notice this, Recently Movie's, tv show, Even Kid's Cartoon show. Homosexuality acts are showing lots and it becoming irritating. For Example Disney tv shows and movies.


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