
Mother Nature

Waking up without knowing who you are, where you come from or what you even look like is pretty incomvenient. At least it will be fine when you have your little dog with you. No matter how many tails it has, they are all fluffy.

okatalitunahan · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Hollow Knights

At the Incipere branch of the An family Emma explained her case, while showing off the token in her hand. She was sitting infront of a young lady in an office in a inconspicuous skyscraper. There was a big logo on her desk which said Moon Company in comic sans. Emma did not like the logos the Logistics Department used for their shell companies.

"Unfortunately Lady Silva, we can not spare any forces for your quest. Your undertaking is a personal matter and not part of the missions the An family is providing. If you would like to make a mission out of it please state the participation conditions and the rewards. Also provide more information for the mission site and we will get back at you in 24 hours." , the young lady on the other side of the table said. She was a pretty and petite lady with red long hair and matching eyes.

"Can I apply for a special case because of the background of my commanding officer?", Emma hoped that she could at least get something out of this but she understood that the woman infront of her did not care. She was one of many who worked for the An family and she too was seeing the rules of the family as absolute.

"With a pained heart I have to decline, as much as I want to help you out with this, we both know I can not. I very much like my job.", the young woman answered appolegetically.

"Sigh... It is alright. Thank you for meeting me so abruptly."

"You are welcome."

With that she left the building and activated the token. It directly send her to Yuri An. Currently she was sitting on a lake and meditating.

"Did they reject you?"

"Yes, Elder."

"Good. Take the token, Little White is inside my new house. He knows what is about to happen. Take Cali Capu with you, that retard should at least be able to make you tea or cool the air around you if it gets too hot. He was an emperor in his past life after all."

Emma nodded and walked inside the big house. It was not as big as a villa, just a little bigger than 200 square meters. It was cozy inside and she could see a big white wolf lying around a meditating man who looked like an ice statue. Around them were six knights who had asura masks on them. Their bodies where clothed in some kind of dull black uniform. It looked as if they were just wearing plain black ancient eastern gowns. Emma did not understand why she chose to clothe them this way. No one did, one Elder asked and the answer perplexed him, Yuri answered "I read a book once where the people were clothed like that. Why not do the same. They look kinda funny but whatever.".

These were Hollow Knights. The Elders say that every Hollow Knight was a soldier who fought alongside Yuri An when she was still a young girl. These soldiers died but the Mantras of that time where not as good as now and the only thing left was their talent and fighting experienc. With their new bodies they could even advance and become stronger.

"Aren't six Hollow Knights overkill, Elder White?"

"They are, but it is about sending a message. We have six of these guys but only need one. The Princess wants them to despair. But let the boy fight the other brats first. If he kill them the Princess intends to keep him as an A\C. He does that very well."

"Please Elder, give that man at least some dignity and do not tell him that he is just a mobile A\C, he will be heartbroken."

"Hahahaha, you are very compassionate, that is very nice of you."

Emma liked to be complimented, and a compliment from Elder White was the most precious as he only did so when it was really true.

"The General will accompany us.", Little White said.

"Did she recover?"

"Long ago, she just likes silence, that is why the Princess also trusts her very much. Silence is golden."

At that moment space seemed to shatter. A woman in a black robe stepped out of the chaos and bowed towards the lake. Then she looked at Little White. She stared in silence and said nothing. Every move of hers was accompanied by the rattling of chains.

"Hello Elder Nameless.", Emma said.

The Nameless Goddess said nothing just nodded at her.

Cali came out of the door and saw her. He started to talk to her but realized she never answered, only looked at him as if she saw an idiot or rather a child.

"We are going south to the crystal fire mine the capu family owns. There we will kill all family members." Little white started to explain, "But, do not touch the workers. Kill only those who try and kill you. No prisoners. The Capu family will fall tonight."

Little White looked at Cali Capu and said "You will kill Insid Capu. If you do not want to kill him; speak up now."

Cali did not understand his concern. Why would he need to speak up if he did not want to kill him? Was this a test? Surely it was not he did understand that Insid was this bodys father but what does that have to do with him?

"Why should I not want to kill him? That Son of a bitch sent his retards to kill. I will be the one kill that old asshole and if anyone else tries to steal the kill, we can not be friends anymore."

Little White stared at him, then he looke to the Nameless Goddess. She just nodded and smiled at him.

With that they went on their way. Emma took out a fan, it looked like it was made out of silver but the material definitely was not silver. She swung it and a portal opened up.

"Let's go, we have to act fast else the Elder will get angry."

Everyone followed her, the Hollow Knights surrounded her protecting her from potential damage. The Nameless Goddess semed to get excited.

"Finally I can fight again", she thought.