
Mother Nature

Waking up without knowing who you are, where you come from or what you even look like is pretty incomvenient. At least it will be fine when you have your little dog with you. No matter how many tails it has, they are all fluffy.

okatalitunahan · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Good Dog, Go Fetch Me A Mirror

It was a sunny, cool day with clouds on the sky and trees all around a big and feathery bed. The only sound you could hear was the snoring of a little white puppy on the belly of a long and slender woman.

After many tranquil hours the little white puppy finally opened its eyes.

"Wake up Princess", it called out "We have been sleeping for a while now".

Hearing the words of the little puppy the woman addressed as Princess opened her eyes, in an abrupt manner. She sat up and looked around, seemingly trying to remember something.

"Where am I?"

She looked at the little puppy and seemed to remember what it was. To be precise, she felt in her very core what the puppy was, like knowing if something smelled good or bad.

"Go fetch me a mirror, I can not remember how i look like, and tell me my name while you are at it little White."

Little White did not seem surprised, "The void must have hit you very hard princess, your name is Yuri An. Would you like to know more?"

"No, just get me a mirror, I wanna see how I look like."

Nodding, Little White's tail got up and split in ten. Out of one of the many tails a big mirror made out of ice and silver came into being.

Looking inside the mirror, Yuri saw her face. It was a delicate face, round and rosy. There was a faint scar reaching from the corner of her mouth up to her ear on the left side of her face. She had big round eyes and her nose seemed to be perfectly made for her face. Both her eyes where white and her long black hair seemed to suck all light in her vicinity. Her gown was white as snow and loosely fit.

"I look fine, though I think i have the wrong eye colour."

"It will come back to normal my Princess."

"How do you know that?"

"It is not your first death after all my Princess. Last time it took 200 Years for your eyes to become normal again. But it does not matter, by the time your eyes become normal again you will have regained your memories and can modify your body at will with your powers."

"Not my first death?", she thought hard about what Little White said and rembered something important. This was the sixth time she died. Well, at least tried to die.

"What happened, how did I die?"

"You fought a war my Princess and you won, the price you paid was the destruction of your body and the subsequent destruction of myself too. It has been ten thousand years since your death my Princess. People must have forgotten our name by now and even who we fought. Such a pity, there is nothing to fight anymore."

"What do you mean by that?", she felt off. The thought of no worthy opponent made her anxious, as if someone took away her favourite toy or the author of your favourite novel stopped uploading.

"There must be someone right? At least one person who can beat me. I'm surely not the strongest existence in this whole universe."

The white puppy looked at his master, with pitiful eyes. It understood how she felt, in the end he too wanted a powerful opponent. "My Princess I know how you feel and I thought so too but there are none right now. I looked around the whole universe while you were sleeping, there are good candidates but it will take millions of years for them to reach your level, and that is considered that you do not gain more power."

Yuri felt sad. She did not think that she was that strong, at least right now she felt weaker that her own puppy, Little White. But a thought occured to her.

"What about those who are Reincarnated?"

Reincarnation was something common in the old world. Leaders around the universe where reincarnations, even schools to educate and help those people assimilate into the current society were established.

"My Princess, those young ones are all about to come to life, maybe we can find them. But it will take a long time for them to become stronger."

"You are right, but we need to find them first. In the meantime, let us have fun and see the world around us. Show me how the new world has developed."

She stretched out her arms and Little White commanded the branches of the trees around her to take of her garments. Her body was riddled with scars and she had a tattoo of a wild wolf with then tails accross her back. Her slender waist seemed to be a perfect proportion to her chest. She really was a fighter as her body was defined with muscles as strong as steel wires. Water from the rivers around the mountain flowed towards Yuri and started to clean her. Little White produced a Black sweatshirt with black underwear for his Princess and put it on her. Then he gave her small black slippers.

Together the duo made their way to a big golden gate, where a woman was chained to a stone. Space around her seemed to be ready to collapse any minute.

"This is the Nameless Goddess, my Princess. She is one of your Generals."

"Why is she chained up here?"

"If she wasn't space would shatter wherever she went. It is for safety, her own and everyone elses. She doesnt speak much my Princess but she is the only person who could fight you."

"Is she hurt?"

"Yes, she fought alongside you and is still healing, we should not disturb her."

At this moment the Goddess opened her eyes. She looked at her Master and said, "Mother Nature have a nice trip, I will be waiting for your commands."

That was the first and probably the last time she will ever talk, thought Little White.

"It is fine, heal and join me later."

They looked at each other and the Goddess closed her eyes.

Yuri took Little White in her arms and went throught the big golden gate. On the gate was a sighn which said "Property of Logistics Department, please return after use. Thank you Mother Nature."

She looked at it and remembered, she did not need to give it back. These brats where too afraid to ask for it.

She finally entered the gate and everything before her went white.

This is the first time I am writing and I hope at least one person will like it. Accompany me on The Adventures on Yuri An. By the way, I write the Family name after your given Name. So Yuri is from the An family. Have a good time, until next time.

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