
Mother-in-law, Stepmother and Stepdaughter

Stephen gets married after Seventeen years of mourning for his first death. His friend Mark is genuinely happy for him. Stephen really looks forward for happiness after marriage. His married life would be filled with drama from his mother, wife and his daughter from the first wife, will he find happiness that he desires?

Lm02Mathu · Urban
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37 Chs

We need to talk

Cloe was about to go to the kitchen and get her mother like the others did but she was stopped by her husband,"Cloe sit down,"Stephen told her .

"Why should I sit down,am going to the kitchen to take my food,am starving,"Cloe complained,"you aren't going to eat anything before we talk,you and me need to talk,"Stephen said to her,Cloe stared at him.

"Stop staring at me like that ,sit down and make yourself comfortable,"Stephen advised her,"what are we talking about?"Cloe asked,"why can't we talk after done eating?"she asked again.

"Stop asking too many questions,why don't you just sit and listen to what I have to say?"Stephen suggested,"you really want me to die, don't you?"Cloe asked him,"what are you talking about,why could I want you to die?"Stephen asked,his wife was one of a kind.

'You should let me eat first, whatever you want to tell us can wait until am done,"Cloe was not having it ,if Stephen wanted to talk to her so much then she wanted to eat so much,if he can't wait for her to eat first then he can keep whatever he wants to tell her to himself.

"Stop being overdramatic Cloe, you have been in the house the whole day, don't try to convince me that you are hungry ,I won't buy that act of yours,try another method,"Stephen advised her.

"Who is being dramatic Stephen?"she asked him,"you are,"Stephen replied to her,"if you have just sat down like the way I asked you to do,we could already be done with talking but you have decided to be stubborn, your stubbornness is what is delaying you,you could be already be having your dinner by now,"Stephen didn't know what to do to his wife anymore but come whatever comes they had to talk to her.

"You are the one who is being stubborn,if you have let me have dinner first I would be already done ,I would be now listening to what you want to tell me,"Cloe replied,"Cloe am very tired , today's work at the office was very tiring don't try to make things harder for me!"Stephen begged her.

"Things were even harder to me than to you,it was a very bad to me today, I never experienced what I experienced today,"Cloe said sounding very sat and sat down at the dinning chair looking helplessly, Stephen was shocked he has never seen his wife like that , what happened today to make her that helpless.

Stephen stood up and went to his wife,"honey,what happened to you today?"Stephen asked her with concern,"I spent my whole day wondering if am a horrible wife and a mother,I planned to apologise for the whole day, I was very restless I didn't know what method to use or all of you will like the way I will apologise,"Cloe said, Stephen felt like dying on the other hand,he has been worried that something bad happened to his wife while he was a way at work.

Stephen went back to his sit and sat down then stared at the sad Cloe ,she wad very lucky that his parents had taught him how to respect a woman otherwise he would have shown Cloe his true colors,she would have never joked with him again.

"I have planned to apologise the whole day but what did I get in return, the kids served their food in the kitchen and went to have the food in their respective rooms,in the end I had been the bad one,"Cloe complained,she had seen Stephen looking at her and concluded that he wasn't worried about her.

She didn't understand that Stephen was already pissed,she didn't even notice that he was clenching his fists in anger,"Cloe, have you ever been a mental hospital?"Stephen asked,he was sure that there was something wrong with his wife's brain otherwise he couldn't explain her behavior.

"Why did you ask that,why would I visit the mental hospital, none of my family or friends has ever been there for me to visit or do you plan on starting a charity foundation for the mental patients and want me to get involved?"Cloe asked, Stephen laughed after he had what his wife was saying.

Stephen concluded that it was either his wife was very dumb or there was something wrong with her brain,"why are you laughing, there is nothing funny in what I have just said or is it funny to start a charity foundation for the mental patients?"Cloe asked,she didn't understand why she

Stephen was laughing.

"There's nothing funny or wrong with start a charity event for the mental patients, you are the one that am finding to be funny,"Stephen replied,Cloe stood up and tried to look for something funny in her,she looked at Stephen with


"Why are you looking at yourself like that?"Stephen asked,"am trying to look for the funny thing with me,"Cloe replied."You are really something Cloe and unbelievable at the same time!"Stephen exclaimed,"do you still love me anymore?"Cloe asked.

"Why do you ask that?"Stephen looked at her for a few minutes before asking,"because it has been very long before you said so,"Cloe said,the topic changed.

"I haven't said so because I haven't found time to tell you so,"Stephen replied,"am your wife , how can you lack time for me?"Cloe asked, what Stephen said really depressed her.

"Whenever I come home from work you are always creating trouble Cloe, where will I find time to be romantic with you?"Stephen asked,Cloe stood up the moment she heard what Stephen said, she wasn't interested to talk to him anymore.

"Am going to have my dinner, suit yourself,"Cloe said and headed to the kitchen, Stephen looked at his wrist watch and was suprised to discover that they had spent two and half hours arguing,he didn't tell his wife what he wanted to tell her.