

Raya pov

I ran,something was after me .I couldn't see it but I can feel it,sense it getting closer as I shivered with cold.

' God,please come save me.

I was getting weaker.I entered into a small house I saw .Tears flow down my face as I pulled out the stick that Pierce through my skin.

' ouch'. I quickly tear some piece of my cloth wrapped it thightly around the wounds.

The light in the room was dim but at least I could see and find my way .I searched around maybe for a knife perhaps gun if possible it's here.The strong wind rushing into the room,the windows kept opening and closing. I could hear rumbling under the ground. All the courage I had to fight were gone the only feeling right now was fear.it was here. Goosebumps were all over my body.'God,please do a miracle,please.

I stood still but I was shaking. I tried moving but fear wouldn't let me like I was compelled. My hope lost when I saw a strange creature.I could feel my urine flow down my legs.

' I see little bird is scared but don't be yet I haven't come closer. I heard the creature said with it's weird laugh.

" what a..re....you?, what do you want? I asked with a shaking voice.

' we are The Powers,you can't run from us.it's time you join your ancestors'.He brought out a sword.His black wing spread ,his eyes were so red .His teeth elongated like a vampire. I have never seen such creature before.

He came closer to me." You will rot in hell.

'Please,don't kill me.I begged but it was too late his sword were already coming down my neck.

'NooooooooooooooNo.. no