

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs


Run...Run, Robert run...that's all I needed to do, I don't care if I slip and fall, I don't care if I hurt myself, I need to run.....as fast as I can...I will torture my feet and endure it, I want to see a smile on that little girl's face, I can't bear seeing tears cover her innocent expression. Just wait for me Delilah, I'll be right there!

I didn't have any way to note the time so even if I was late, I would force myself inside the patient room and show this to Delilah no matter what, I can't wait till tomorrow, I'm too impatient and it's best for Delilah as well if I give her hope early, no one will stop me!


"Sir? Sir! Is there an emergency!", hollered the lady at the reception counter, I go over and consult her.

"Robert Oppenheimer, I came here earlier to see a patient admitted in room number 16. Can I see her?"

"I'm sorry to say but your visiting hours are over, we can't allow you to go in there..."

I immediately point at the wall clock, showing her I still had 3 minutes left, she still didn't oblige, but I didn't listen and rushed ahead to the room. 


There she was, sitting lonely again at her bed, again. Without wasting time I vastly make my way to her to tell her everything, she at the other hand didn't budge at all, not even looking at me, she ignored me completely; the nurses started going after me but I resisted, I would get this card to her in any way possible.

I tackle every person that comes in front of me and finally make my way to her corner, more staff pile up at her corner and start restraining me, and that's where I lost my temper.....


The staff stepped away a little and I took a sigh of relief as I approached Delilah and told her about.my invitation.

"This is a business card of someone who's very devoted and someone whom you could call a hero, he invited me, to partake with him in his acts, Delilah...this is our opportunity to 'adventure'...Hey, at least say something or even react....keep this with you....."

Was it a worth interaction? Would she ponder on my proposition? The nurses will probably confiscate the business card, what was I thinking of getting a fruitful result out of this, I didn't know it was this hard to please a child's heart. What could I ever know about parenting...


Just like any other day in Bishop Islands, I wake up, go to the tavern and wait for the day to be over again so that eventually one day would come when Delilah would be discharged and I could be peaceful, since that day at the hospital of me barging in when I had a minute of amount time left of my visiting hours, which disturbed many patients and caused a ruckus in the whole building, I have not been allowed to visit her anymore. I regret my irresponsible attitude and stupidity.


"Morning pops."

"Hey, Julie! The same for today I'm guessing?"

"Eggs and toast, yes, and please don't call me that."

Apparently, Julius was a name common in this world, there was no recollection of the renowned Roman emperor Julius Caesar in history, and they have abbreviated it to 'Julie' a name used for a woman.....

Besides my daily routine, I took some time to learn more about the ways of this world, the new cultures and traditions, new inventions, how radiation impacts certain activities which were different before. I even joined a night school to teach myself on the education system around here. Any physician from my era would be living a dream today at present, back then, there were many complexities regarding equations, functions, theories, but now all of them have been simplified, for the learner to feel at ease. Though, what I feel is more entrancing is the structure of subjects, there are not only the ones present here from my era but een more brilliant additions that could sharpen the student's mind, like: various language courses, this mesmerizing branch of mathematics called calculus, engeeniring, accounting, buisness, physiology, sociology; truly fascinating. Furthermore, the world had incorporated, in it's studies, the indefinite inventions that were being made and taught students how to use them, how to make them, and that's how I got to know how a telelvision functions. I'm the brain behind multiple machines and contraptions in my time, but for some reason, researching and discovering these new innovations and developments gives me far much joy than being a lab rat for the government.

Maybe if things with Delilah don't work out for serious, I could pursue these professions as my next step in my life; they are too, for the betterment and change of the world.


"You still gonna' go and try this day to?"

"Yes, every try is worth, who know's maybe they allow me to see her eventually, okay then, I'll take my leave, thanks for the breakfast as always, here's today's quota."

Of course the owner wasn't letting me stay for free for over half a month now, I had started a side buisness of editing news papers, which earned me a decent amount of profit that I used to pay my expenses. Traversal was made easier as I had also rented a bicycle to get around places, and that's how I went to the hospital everyday.





"You again...."

The receptionist always gave me a look of pity, and like always I said, "I'll just see myself out...."

"She'll meet you in room no. 1."


I doubted my ears and asked her to clarify it, I couldn't believe what I had just heard, it throwed me into a peril, I kept asking, and she kept giving the same response until she lost her temper, got up from her seat and just showed me the way herself.

"Wait, are you serious, she really wants to see me, am I even allowed in after what happened that day, Miss please answer to me..."

"Go in, and find out yourself."

She hurled me in, making me trip to the ground at the stubby feet of one very particular, miniscule figured, lady.

"Yes that's right, worship one's feet, for you have made one sorrowful for many days, and you deserve judgement........Right, that's enough, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable now...Robby...you can let go of my feet now......DEAR GOODNESS JUST LEAVE THEM."

I break into laughter and burst tears of joy seeing Delilah back at her usual behaviour. Maybe a hospital wasn't the best environment to have a touchy reunion and laugh out hysterically, but I still wanted it to last longer.

The doctor informs us her state, saying that it was just minor scratches and a broken nose, which will heal eventually as time goes by, there were no necessary medications needed according to him, 'just some regular monitoring and plenty of love', were his words; she was ready to be discharged; he reminded me of Doctor Palmer a little, wonder what he is doing these days. 

"Alright Delilah! Wait....you still have that?"

I saw in the girl's hand the invitation I had recieved in the form of a buisness card, the one that I thought the hospital was going to confiscate but it was still there, right with Delilah.

"Yeah! This is our next stop right?"

Was it? I was questioning that myself, it was going to take too long to decide on a new journey either way, and since this was already a chance for adventure that had merit for both of us, why not accept the offer, it would make Dennis happy too, let's see what this 'Guru' has to say.

"Yes, let's head to Oceanica then, away from most of the world, a dynamic island covering the south-east part of the world. Hopefully, with no detours this time.


<The Tavern, Azure Bay, Bishop Islands, 9:02 a.m>

"So.....are you fisnished packing your stuff?", said the pops looking curiously over my bag.

"Almost, I have booked one of those aircraft for us through the profit I saved up from my side-buisness. The take-off is well after noon so I have ample of time."

The pops casually nods and starts inspecting my bag, "What now? Have you caught your eye on something?"

"Exactly...what's this? Explain."

"Hey, put that back."

"Pills, drugs, medications?"


I had no choice but to explain, "I have a disease, known as hepatitis, at first my symptoms were serious but they calmed down a bit later, but as of now, I started taking notice more and more as my symptoms became more and more vigorous. I had to go and seek medical advice, the doctor at Goodwill Hospital prescribed me these pills, and I have been consistently taking them for the past few weeks."

"Well I hope it gets better."

"No, pills can't do that, I'll most likely 'die' in a few years due to liver failure, unless, I get a donor. That's my priority, that's why I'm travelling like this. A donor, is what I need.