

It was a vast world, time was going forward as usual although tit soon met its desrved fate as calamity struck and chaos awakened. The notorious man responsible for bringing this world to its ruin was none other than the man who created the first atomic bomb himself, Robert Oppenheimer, destruction is all over engulfing every part of the world, people are infected with the radiation syndrome and are countlessly spending their lives in despair, some are trying to find a cure, some are barely surviving. However, this sickness was not just a sickness! Now, Robert Oppenheimer, the creator, was caught in the explosion himself, and was reborn in the future, and now he has to live through the guilt by observing these people who are effected, how they spent all those years trying to develop and make the world somewhat come back to a settlement. Robert would get to see the Mortality of humans! There is more to nothing he wants from being reincarnated, but from this he took a pledge, to find a cure and rid people of this disease that he himself had created, but what he didn't know was, he himself was infected!

TheScripter · Fantasy
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31 Chs



"PREPOSTEROUS!, You seriously thought to prefer that Jock's hospitality over mine. One doctor and one couch to sleep on over a multi-million Roland industry consisting of the best medical services all over the country. 

Your choices astonish me, I think I might reconsider my decision to choose you as a candidate for the Radiant infiltration, as of course, such a sensitive and trivial task cannot be entrusted to a man who can't even choose what's good for him. How will he save the world then?"

I was enraged, I had gone to the Guru with hopes of aid and empathy; breaking my sudden news of the cirrhosis to him could have incited an array of reactions: worry, sorrow, affection, and most of all, 'care', but instead I was lectured and scolded like a child. I vented to him with suppressed anger, "Excuse me, who are you to judge where I should be or not be hospitalized, I am a literal ticking time bomb, I could die at any moment, and it would be a painful death at that. And Doctor Palmer was my best choice, frankly, I don't even think there could be another person who I know to be as trustworthy and always 'up for the task' as Doctor Palmer, who is certainly not what you call him, a 'Jock'; and unlike you who out of nowhere interfered in my life at the worst time, commanding me to put my life on the line for something I just found out about, what do you think, who would I choose?"

The Guru was silent, he understood this wasn't the appropriate time to impose his rules onto a dying man, he was shut because he knew further counseling would vex me more, and that was bad for him, I was his best candidate so far for this infiltration mission, he wouldn't want to lose me. He looked on disappointed, as I took my leave.

"If you don't mind me asking Guru, do you really think this impudent dying man is suited for a job like this?"

"Hm? Do you question me young soldier?"

"Absolutely not Guru! Your judgement is infallible, though I question Robert Oppenheimer, I doubt him, he certainly has potential due to his absurd power and it is because of his power you have deemed him 'up for the task', but his attitude would say otherwise-"

"I know things that you don't know youngling, rest assured, what I have planned for this man is the best route to approach this mission, I just ask you to comply for the moment, you'll see.


Dr. Rafael Palmer

"You are a good man Doc, you have a nice house, you have a well-nourished family, and you have raised your daughter alone up until now and have done an amazing job at it. I think you know where I'm getting at. 'Delilah'....Doc, she deserves a joyful and healthy life, with a parent, I'm not someone who can raise her correctly, but I know you are, Doc, this is my only request, she can't return home, she despises that place and the way they treat her there justifies her hatred. I want you to take her in Doc...."

My name is Rafael Palmer, I'm merely a middle-aged doctor in his 40s who just has a neutral role in society. We doctors are obliged to not discriminate, between any gender, age, race, or stature. Without us the country won't progress, nobody would be there to heal the wounds created by the people themselves. We are responsible for balance; the government debates, the police bring control, the army fights, the press lets the world know, and society, well....society is the result of all of it. And we take care of the damage.

My point is that I have my priorities straight, however lately I have been caught up in a bit of a doozy.....

My daughter 'Felicia' is my only family and not a day goes by when I don't enjoy spending time with her, my wife left me with her after passing away with hopes of me taking full responsibility for her, and if something were to happen to my sweet sunshine, there is nothing in this world that can stop me from being with her. Although this specific problem I wouldn't categorize as dangerous, it was more of a moral dilemma.

"Hey, Doc! Where do I pack my stuff?

"You can take that bag on the couch Delilah, but quickly, we must hurry.

"Hey! Dad! Why does she get the Bye-Bye Kitty bag while I get nothing!"

"Because you have nothing to pack, I supposed you could carry a water bottle on your own but for some reason, you need a whole bag for that, so immature."

That's out to get her.....

"Alright, let's head to this awaiting carnival!"

It took us a while to reach there, but we eventually arrived at the majestic landmark, it's quite rare for such an event to be organized, considering its cost and workload, but Oceanica manages to achieve this feat once every month, fascinating.

"Woah! What is this place? Giant spinning and flipping structures powered by motors, a sweet airy aroma engulfing every corner, people as little as me walking around holding cloud-like colored and fluffy things on sticks, screams of joy everywhere. THIS IS HEAVEN.....wait....does that mean I'M DEAD?!"

"No Delilah you're not dead, this is called a carnival, those spinning and flipping things are called rides and people are screaming because of the thrill they get out of it, and those fluffy cloud-like things are a candy called 'cotton candy' usually preferred by people who have a sweet tooth. Now, both of you. Where to first?"



"No, there!"

"'Actually, there!'"


"Girls we can't be at multiple different places at once. There, that ride looks like a fun place to start."

We patiently sat down in what they called the 'Ferris wheel', a large motor-powered wheel that turned in 360° cycles, in small cabins that were enough to seat all three of us. As it slowly turned, I realized how close Felicia and Delilah had gotten in just a mere week; Felicia has always lived her life alone, with just me with her, and it's the harsh truth, but I know she isn't contemptuous with just me, I cannot be as involved in her life as a sibling or friend can, if I attempt to advise she would just cut me off saying I don't understand her, she deserves someone who she can share thoughts with and spend time with every day; I often arrive home late and for that, she has to stay the night at her dormitory in her boarding school which she heavily despises, Delilah brought a nice change.....I wonder...what would Felicia think of this proposition that Robert has put on me.

"Woah! This is so mesmerizing, we are so high up, I can't believe this, Doc I think I can I see your house. Look at how bright the city is at this hour, where there is no sign of the sun, the streets are more illuminated than they would be in the morning, it truly convinces you to believe in the genius of mankind!"

Felicia jumps in and mentions her opinion, "It does, doesn't it, it's almost like sorcery." Watching these two engange in conversation was the most intresting part of this outing, Delilah's somewhat adult mindset and speech combined with Felicia's creative and unique hypothetical theories, it was like a 'match made in heaven'.

The wheel took its last turn as we prepared to get off, it was a worthwhile experience overall and it also helped me combat a tough dilemma which I have now, resolved completely.

"Delilah? Would you like to be a member of our family?"
