
Mortal to Immortal

(updates every Saturday hopefully)

readalways · Fantasy
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1 Chs

What Happened

26 years ago a baby boy named was born and subsequently abandoned. He spent his life going from foster family to foster family. Eventually he grew out of the foster system and was left on his own. After years of hard work he got into college and graduated soon after. He got a job as a CPS worker to keep kids from being in the situations he often found himself in.

Eric POV

I woke up extra early today because I had a meeting first thing. I get up out of bed and head to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I cook up some eggs and bacon.

As I sit at the table to eat my breakfast I pull out my phone to check for messages. The only message I have is one from my boss reminding me about the meeting, so I set my phone down and finish eating.

I get dressed, put on my coat and head out the door. I walk to work to feel the fresh morning air.

As I am walking I see a little boy run into the road chasing after a ball. I see a car coming towards the kid and run to push him out of the way.

I hear the kid crying and the car make contact with me. As the world faded to black I hear people yelling to call the police.

Next thing I know I am looking up at a woman speaking a language I don't understand.