
Lin Kuei Temple Mission Pt. 2

From behind, Jacqui attempts to punch Sub-Zero in the back of his head, but he anticipates her attack and sweeps her legs with his arm. Jacqui turns her fall into a cartwheel and lands on her feet. She curses


"You announced your arrival, Jacqueline Briggs."

Sub-Zero notes, and Alex agreed having seen and heard her, she replies slightly agitated

"Specialist Briggs."

"Yes. Military decorum is important to your family."

Sub-Zero says in a way that makes Jacqui take several swings at him, one of them managing to hit him in his side. She lands another in his stomach and a superman punch to his face, staggering him a few steps backwards. Alex pays attention curious, as Jacqui sneers

"If you know my father, you know me. Thought you and he were friends."

"Our histories share a dark chapter."

Sub-Zero says to her grimly, angering her, and they fight. Despite her only augmentation being her powered gauntlets, Jacqui proves to be a tough fighter. However, Sub-Zero's experience, strength and ice powers see him through the fight, and he knocks Jacqui to the ground. He says in a soft almost fatherly tone

"Do not judge yourself harshly, Specialist Briggs."

Jacqui suddenly whirls to her feet and lands a spin kick across Sub-Zero's face. She lands a right hand and then a roundhouse kick, taking the Grandmaster to one knee, stunned, he had not expected that and Alex smirks. A Lin Kuei ninja charges her with a sword, forcing her to block his attacks and disengage from the fight, much to Alex's chagrin. Elsewhere on the temple grounds, Kung Jin throws a Lin Kuei to the ground, blocks a sword strike from another, grabs his arms and judo throws him down too. Seeing Sub-Zero on one knee, Jin charges in with a straight kick, but Sub-Zero suddenly stands up and blocks it and a follow up kick. The Grandmaster ducks under one of Jin's jump spinning kicks and charges in with several punches. Jin blocks most, but one in the chest and another in the face tag him. He staggers back from the onslaught and magically readies his bow-staff. Kung Jin notes proving he can be observant when he choses

"A feint. Bravo."

Sub-Zero notes to Kung Jin, hinting at him, Alex

"Kung Jin. You should rally your companions rather than mock your superiors."

Kung Jin momentarily steels Alex a glance before saying

"I'll remember that - in case I ever meet one."

They fight. Jin's arrogance proved to be his undoing, for despite his skill in battle, Sub-Zero's endurance is far too strong, and his powers are far greater. In short order, Jin is lying on his back in the snow. Sub-Zero notes to him in disappointment

"False bravado does not suit you."

By now, the Lin Kuei have successfully subdued Cassie, Jacqui and Takeda, and have them on their knees with their hands tied behind them. Kung Jin is soon bound and put with them in the same manner. Sub-Zero walks over to Team S-F. Takeda asks

"Any ideas?"

Cassie nods before saying

"Sub Zero, let's talk."

"That opportunity has passed."

He turns to Alex who remains knelt on the ground off to the side untouched. Sub-Zero approaches him and asks

"You did not fight. Why?"

"That was not the plan. The plan was to talk to you, and if you did not cooperate, then resort to fighting, but somebody had to jeopardize the mission."

Alex glances at Kung Jin, much to the Shaolin's chagrin. Sub-Zero nodded before saying

"You show wisdom Alexander, you do your mother proud."

That comment flew over Alex's head, but Kung Jin's next comment caught his attention

"Got a new plan, Cage?"

Jacqui growled

"Like Alex said, you could'a followed the old one, Jin."

"You would take orders from that Black Dragon freak?"

"Over you, yeah."

Cassie then said to Grandmaster Kuai Liang

"You're gonna catch hell if you kill us."

Sub-Zero considers this for a moment, the literal part being Scorpion over Takeda, and figurative from Johnny, Jax, and Raiden. Alex had kept out of it but he could bring the Black Dragons down on him if he so desired. He says

"...Yes. I suppose so."

He calls out to one of the Lin Kuei in Chinese. The assassin cuts the ropes that bind Team S-F, and the Lin Kuei retreat back into the temple. Sub-Zero approaches Alex and offers the Black Dragon his hand to help him up, which Alex takes. Cassie is shocked

"That worked?"

A whistle catches Team S-F's attention as they rise to their feet. Standing on the staircase to the temple is Johnny Cage, who salutes them with a pointed finger. Jacqui says in stunned shock

"This was all a... a—"

Sub-Zero would have spoken but he acquiesced to Alex who said

"Yes, it was a training exercise."

Cassie groaned and said

"Damn. I shoulda seen it."

Sub-Zero nodded before adding

"You and your friends show much promise, Cassandra Cage. But until you function as one, you will fall short."

Alex shook his head and said

"I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're, we're a time-bomb. Really only I, Jacqui and Takeda seem to follow Cassie. Yet you are oil and water, Jin, Cassie."

Sub-Zero nodded before the five of them soon left nursing wounded pride. An old crone of a Lin Kuei approached Sub-Zero and asked

"Was that?"

"Outworld's Prince? Yes. He is unaware of it though, Snowfall."

Snowfall nodded. She looked at him and saw him look thoughtful before she says

"Hurtled into the chaos, he fights... and the world will shake before him."

She paused before musing

"Is it fate or chance? I can never decide."

Sub-Zero mused

"Probably Fate, knowing his mother."

Snowfall nodded before she said

"That boy did not fight. I wonder why?"

"He knew this was a test and knew from the start they had failed. He even called out their flaws before they left. But the entire time, I had kept an eye on him. Alex was watching, and he thinks like his father."

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