
Mortal Gods...

In a war-torn society in the year 20XX, humanity is locked in a desperate battle against the relentless Seki, a vicious extraterrestrial species that appeared from space. Their struggle seemed futile until The Pinnacle, a mysterious entity, emerged, granting humans the ability to commune with gods and gain divine strength, shifting the tide of war. Following the war, the world experienced a profound metamorphosis as enigmatic beings began to materialize one by one, their origins and intentions concealed in secrecy. In response to the emergence of these enigmatic beings, people have harnessed the power of the gods to combat them, ensuring that the world is not overrun by these mysterious creatures. In this evolved world Uni, an orphan who endured a life of hardship, remains untouched by divine blessings. However, on his sixteenth birthday, Uni's life takes a dramatic turn, filled with uncertainty and undisclosed consequences, leaving it unclear whether this transformation will bring fortune or peril. Discord: milkygxzy Business email: milkygxzy@gmail.com

M1LKY6ZY · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Sun Wukong

Uni's gaze met the Monkey's, his face showing a blank expression as he inquired, "Do I know you?" In the back of his mind, he wondered, 'Is this really a dream?'

At that moment, Sun Wukong's mouth dropped in utter disbelief as if it was crashing down upon the floor, "I'm surprised you couldn't guess from my appearance, but since you want to act ignorant, I'll tell you. Remember this name: I am Sun Wukong, known throughout the realms as a force to be reckoned with. My legacy is woven into history itself, and it stands as proof that some individuals shine brighter than the stars. Have you not heard of the Journey to the West, where I engaged in epic battles against divine forces, even challenging Buddha himself? My journey towards enlightenment is another chapter in my storied existence, showcasing that I'm not just a warrior but also a wise philosopher. There's a plethora of tales about my greatness, but I won't overwhelm you with them. Just remember, I am Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equal to Heaven, a name that will endure through time. I'm sure you remember me now!!"

However Uni's response came, a simple "Not at all," but the weight of those words fell upon Wukong like a crushing blow, his hands instinctively reaching to rest atop his head, a gesture of deep disappointment, as he sighed, "Oh, how the generations have fallen."

Disappointment etched deeply upon Wukong's face as he turned his gaze back to Uni, his piercing eyes scrutinizing every inch of the bewildered individual before him, as if measuring their worth and significance, before uttering with a hint of perplexity, "After getting a good look at you... I can't imagine why I have been assigned to you. There's no possible way you don't even have clue about my existence. Impossible!"

Uni, taken aback by Wukong's statement, found himself consumed by confusion, pondering the true meaning behind the Monkey's words, questioning, 'What could he possibly mean by "assigned"?'

While Wukong continued his analytical appraisal, Uni's attention gravitated toward the once towering pillar that now stood diminished, reduced to a mere cane-like structure. Compelled by curiosity, Uni approached it, his eyes fixated upon the relic of power. Sensing his intrigue, Wukong's face lit up with a mischievous grin, his eyes twinkling as he remarked, "Ah, it seems my Jingu has captured your curiosity. Why don't you give it a try, attempt to lift it?" A surge of skepticism flooded Uni's mind as they glanced at the staff before them.

On the other side, Wukong couldn't help but chuckle internally, well aware that its weight exceeded that of 85 fully grown elephants, making the task seem insurmountable.

Yet, to their absolute astonishment, Uni picked up the staff and found himself swinging it effortlessly, defying the laws of physics as if the weight of the world had been lifted.

Completely taken aback, Wukong's jaw practically hit the floor, and he couldn't help but find it a bit annoying how easily Uni lifted it back up. Nevertheless, a thought crossed his mind, 'Huh, if this guy's the successor to that dude, I guess I shouldn't be so shocked... Still, it's annoying as hell.'

Unperturbed by Wukong's muttered thoughts, Uni reveled in swinging the divine staff called Jingu. He remembered when Jingu had shrunk earlier, prompting a question. Turning to Wukong, he asked, "Hey, Wukong. How did this thing shrink? Do you have some secret control over it?"

Finally ending his quiet contemplation, Wukong settled on the soft clouds, inviting Uni to join him.

Then as he sat down,"Well, I guess you can say that. However, I more so possess the ability to manipulate Jingu, but it's not as though I can control it from a distance. I can only alter its length and width when I make direct contact with it."

Uni's gaze returned to the Jingu, curiosity shining in his eyes. "So, could I do the same?" Uni inquired as he gently sat down upon the cloud beside Wukong.

Wukong looked at Uni with a sneer, "You? Thinking you can handle Jingu? You're about as useful as a pebble in a pond. But hey, don't let me stop your little delusions. Give it a whirl, if that's your thing."

Instantly feeling amped up, Uni leaped up, and move a considerable distance from Wukong, before stopping and slowly taking deep breathes. Concentrating on how he wanted the staff to change. Then suddenly, the staff began quivering, before to ferociously shaking. Panic permeated Uni as the Jingu suddenly catapulted forward, elongating and expanding at an alarming rate. His fingers slipped from its surface, his attempts to stop the staff were in vain. In a matter of moments, the once miniature Jingu grew to a colossal size, propelling Uni with unimaginable force.

"STOOOOOOPPPPPP!" Uni's voice echoed urgently through the air, a mix of fear and desperation lacing his tone. Tears streamed down his face as the intense acceleration pinned him against the forces of gravity, preventing him from closing his wide eyes.

The world outside became a blur as Uni's body was propelled through the air at incredible speeds. Thoughts raced through his mind, a flurry of doubts about his survival in this ordeal. With sheer determination, Uni shouted, "SHRINK! SHRINK! SHRINK! SHRINK! SHHHHHHRINK!" His voice strained against the overwhelming G-forces.

However then... to Uni's amazement, the Jingu came to a sudden stop. "I'm alive! I'M ALIVE!" Uni exclaimed, pinching himself to make sure he wasn't in some afterlife. The Jingu now stood tall, like a colossal pillar reaching into the sky. As the rush of adrenaline subsided, Uni stood up, feeling a sense of dizziness as he cautiously walked to the edge of Jingu. Looking down, he was taken aback by the incredible height at which they were suspended above the ground.

A surge of fear gripped him, prompting Uni to quickly step back from the edge. He made his way back to the center of Jingu and settled himself down, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon.

While Uni was absorbed in his observation, a familiar rumble reverberated through the air, causing his heart to momentarily race. Instantly recognizable, it was the sound of Jingu once again shifting and maneuvering. But this time, there was a distinction—a transformation was unfolding. Jingu was shrinking.

Unease welled up within Uni as he bore witness to this metamorphosis. Amidst the shifting spectacle, a sudden flash of white snagged his attention, hurtling across his field of vision with remarkable velocity. Intrigued, Uni pivoted his head toward the source of the movement. To his astonishment, a familiar monkey bedecked in gleaming armor hovered on a cloud before him.

"HEY KID, YOU SURE ARE AN INTERESTING ONE," Wukong's voice resounded.

Wukong's playful disposition remained unwavering as he continued, "YA NEED SOME HELP?" The words carried an air of nonchalance, even as Uni precariously stood upon the diminishing pillar. A renewed urgency gripped Uni as he appealed to Wukong, "COULD YOU JUST HELP ME!!?" The shrinking surface beneath his feet provoked a sense of panic that threatened to engulf him. In stark contrast, Wukong seemed entirely composed, calmly seated upon his cloud. Finally, Wukong turned his gaze, poised to convey something to Uni. "Hey, Boy. I won't be able to talk to you for a while, okay? So go get stronger. It's impossible for the inheritor of the Great Sun Wukong to be a weakling. Now get out of my sight."

Without a moment for analysis, Uni found himself hurtling downward from the sky, his voice laden with desperation, "WUKOOOOOOOONG! HELLLLLLLLLLPP MEEEEEEEE!" Five agonizing seconds stretched into a silence that only amplified Uni's growing despair. It was then he realized that Wukong remained perched on his cloud, seemingly untouched by the urgency. This realization ignited anger within Uni, who muttered curses under his breath directed at the unresponsive monkey.

As he gazed downward, the ground rushed to meet him, and his frantic attempts to spot something to break his fall yielded no results. A profound sense of helplessness overwhelmed Uni, leading him to accept the inevitable. "This is how I die," his mind concluded, bracing for the imminent impact.

Yet, shockingly, the impact never arrived. Instead, he found himself on a bed, his breath ragged. Surveying his surroundings, Uni recognized his room.

"I'm back... but how? Was that even real?"

Just as he grappled with the enigma of his experience, an unusual sight materialized before him. A holographic screen hung in mid-air, its ethereal glow captivating his attention. Subsequently, an unfamiliar voice reverberated in his ears.

{ Anomaly detected }

{ Uni has formed a bond with SSS+ Deity Sun Wukong }

{ Initiation beginning }

Uni's face twisted in confusion as he grappled with the unfolding situation. But then, an intense heat surged within him. It felt like a scorching fire had ignited in his veins, spreading throughout his body. Agonizing pain clenched his chest, leaving him struggling for breath. He clutched his chest, desperately seeking relief from the torment.

"AHH... what... is... happening... ARGHH!!" The fog of confusion shrouded Uni's thoughts as he struggled to decipher the unfolding chaos. The heat within intensified, as though an inferno had found a dwelling in his very core. The flames raged, devouring his insides with an unwavering ferocity. The searing burn radiated outward, entwining itself with the already excruciating pain that had seized his body.