
Mortal Gods...

In a war-torn society in the year 20XX, humanity is locked in a desperate battle against the relentless Seki, a vicious extraterrestrial species that appeared from space. Their struggle seemed futile until The Pinnacle, a mysterious entity, emerged, granting humans the ability to commune with gods and gain divine strength, shifting the tide of war. Following the war, the world experienced a profound metamorphosis as enigmatic beings began to materialize one by one, their origins and intentions concealed in secrecy. In response to the emergence of these enigmatic beings, people have harnessed the power of the gods to combat them, ensuring that the world is not overrun by these mysterious creatures. In this evolved world Uni, an orphan who endured a life of hardship, remains untouched by divine blessings. However, on his sixteenth birthday, Uni's life takes a dramatic turn, filled with uncertainty and undisclosed consequences, leaving it unclear whether this transformation will bring fortune or peril. Discord: milkygxzy Business email: milkygxzy@gmail.com

M1LKY6ZY · Fantasy
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29 Chs


Standing in the middle of the dojo, patiently waiting for Stray instructions, Uni said, "What are we doing today?"

Walking over to him, Stray said, "We are going to be talking about the name of this club, and what it means." Listening to him, Uni was curious about what he was about to say.

"Bojutsu, the art of the staff," Stray began, holding a wooden staff in his hand. "It's a martial art that dates back centuries. The staff, or bo, is a versatile weapon that can be used for both offense and defense. In Bojutsu, we focus on developing our physical and mental abilities, honing our skills to become one with the staff."

Uni listened intently, eager to learn Stray continued, "In martial arts, everything starts with the basics. It's like building a strong foundation for a house. Without a solid foundation, the structure won't stand. Similarly, in Bojutsu, mastering the fundamentals is essential for progress."

Stray demonstrated various stances and basic movements with the staff, gracefully flowing from one position to another. "Your stance is crucial. It provides stability and balance. Always keep your feet grounded and your body relaxed, yet ready to move at any moment."

Uni tried to mimic Stray's movements, feeling a bit awkward at first, but Stray encouraged him, "It's okay, Uni. The key is to practice regularly and be patient with yourself. Repetition will help your body get accustomed to the movements."

"Being present in the moment is essential," Stray continued. "In a fight or even in training, distractions can be dangerous. Concentrate on the task at hand, and let go of any unnecessary thoughts."

"Bojutsu is not just about fighting. It's about discipline, respect, and humility," Stray emphasized. "To master the staff, you must first master yourself. Understand your strengths and weaknesses, and embrace a sense of humility to learn and grow."

As the training session progressed, Stray guided Uni through a series of drills and exercises designed to instill the principles of Bojutsu into his muscle memory. They practiced striking, blocking, and countering techniques, each movement executed with precision and fluidity.

Keep your movements smooth and controlled," Stray advised. "In Bojutsu, every action should flow naturally, like water in a river. Let the staff become an extension of your body."

As Uni continued his training in Bojutsu, he was determined to embody the fluidity of a river, as Stray had described. He observed how Stray's movements flowed effortlessly, like water carving its way through the landscape. It was a mesmerizing sight, and Uni yearned to achieve the same level of grace and fluidity.

However, no matter how hard he tried, Uni couldn't seem to replicate the fluidity he had seen in Stray's techniques. His movements felt stiff and disjointed. Feeling frustration creep up on him, Uni thought about how annoying it was to not be able to achieve something. 'Why, why is this so hard? Stray makes it seem like second nature.'

Uni decided to take a break and sat down, resting the staff across his lap. Stray noticed Uni's struggle and came over to sit beside him, placing a reassuring hand on Uni's shoulder. "Fluidity isn't something that happens overnight. It's a concept deeply rooted in understanding the principles of Bojutsu and connecting with your own body. Be patient with yourself. It's natural to encounter obstacles along the way."

He continued, "A river's flow is not just about speed or force. It's about adaptability, resilience, and surrendering to the path that nature has set. Similarly, in Bojutsu, fluidity comes from being in harmony with the flow of the battle and your opponent's movements."

Hearing his words, Uni realized he shouldn't expect to get that much progress in a few hours, he needed to practice, again, and again, and again, until he got it down.

And as this reality set in, Uni still couldn't help but still feel slightly annoyed, wishing it was just an overnight process. 'I really need to work on my patience.'

Standing up, Stray motioned him to get up as well, "Now come, let's keep going." Trying to get over his annoyance, Uni slowly got up and raised his stick, ready to attack.


After a few hours of training, Uni was sitting down drinking a cup of water. That's when he noticed something intriguing about the club he had joined. Its official name included "Sword Fighting," but so far, they had been exclusively focusing on Bojutsu.

Feeling curious, he asked Stray, "Stray," Uni began, "I've noticed that the club's name includes 'Sword Fighting,' but we've only been learning Bojutsu. Why is that?"

Stray smiled, acknowledging Uni's inquisitive nature. "Very observant, Uni. The reason behind our focus on Bojutsu is to lay a strong foundation before branching out into sword techniques. You see, Bojutsu is often considered the 'sister art' to sword fighting."

"Sister art?" Uni repeated, intrigued.

"Yes," Stray continued. "The techniques and principles in Bojutsu can be directly applied to swordsmanship. By mastering the art of the staff, you'll gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental movements and concepts needed for sword fighting."

Uni's eyes widened with realization. "Bojutsu teaches you about proper body mechanics, timing, distance, and footwork—all of which are crucial for swordsmanship. When the time comes for me to introduce sword techniques, you'll already have a solid grasp of these essential skills."

Nodding, Uni felt like he had such a long way to go, if he wanted to master anything, especially a whole martial art. The path to proficiency seemed daunting, but he understood that every step he took, no matter how small, would bring him closer to his goal.

Before getting up, Uni took a look out the window, and he realized that it was already night time as he could see the stars. As he peered through the glass, his gaze was met by an enchanting sight—the night sky adorned with twinkling stars, like a celestial tapestry woven with stardust.

As he gazed out, Uni slowly felt the fatigue of the day creep up on him. He tried to fight it for a while, but he couldn't resist. His eyelids grew heavy, as he slowly drifted into a peaceful slumber, cradled by the gentle glow of the stars.

Seeing this, Stray had a slight smile across his face, ""Teaching you reminds me of an old apprentice I once had— someone who could match my antics, and stupidity.... ah I miss that kid...." Stray's eyes seemed to dance with playful memories as he shared a glimpse of his past.

"But enough about ancient history." he declared with a playful flair, waving a hand dismissively. "I have a lesson I need to plan for tomorrow." His grin widened, and a sense of excitement radiated from him. "How many years has it been since I was able to say that?"

Hey, Hey! Author here, First I'd to say thanks for all the support I've received, it really brightens me day to see it. But unfortunately the updates will slow down a bit as I am on vacation right now. Please bear with me, I won't get many chapters out, but i'll try to give ya'll a few over the next couple days.

Have a nice day! : )

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