
Elicia, The Human

While still in his dragon form, Crimson was laying down on his stomach, while listening to Elicia' story.

"Alright. So you're telling me, that you ran away from your family, so then you could save them from their poor lifestyle. Then what becomes of that, is that you somehow ended up here?" Crimson questioned.

"That's pretty much it," Elicia nodded, while she was now on her knees, with her hands laying in her lap.

"Alright. I've heard enough. I'll take you home now," Crimson started sitting up, from his laying down position.

"No! I need to get money before I can go back!" she called out.

"....Fine..." Crimson sighed.

Crimson used his snout to pick up Elicia, and he started opening his wings.

"Hold on," he ordered.

Elicia moved her body, in a way to hold on to one of his horns, to where she held on with her entire strength. His wings started pushing up and down, slowly bringing them into the air. Crimson repeated "hold on," to Elicia, when he said that, she held tried holding on even tighter. Crimson gave one final push down, which launch them in the air. He started using his wings to glide nearby the area, he had formally transformed into a dragon. Once they made it over the mountain range, and the mountain milestone came into sight, Crimson slowed down, getting ready to land on the lush, green forest below. As they landed, Crimson tilted his head down to the floor, while Elicia let go of his horn, and slid down his snout, back to the ground below. Once her feet reached the floor, and she regained her balance, Crimson raised back up his head, still staring at the small girl below. Once Elicia turned around, she noticed that now his eyes were closed. Suddenly she felt a burst of heat, surrounding the dragon. She look down to see underneath Crimson, fire bursting up from the ground, and with this fire, it brought black smoke. Once the dragon was concealed by the smoke, Elicia could see the flamed, red eyes of the dragon, peering through the smoke and fire. Elicia coughed and covered her eyes from the smoke, but because of this she couldn't see the smoke deplete.

"Come on, we don't have all day," Crimson spoke, facing his body the direction of the village.

Elicia slowly moved her hands out of her face, to see an adult man with long, blond hair, that was tied up in a way that cascaded down his neck. He had brown eyes, that could almost be mistaken for dark red eyes.

"You can turn into a human?! Can all dragons?!" Elicia gasped, shocked.

"Of course, I can turn into a human, because I am the Great Fire Dragon, Crimson! And no, not all dragons can turn into humans. Only me and 7 others." Crimson smirked, confidently.

Elicia stared in shocked, but also amusement. She had heard stories of how some dragons could turn into humans, but she never believed the stories, as she thought that they were just myths to scare the children of the village.

As she snapped back from the shock, she asked, "Wait, why are we going back to the village?"

"To get you a job, so you can go back to your family," Crimson responded, already starting to walk away.

Quickly, as Elicia realized he was walking away, she ran back to his side, and continued to walk beside him. As they walked through the forests' trees, Elicia noticed, that Crimsons' human clothing, was something that a noble would wear. He had black boots, and black pants, with a white shirt, that was complimented by a red overcoat that he was wearing. Finally, he had his hair in a neat way, and a red tie, that was slightly brighter then the overcoats' red.

"Are you a noble as a human?" Elicia curiously asked.

"Yes actually. I'm Lord Adar, of house Tenra." Crimson said proudly.

"Tenra?! You mean the royal family?!" Elicia gasped.

"Yes. One of each dragon represents one capital. I represent Tenra." he explained.

"That means that you're a royal right?" she asked.

Instead of speaking, Crimson turned to Elicia and nodded. He looked back at the area ahead of him, and saw the village. He turned to Elicia, as she looked at him, and so he pointed to the village. Both of them turned to the village, and kept walking. As she was about to run into the village, Crimson grabbed Elicias' arm.

"Follow me," He spoke, before letting go of her arm.

Crimson took ahead of Elicia, as they walked into the village. Elicia stayed close behind him, looking around at her surroundings, as she realized a lot of people were staring at her and Crimson. Suddenly, a man ran out of one of the houses, and ran towards Crimson.

"Lord Adar!" the man cried out.

Once he got to Crimson and Elicia, and panted from the sudden running, towards them.

"What is it, Milon?" Crimson questioned, looking down at the panting man.

"Why are you with a peasant girl?" Milon whispered in Crimsons' ear.

"I'm taking care of her, because her family are out of town," Crimson used his hand to move Milon away from him.

"But, Lord Adar, it will tarnish your image..." he whimpered, worryingly.

"Remember Milon, it's only temporary," he spoke.

"Just, please at least get her some more..." Milon stared at the girls' torn up clothes and dirty hair, and face. "Clean clothing..."

Crimson put his arm in front of Elicia, blocking her.

"I will handle it," he stared with a serious expression.

Milon looked fearful. So much so, that you could hear him gulp. His body was shaking, but still nodded, and ran back to the house he had came from. Crimson put his hand back on his side, and started walking off, causing Elicia to run to catch up to him.

"What just happened?" Elicia asked, confused.

"I'm a royal, remember?" Crimson said, smugly.

"Oh... Right..." she said, embarrassed.

Crimson slightly snickered, and continued walking. Eventually, the two found themselves in front of a man, that was leaning on a cart, that a horse was attached onto the front.

"Pardon me, sir," Crimson spoke sternly.

The mans' head suddenly peeked up to a small girl, standing behind the man that just spoke to him.

"Good day," he smiled to Crimson.

"I would like to hire your cart," Crimson pulled out 7 cold coins from his pocket, and threw it at the man.

The man caught all 7, and nodded several times in excitement.

The man smirked and said, "Where are we going?"

"Tenra," Crimson spoke, and started walking to the back of the cart, dragging Elicia behind him.

The man went to the front, and went top of the cart, onto his seat, as he held the leads for the horse. Crimson and Elicia sat on the seats on the back of the cart, as the horse began to start moving. The horse galloped, and the wheels hit the rocks on the dirt ground below. Crimson was leaning on the side of the cart, facing the road ahead of them, while Elicia was staring to the cart floor below her. The day that was once shining the land, had turned to night. The trip from the village to Tenra was a days' trip, so it wasn't too odd for that to happen. Elicia was asleep on the seat, while Crimson was staring at the moon that was casting down at them. Soon, the day came back to the land. Soon after Elicia woke up, she could still see Crimson still sitting, but now his head was looking down, and his eyes were resting to sleep.

"Wake up," she spoke, softly.

After she said those words, the dragons' eyes opened, and his head looked up at the human child.

"We're here," she smiled.

Crimson turned to the front of the cart, to see a giant gate, that had two guards on either side, and it had even more guards on top of the gate. As the cart approached the gate, Crimson raised his hand, causing the gate to open. By the time Crimson put his hand down, all the guards were bowing to him. The cart moved through the kingdom, that was full with incredible architecture, and all the people were dressed in clean, and apparel clothing. The suns' glow on the kingdom, brought the windows of the houses, a blinding glare. The cart soon stopped nearby the back gate, of the wall, and so both Elicia, and Crimson got out of the cart. Once they were out, they starting walking towards the giant building, that resembled a castle. It was in the direct center of the pathways, and architecture. This was like another world for Elicia, her eyes wide open in awe. Crimson led the two, to what it seemed to be a central shopping area. The store that Crimson stopped at, had a sign on the front, that had a carving of a piece of thread. Crimson opened the door to the store, to find a store full with fabrics, and clothes. Behind a counter, has an incredibly dressed up, woman.

"Welcome to The Walking Feather! We have everything for your clothing desires!" the woman cheered.

"Where are the children's clothes?" Crimson stared at the woman.

The lady pointed to the left of her, causing the pair to turn to the children's clothes, and start walking towards that section. Once they reached the section, Crimson turned his head to Elicia.

"Go pick something out," he said, causing Elicias' head to peek up in excitement.

She ran towards the clothes, looking at every piece of clothing. She ran between the rows and rows of clothing. Crimson giggled, seeing the small child look at all the different types of styles, and fabrics. Soon, the child ran back up to Crimson, giving him a red tunic, black pants, and black boats. He grabbed the clothing, walking back up to the woman. Crimson pulled out 8 gold coins from his pockets, and placed them on the counter.

"Come back soon!" the woman said, taking the coins.

The two walked out of the store, and Crimson led the way once again. He turned back to the castle, and continued leading the way to the castle. They continued walking past, men and women, talking and speaking words that were that of noble descent. The giant castles' shadow over hanged the kingdom, and soon, the shadow that hanged down on them, was now even bigger then before, as the castle walls were directly in front of them. As they entered the the castle, a woman, with black hair, and green eyes, came to the towards the pair.

The woman bowed, and said, "Hello, Lord Adar."

"Hello Isabell," Crimson smiled. "Isabell, I need you to get this girl a bath, and give her these clothes."

Crimson passed the clothes to Isabell, as she took Elicias' hand to take her to the bath. After both Isabell, and Elicia, were out of sight, Crimson started walking up the grand stairs in the back of the room. As he reached the top, two hallways, that broke off to both sides of him, came into view. He turned his way to the hallway to the right of him. Walking down the hallway, filled with doors, and the sunlight from the windows, peeking through. Soon he reached a door that had two guards standing on either side of it. The two guards bowed to Crimson, and proceeded to open the door for him. As the door opened, a man sitting behind a desk, came into view.

"Hello, Lord Adar," the man smirked at Crimson.