
Moriko’s Redemption.

“Whoever said a rich family was a perfect family are liars” -Moriko Moriko is the son of multimillionaires Jackson and Leia Fernandez they are a married couple who owns a company called j&Ł Corp. Moriko is sent to a psychiatrist hospital for werewolf’s after trying to kill him self and his family on a sunday morning . Follow Moriko on his journey of betrayal, heartaches and love

Khamarya · Fantasy
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9 Chs






I paced up and down the hall of the court house while playing with my fingers , i was a nervous reck and my stress level was going higher and higher as we waited for my trail time which was in ten minutes.

"You have to calm down omega i can feel your emotions from here" Danny said grabbing my hands and immediately starting rubbing them but i only sighed it didn't soothe me like it usually did and he noticed

"Everything's going to be fine i just need you to keep your emotions to yourself because there is going to be a lot of things going on so can you do that" i took easy and quick deep breaths before telling him that i could do what he asked .

"All rise" someone nearly shouted and i watched as the emotionless judge came through the door and stood on his post

When he sat down he motioned for all of us to do so "Mr.Gile you may start" the judge said to my 'parents' lawyer who stood up with a smile but i quickly turned my head i was trying not to even glance at my 'parents' or anyone else for that matter .

"Judge Moriko is unstable which is why my clients thought it was a good idea to have him in a psychiatrist hospital" that sentence alone made me tense and my breath hitched when he pulled out a knife inside of a plastic bag , that didn't even fucking belong to me and damn sure wasn't the knife that i tried to use

"This sir is the knife that Mr.Fernandez used to try to kill himself and his parents, he had attacked them because he couldn't get his way" he pulled out a small tape and the judge allowed him to play it .

The video was of me crying , stomping and throwing things at my parents because i couldn't get the snacks i wanted , i was only fucking ten so i don't see what the problem was "this is a video of Mr.Fernandez as a child , he had always had a temper and always had a therapist because of his aggressiveness and his psychotic behavior"

I scoffed loudly and Danny hit my leg as a silent 'shut up' i was starting to get annoyed especially because this bastard was talking nonsense i was not and never had been an aggressive child and my parents gave me therapy because they thought 'i needed a friend' .

I sighed when i was called to the stand , i put my right hand up to god as instructed "do you solemnly swear to tell the truth , the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" when i agreed i was able to sit down .

Mr.Gile placed the unknown knife in front of me then folded his hands as he started to walk back and forth "is this the knife you had chose to commit your crime with" he asked "no it isn't" i told him as i cleared my throat but he only chuckled "how can you be so sure especially because your finger prints were found on this here knife"

I glanced at Danny who mouthed for me to tell the truth and i sighed "the knife that i used is still buried underground and i'm sure of that sir" i said looking at the judge and he nodded "where may i ask" Mr.Gile said "its in

the middle of the forest that's buried near a huge tree it's the biggest one can't miss it it's placed inside of a brown box and this forest is the nearest one by my old home"

The judge nodded then glanced at Mr.Gile "where did you get the knife" the judge asked and Mr.Gile laughed nervously "it was left on the crime scene" he said and i rolled my eyes that was straight bullshit and my 'parents' knew that also "i may rest my case" Mr.Gile said sitting down and i headed back to my seat "you did great" Danny said before pulling out papers when the judge said it was his turn.

Danny called me back up to the stand and he immediately showed the judge and everyone else the messages and the picture of my mom meeting with the man i hated so much "can you identify this man" Danny asked me with pleading eyes and i put my head down trying to stop my tears i couldn't do this ,

I couldn't revisit the past that haunted me , the past that left me with sleepless nights "Mr.Fernandez please answer the question" the judge said and i nodded then wiped my eyes "yes i recognized the man" i said and Danny nodded as encouragement "how do you know this man may i ask" "he is my father old friend John"

Danny gave me a small smile and i knew it was an apology but i didn't know if it was for the things he was asking or what he was about to say but either way i wasn't ready "what happened the night that you tried to commit your crime" he asked and when bile in my throat tightened i immediately jumped out my seat and spilled my guts into the nearest trash can.


"You can do this Riko" Danny said rubbing my shoulders as i cried , i haven't cried in a long time but it felt as everything was crashing down on me and it was suffocating me to the point that i had to pace and play with my fingers for the whole thirty minutes we've been on break

"I know why you don't want to bring up any of these events but you have to or else i won't be able to help you Riko" Danny said in a stern voice and i sighed nodding my head "i'll do it" .

We were back inside of the room and i was back on the stand "what happened the night of your crime" the judge asked this time and i swallowed harshly

"i came home late that Sunday night Mr.Fernandez was cursing me out about the paparazzi following me and i also missed my curfew that's when he told me to get into the bathtub and dress in my most expensive night wear , Ms.Fernandez also came in and started to comb through my hair she kept saying things like "you do as he says" and "be the good child we know you can be" i stopped and glanced at my parents i shouldn't have though

Because my 'mom' was crying as if she was sorry it made me scoff but i continued "when i was inside of my room it was dark with only two candles that was the smell of twirlers , my bed had new sheets and my room was clean after i took note of that and asked Ms.Fernandez what was going on she told me not to worry and to lay down in bed so that's what i did and after a while i fell asleep" .

I looked up at Danny and he gave me a smile and a nod to keep going "continue sir" the judge said and i clenched my fist "a short while later i woke up to John's hand on my penis , he was touching me and whispering things he was saying Mr.Fernandez had told him i've been a bad boy and that he will make me feel good" .

I took a deep breath before putting my head back down i felt ashamed.

"He-he pulled off my night wear with the help of Mr.Fernandez while Ms.Fernandez sat on my gamer chair just watching as i cried out to her for help she said that this would get me to act right so when john started to put his mouth on me i allowed my wolf to take over for our protection i was able to get John off of me and when i did he immediately left saying i needed better help my parents went on about their night as if nothing happened i felt angry at them for allowing me to get hurt so i went downstairs and grabbed a knife"

"He's lying" my 'dad' yelled banging on the table slightly startling me "the little shit is lying" "i don't have anything to fucking lie about you asshole you were going to let him rape me you stupid fuck i'm your son you idiot" i yelled back as the judge started ordering the court to calm down

"I had a feeling this might happen which is why i made you three take a lie detector tests" the judge said before motioning for a man in a grey suit to come forward , he opened a envelope then cleared his throat "the question was did you two participate in your sons almost rape you two answered no , that was a lie" Danny clapped and patted my shoulders "the question was did you two plot of your sons rape you answered no , that was a lie"

When my 'mom' started screaming about how the test was false the judge told her to remain quiet or she would be escorted out "the question was did Moriko attack his parents on self defense or just because he answered self defense that was the truth" my smile brightened and Danny hugged me tightly even though this wasn't over yet

"The question was did you two just wanted to get rid of moriko , you two answered no , that was false" .